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If you’re already sane, and care more about preserving our constitutional, representative republic than hating any politician or tribal group, this article isn’t written specifically for you.  I know you’re going to vote for Donald Trump, not particularly because you like him, and certainly not because you think him some sort of deity.  That’s for Democrats/Socialists/Communists (D/S/Cs).  Even if you would have preferred Ron DeSantis, I know you’re going to vote for a Republican ham sandwich, and not because you hate Joe Biden.  That’s for D/S/Cs too.  I also know you’re going to vote for congressional republican ham sandwiches.

That’s good, because if enough of us don’t, our constitutional, representative republic will not survive another four years of Biden’s handlers.  It doesn’t matter which D/S/C meat puppet is in office, the result will be the same, and that’s even if they don’t drive Americans to a second civil war, in which case we’ll have more serious things about which to worry than a presidential election, which might get canceled anyway.

So cowboy up and come along for the ride.  I’m sure I’ll be writing on this topic again between now and early November, but we—Normal Americans—need to be prepared to convince fence sitters, and we even need to have a go at never Trumpers and D/S/Cs.  The worst that will happen is they’ll vote meat puppet regardless of what sane people do, and that’s plenty bad.

Why must we vote against Biden or whoever?  Afghanistan, the border, inflation, taxes, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment—hell, all of them—electric vehicle mandates, green lunacy in general, the national debt, lawless cities, our weaponized DOJ, FBI, etc., trans, damaging our allies and aiding our enemies–Biden‘s demented and getting worse daily–lawfare against the republican nominee, and it doesn’t matter that it’s Trump.  Constitutional, representative republics don’t do that, ever.  I could go on and on, but let’s add the most recent debacle: Niger.  

More than 1,000 American military personnel will leave Niger in the coming months, Biden administration officials said on Friday, upending U.S. counterterrorism and security policy in the tumultuous Sahel region of Africa.

In the second of two meetings this week in Washington, Deputy Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell told Niger’s prime minister, Ali Lamine Zeine, that the United States disagreed with the country’s turn toward Russia for security and Iran for a possible deal on its uranium reserves, and the failure of Niger’s military government to map out a path to return to democracy, according to a senior State Department official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss diplomatic talks.

The decision was not a particular surprise. Niger said last month that it was revoking its military cooperation deal with the United States following a highly contentious set of meetings in Niger’s capital, Niamey, with a high-level American diplomatic and military delegation.

What happened?  There was a military coup, so our State Department morons lectured the Nigerians about democracy, and they didn’t appreciate that–who coulda thunk it?–so we’ve lost a $100 million base, which is going to be occupied by Russia.  We have around 1000 troops who have effectively been held hostage, and it will be a miracle if we don’t lose many of them.

So thanks to the brilliance of the State Department, and the cluelessness of Biden’s handlers, Iran gets uranium, Russia gets a free base in Africa, and we get nothing in a region crawling with Islamist madmen, you know, the kind of people we need to keep a close eye on, which is why our troops were there in the first place?

If the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration were trying to help our enemies destroy America, what would they be doing differently?

OK, one more thing to keep in mind.  When all those terrorists Biden’s handlers have invited to visit attack, we’re going to need a POTUS and military capable of wreaking vengeance, and most importantly, visiting deterrence, on our enemies.  And no, the current Administration will neither deter, intercept, or punish any remaining terrorists.  It will be up to individual, armed Americans to handle that.

This is from June of 2018.  It remains relevant today:

As I said, constitutional, representative republics don’t push lawfare against former presidents.  They don’t try to jail and bankrupt the presidential nominee of the opposition party during a presidential campaign. They don’t issue gag orders and try to keep him from campaigning.  They don’t refuse to debate.  Fascist/communist banana republics do that, and so does the D/S/C Party.  They hate Trump—actually all of us…

…so much they don’t care if they destroy the Constitution.  Actually, they do care.  That’s a feature for them, not a bug.  They hate us/Trump so much they want him dead, and plenty of us too.

What?! Are you some kind of conspiracy theorist?  Stay with me.  One of the major problems with jailing Trump, which none of the D/S/Cs are shy about proclaiming as their goal, is how can that be accomplished?  Is his Secret Service detail, by law given to former presidents for life, going to jail with him?

Well, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) has a solution: pass a law removing Secret Service protection for former presidents convicted of felonies:  

factsheet on the so-called DISGRACED Former Protectees Act notes that Trump’s ‘unprecedented 91 felony charges in Federal and State courts across the country have created a new exigency that Congress must address to ensure Secret Service protection does not interfere with the criminal judicial process and the administration of justice.’

‘This measure would apply to former President Trump’ if he is convicted of a felony, the document released by Thompson states.

Of course it does.  No Secret Service, Donald Trump does an Epstein in prison, which is exactly what Thompson intends.  Sure, they could just assassinate Trump outside of prison, but that would surely have even worse political blowback.  Americans just might elect a Republican ham sandwich.  Better to do it all nice and legal like.  But there are two other, related issues:

Thompson’s designs, and those of far too many of his D/S/C fellow travelers, and some Republicans, are cruel, evil and profoundly stupid, not least because they would apply to future presidents.  Should such a law pass, Republicans might well be determined to respond in kind, convicting a Democrat of a felony, thereby denying them Secret Service protection.  But don’t D/S/Cs know that?  Of course they do, but they believe the law doesn’t apply to them, that they’ll always be in power to ensure it doesn’t, and Republicans are too scrupulous, and too stupid, to behave as they so gleefully and hatefully do.

Thompson’s cruelty and evil transcends Donald Trump.  Should a POTUS or former POTUS lose Secret Service protection, so does his family, and D/S/Cs have never been shy about expressing their hatred for Trump’s family.  Human decency is not within them.

It doesn’t matter which Republican runs for office or even wins the White House.  If we don’t put a stop to these real and present threats to the Constitution and Rule of law, we’re going to find ourselves taking up arms to try to preserve whatever we can of traditional American liberty.  Even former Attorney General Bill Barr has had an epiphany:

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is backing his old boss in the November election despite their very public fallout — because he believes the ‘far left’ is an even greater threat to the US.

Barr, 73, disputed the notion that former President Donald Trump will be worse for democracy than President Biden, and warned about the rise of the ‘far left.’

‘The Biden administration is in fact the greater threat to democracy,’ Barr told Fox News’ ‘Cavuto Live’ on Saturday.

No kidding.

I think that they have a totalitarian temper. They have bought into the progressive movement. And they’re trying to squelch opposition and freedom of speech.

Trying?  They’ve already done it and are trying to do more, like obliterating the First Amendment.

‘It’s a heavy-handed bunch of thugs in my opinion, and that’s where the threat is,’ Barr said at another point about the far-left.

Better late than never Mr. Barr, and that’s an insult to heavy-handed thugs. And consider this from the invaluable Kurt Schlichter:

So, this is for you guys who are having difficulty making that leap and backing Trump 2.0. I’m assuming that you are susceptible to reason. Some of you might not be. Let’s face it: A little bit of ego is involved here. There’s a performative aspect to not backing Donald Trump. You dug in against him, and digging yourself out and publicly changing your mind is tough. I get it. But when facts change, choices need to change. And boy, have the facts changed.

Let’s look at where our country is right now. It’s in a hole, and our alleged president is still digging. We have a wide-open border. Fentanyl is killing tens of thousands a year. Ten million illegal aliens have streamed across. We know many of them are criminals. They’re raping and murdering Americans right now. We can be relatively sure that a significant number of Chinese military infiltrators are among them. That will end badly unless we have a president who will do something about it, which Biden certainly never will. We can also surmise that a large number are active terrorists who, at some point, will launch a killing spree of the sort I wrote about in my new book, The Attack.

My review of The Attack is here.

If Donald Trump is not elected president in November, this will continue for another four years. That is a lot of dead Americans. And you’ve got to ask yourself if protesting mean tweets worth those lives. Because that’s the choice you’re making. Even if you sit out the election, you’re effectively supporting Joe Biden by not actively supporting Donald Trump. Yes, I know you’re upset because there is a binary choice, and I know all the clichés about not wanting to choose the lesser of two evils but guess what? You’re faced with the choice between the lesser of two evils. That’s just the choice that exists. It might not be fair. You might not like it, but that’s what it is. And you’ve got to choose. Not choosing is choosing. Not choosing is choosing Joe Biden. And if you choose Joe Biden, you’re choosing a lot of deaths just because of his border betrayal.

What else are you choosing? Well, you’re choosing to abandon Israel to Hamas. That’s what Joe Biden is doing. You’re choosing to throw the Jewish state to the mercy of those psychopaths. And you’re doing it because you don’t like Donald Trump. Come on.

Come on indeed.  American liberty and western civilization are at stake.  On January 5, 1967, Ronald Reagan has this to say at his inauguration as California’s governor: 

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.  And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.

It’s impossible to imagine a California governor saying that today.  It’s impossible to imagine a D/S/C anywhere saying that today, unless they were equating freedom with “our democracy,” the tyranny of the majority they seek, not our republic, which they seek to destroy.

Final Thoughts:

Vote for the Republican ham sandwich.  Maybe the bread’s stale and the ham is past the sell-by date, but this is an either/or choice and the D/S/C ham tin is bulging with botulism.  If you had a choice, you’d prefer not to vote for either of them, but you don’t.  Trump wasn’t perfect, and he’s not perfect now, but he was an American president, and if he doesn’t have the chance to hold back the D/S/C tide, perhaps even restore liberty, we’re going to be longing for those mean tweets—if we’re around to long for anything.  We need a man who won’t have to spend most of his term trying to figure out who’s trying to destroy him and the country, a guy who knows the swamp and who and where our enemies are.

You don’t harbor the delusion D/S/Cs will suddenly honor the Constitution and rule of law if some republican other than Trump is elected, do you?  We stop it now, or lose it all, probably forever.

I’ll say this again and again: you don’t like Trump?  You hate his mean tweets?  You think he’s a bad person?  Even Bill Barr understands that doesn’t matter.  You’re not considering Trump as a future son-in-law.  He’s not running to be even a Marxist pope.  We need a man who has an unquestionable record or putting Americans and America, of putting individual liberty, first.  We need a man who knows who our friends and enemies are, domestically and internationally.

That makes the choice rather stark and simple, doesn’t it?