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With the advent of the Biden Mummified Meat Puppet Administration, the efforts of anti-liberty/gun/America cracktivists have been turbocharged. After one failed attempt to confirm an absolute lunatic ATF Director, Biden’s handlers finally got one through the Senate.  Steve Dettelbach wants to ban “assault weapons” but can’t define the term.  Such anti-liberty/gun cracktivists leap at every opportunity to demonize inanimate objects, and particularly, free women and men keeping and bearing them.  They see the ATF—as they see most federal agencies–-as a means to impose unconstitutional edicts they could never get through Congress.

I do not advertise the fact I carry a concealed handgun, or that I am an instructor. However, on the occasions when this comes up, people are often amazed. Not because I am a diminutive wisp of a fellow–-I’m anything but, and if I do say so myself–-and I do–-I’m roguishly masculine.  Anyway, Mrs. Manor says she likes me, but because I am a retired English teacher, a classically trained musician, and my default facial expression is a smile, the resulting conversation usually goes something like this:

Friend: “Really?  You carry a gun?”

Me: “Yup.”

Friend: “Where?”

Me: “Everywhere.”

Friend: “Everywhere?!”

Me: “Well, I carry a spear gun in the shower.”

Friend: “No!”

Me: “No; but everywhere else.”

Friend: “But why?”

I usually hit on a few of the high points, issues of logic, common sense, law—you know: reality–-gentle persuasion enabling those that already know me to accept a side of me previously unimagined. Employing my most frequently used weapon–-the keyboard–-let us, gentle readers, reason together.

credit: wikipedia.org

NOTE: I will make references to God.  Because I choose Christianity does not mean everyone must. A fundamental tenet of Christianity is willing choice: one must choose to believe. One may accept and practice moral precepts–-and reason–-without professing a faith, and I make no judgment about anyone’s relationship with God, or lack thereof. I, willingly and after much research and thought, choose God, the source of natural rights, the source of all creation.


*Evil exists and may confront anyone at any time and any place.

*Evil exists to destroy all that is kind, good and loving.

*God exists and expects me to protect myself, those I love, and those unable to protect themselves.

*When God leads me into perilous situations, as He sometimes has, He expects me to be prepared.

*To fail to protect God’s greatest gift–-the gift of life–-is inexcusable.

*Self-defense is a God-given, natural, unalienable right.

*My life is worth far more to me, those that love me, and to a just society than the lives of vicious criminals and terrorists.

*Our country, circa May 2024, is brimming with tens—even hundreds—of thousands of terrorists.  I’m ready.

*The lives of the innocent—friend or stranger—are worth far more to me and to a just society than the lives of vicious criminals and terrorists.

*Three times in my life I raised my right hand and swore a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.  I have never betrayed those oaths and never will.

*By carrying a handgun, I honor the foresight and wisdom of the Founders in writing the Second Amendment, which acknowledges, but does not create, the right to keep and bear arms.

*The Constitution is only paper and ink, a statement of principles and intentions. When the will wavers and when some wish to change, ignore or destroy those principles and intentions for imagined good reasons–-or bad–-only the threat of, and if necessary, the effective application of, the force of arms will serve to preserve liberty.

*Seldom in American history, particularly since the 2020 “summer of love,” has a reminder of the immediacy of that threat been more obvious than the dramatic, chilling and accelerated rush of the Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party toward Socialism/Communism.

*The Biden Mummified Meat Puppet Administration wants to ban common, usual firearms.

*Never in human history has a government disarmed a people for good reasons.

*Never in human history has a government disarmed a people to ensure greater individual liberty and public safety.

*Any government that would disarm a people cannot be trusted.

*While I’d prefer to carry a rifle or submachine gun, that’s impractical, and tends to excite the easily excitable.

*A handgun is the most convenient, usual and effective means of self-defense.

*Going armed reinforces and upholds the Social Contract.

*An armed society is a polite society.

*Those who lawfully carry concealed weapons are uncommonly law- abiding.

Thomas Jefferson

* Thomas Jefferson was right: 

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

That’s why we have a Second Amendment, not for hunting, not for self-defense, but always and primarily to deter tyranny, and to allow the common man, the Normal American Deplorables of the great cultural wasteland of Flyover Country, to deter, and if necessary, to resist and overthrow a tyrannical government.  D/S/Cs scream bloody murder when anyone says this.  That’s understandable; they’re the tyrants Jefferson knew and foretold, and the domestic enemies of liberty, of Normal, law-abiding, constitutionally practicing Americans.

*Our government has labeled Normal Americans domestic terrorists. They do this not to protect our constitutional, representative Republic, but themselves, “our democracy”—a tyranny of the majority—as they term it.  They avoid using the word “republic” for a reason.

*A government that labels half of the nation “white supremacists” “insurrectionists,” “domestic terrorists,” “racists,” and sends federal law enforcement to spy on and harass parents objecting to the sexual and political indoctrination of their children makes plain the wisdom of the Founders in writing the First and Second amendments.

*Circa May 2024, the force of arms may be imminently necessary if we wish to preserve the factual history and great legacy given us by the Founders, including their images on canvas, in bronze and in stone.

*The Second Amendment merely recognizes the unalienable right to keep and bear arms. It does not create the right. Government does not grant the right, nor can government legitimately take it away–-not that our current government cares about that.

*It demonstrates, as nothing else can, that I am the master of my government, not its slave; that elected officials work for me and only with my continuing consent.

*It reminds politicians every iota of power they possess is on temporary loan from me and every other American on condition of good, lawful behavior. They hate that too.

*It reminds them that in America, there are lines no rational, honest politician dare cross. They hate that.  They want to draw the lines where they will and whenever it’s convenient.

*It makes those that would rule me—all of us—through tyranny, soft or hard, red with rage. It couldn’t happen to worse people.

*I am a free man and no evidence of that fact is more meaningful and convincing than that I own and carry the firearms I prefer.

*It reminds us all that the whims of the most connected and powerful may not prevail over the Bill of Rights as long as it lives and burns brightly in the hearts of patriotic Americans and is not merely fading ink on yellowing paper.

*As politicians try to abolish or emasculate the police, hire private security for themselves with taxpayer money, wall off the Capital and surround it with troops, encourage and support lawless, leftist/anarchist mobs, refuse to enforce the law, throw open our borders to the lost, lawless and terroristic, and continue to try to disarm the law-abiding, it reminds us we’re on our own.  We always have been.

*It is the very means by which an oppressed citizenry may force despots to respect and fear the natural rights of honorable men and women—Americans.

*It may be necessary to force people who claim not to know what a woman is—even Supreme Court Justices–-to recognize the common, correct definitions of words.

*It reminds even Supreme Court Justices their pronouncements will be honored only as long as they honor the Constitution and exclusively base their decisions on its text, legitimate American history and the intentions of the Founders.

*It may, most recently, remind Supreme Court Justices of the necessity and utility of the Second Amendment, as the Department of Justice refuses to protect them and their families against intimidation and violence from those expressly violating federal law.

*Politicians harboring tyrannical intentions fear armed citizens like a vampire fears sunlight. Their hatred serves to positively identify them as those that would steal liberty and hide behind spin, teleprompters and transparent lies they stupidly think clever.

*Semiautomatic handguns and rifles with “high-capacity magazines” are precisely the kind of common and usual firearms the Founders intended Americans to keep and bear.  They were content citizens kept and bore the most powerful, useful military arms of their time, even cannon.  The principle does not change with time.

Benjamin Franklin

*”Common sense” gun control isn’t; “common sense gun safety” is neither common sense nor safe.  As Benjamin Franklin said:

Those that would surrender essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

*Anti-liberty/gun cracktivists wail common semiautomatic rifles and handguns would be of no use against a modern military.  They know better, and they expose their lie by constantly trying to seize those supposedly useless weapons.

*Gun grabbing politicians don’t want me to have the most effective weapons, or any weapons.

*A single respiratory virus with a 99+% survival rate reminds rational Americans how fragile civilization can be, how quickly some would seize absolute power, how reluctant they are to surrender such illegitimate power over others, and how quickly it can all go bad.

*Baby formula shortages, looming, promised food shortages, supply chain problems of all kinds and rolling blackouts remind practicing Americans how quickly it can all go bad.

*So did a temporary power outage in Texas, gas shortages in the East, and skyrocketing gas/energy prices everywhere.

*So does rampant, unnecessary, purposely planned inflation.

*Corrupt D/S/C politicians continue to convince the police actually enforcing the law and helping honest, law-abiding Americans is far too dangerous to their modest fortunes, the welfare of their families and to their liberty.

*Most politicians care about the welfare and continuing existence of individual citizens only in the abstract, only as occasionally useful talking points. Even honorable politicians can do little more than those who only pretend to care.  We’re on our own.

*Governmental attempts to steal elections and jail their political opponents, even the Republican nominee for the presidency, reminds us how wise the Founders were in writing the Second Amendment, and how very much we need it now and in the future.

The reality the Left envisions for us all–but not themselves

*Even in our representative republic, tyrants are always present and always waiting their chance.  When the Constitutional Convention was over, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government the Founders had established.  He replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”  Whether we can keep it remains in doubt.  Without the right to keep and bear arms, we can’t keep it.

*The 2020 election, and the Biden Meat Puppet Administration have revealed as never before, how passionately D/S/Cs hate normal, honest, law-abiding Americans, and what they intend to do to them when they seize absolute power.

Hubert Humphrey
credit: wikipedia.org

*With this in mind, Hubert Humphrey, one of the most famous and orthodox Democrats of the last century was right when he said: 

Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms. This is not to say that firearms should not be carefully used and that definite safety rules of precaution should not be taught and enforced. But the right of the citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government and one more safeguard against a tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible.

Imagine a D/S/C today saying anything remotely like what Humphrey said.

*Those who willingly and meekly surrender to criminals surrender more than valuables; they surrender their dignity and honor; they surrender their sovereignty; they surrender civilization itself.

*I am old-fashioned enough to think it my duty to protect those who have less ability than mine to protect themselves.

Screenshot from a Glock commercial

*I could not live with myself for failing to protect women in danger.  Call it sexist if you must, but if you’re unarmed and under attack, would you really think to call an unarmed, untrained D/S/C? Would an Antifa “activist” assist you?  A BLM “mostly peaceful protester”?

*Exercising the Second Amendment helps remind women it is the ultimate women’s issue.  No one–apart from children–benefits more from the ability to deter and stop criminal attacks.

*I know human nature.  I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men.

*I know some criminals experience pangs of conscience.  I also know it does not prevent them from being predators, only that it occasionally causes them to feel badly for a few fleeting seconds thereafter.

*I know sociopaths exist, in greater numbers than most imagine, and they have no conscience.  They care nothing for the feelings and pain of others.

*Some people really like hurting others.  One need not engage in psychological navel gazing to understand the actions of predators. They do it because they want to do it, because they like it, and some because it is an intense sexual thrill.

*Such people are everywhere, and are for most, impossible to pick out of the mass of mankind.

*Such people can be stopped only by the presence of overwhelming and imminent force: the gun.

*Living a self-imagined virtuous/politically correct life is no defense against such scum, in fact, it only encourages them and multiplies their numbers.

*Having a D/S/C political and social philosophy not only is no defense against such thugs, it encourages, helps, even creates them.

*Politicians sometimes speak of a “war on crime.”  They have no idea.  The streets, and increasingly our homes, are the battlefield, and whether we like it or not we are all combatants.

*The political pendulum has, once again, swung toward coddling criminals, failing to prosecute them and releasing predators from prison.  The same people that brag about “criminal justice reform” also want to abolish the police, disarm Normal Americans, and use tax dollars to hire private security to protect them.  We’re on our own.

*The predators that would carry that battlefield into our homes are usually the most dangerous of all. They don’t care if people are armed; they just want to hurt the innocent.

*The possibility of having to fend off an armed attack in a mall, theater, restaurant, or other public place has never been greater, and if D/S/Cs get their way, it will become the new normal. It already is in many places.

*D/S/Cs walk all over the bodies of the dead to use criminal attacks to disarm the law-abiding.  They’d be delighted to walk over yours.

*Gun-free zones are actually free-fire zones for killers.  When the 2024/25 school year begins, many school districts will have continued to banish the police from their buildings.  Every mass shooting for decades has taken place in a “gun-free” zone (virtually all schools are gun free zones, and stupidly proud of it). This is no coincidence.

*Anti—liberty/gun D/S/Cs know this, but feeling good about their self-imagined superior intellects and morality in establishing such zones is far more important to them than the lives of the little people like you and me– and our children.  They want you to “feel” safe.  Being safe matters only for them and their families, not you or yours.

*The police have no legal obligation protect me—or anyone.

*The police simply can’t protect anyone; there are far too few of them–-fewer than ever before–-and far too many of us, and circa 2024, proactively doing their jobs in much of America is a sucker’s bet.

*When seconds count, the police are always minutes (or in blue cities and many other places, an hour or more) away—when they can respond at all.

*I accept personal responsibility and live accordingly.

*As an adult, I am solely responsible for my continuing existence.

*Accepting personal responsibility encourages me to be continually aware of my surroundings.

*Having situational awareness means it is more likely I won’t need to use my handgun.

*My training and experience give me confidence that if I do need it, I will use it effectively and properly, though I will still pray to God to make me smart, fast and accurate.

*It gives me the ability to deter those younger, stronger or more numerous than myself.

*It gives me the ability to defeat those younger, stronger or more numerous than myself if they are too stupid, too drugged, or too predatory to be deterred.

*Criminals fear the guns of armed citizens far more than the guns of the police. They should.

*Domestic terrorists and murderers have always been with us.  The victims and survivors of Columbine High School (1999), Virginia Tech (2007), Sandy Hook Elementary School (2012), the Boston Marathon attack (2013), the Pulse Nightclub attacks (2016), the Las Vegas Attack (2017), the Sutherland Springs attack (2017)the Parkland attack (2018)Uvalde (2022), Nashville (2023)—and I–have no doubt of this.

*In virtually every school shooting in recent American history, the police played virtually no role in stopping the killers. In some (take this link and the next), Armed citizens did.  

*When danger threatens, on school grounds or elsewhere, nothing is faster or more effective than an armed, prepared free man or woman ready to then and there, deal with it.

*We are at war with uniquely deranged, blood-thirsty terrorists determined to slaughter Americans on American soil.  The citizens of many American cities now have no doubt about this.

*Our borders, have been thrown wide open, our federal border law enforcement agencies emasculated, and riding the wave of illegal immigrants are vicious gang members, drug cartels, violent felons, sex criminals, foreign spies and terrorists. They, and our politicians, do not mean us well.

*Terrorists prefer to attack where we are most vulnerable.  It’s safer and easier.

*I frequent the places (schools, theaters, shopping malls, grocery stores and other soft targets) terrorists long to attack (go here for a fictional account of a school attack).

credit: akfiles.com

*I can imagine few feelings worse than being unarmed when and where a terrorist or mass shooter attack takes place.

*Even unarmed, I would have no option but to attack killers shooting innocents.

*Armed, I would be able to save at least some lives and stop at least some killers.

*I could not bear the thought that I could have saved lives, but was prevented by virtue signaling politicians and other self-righteous fools.

*It is important to me to know that I can make a real difference when it most matters.

*I appreciate well-designed and made devices of all kinds.

*Firearms are like fire extinguishers.  When one is needed, it’s needed right now, badly, and nothing else will do.

*The discipline of the gun helps to make me a better, more aware and more effective person.

*Thomas Jefferson was also right when, in 1785, he advised his 15 year-old nephew and ward:

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind.

This kind of wisdom is, in part, why some hate Jefferson and want to tear down his statues.

*Shooting and being a part of one of the oldest American traditions is uplifting and great fun.

*I recognize I am the weapon; the handgun is simply a tool.

*I will never surrender essential liberties without a fight; that’s what Americans do.

*Foremost, I am an American; I am a free man; it is my tradition and heritage.