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As regular readers know, I’ve been covering the Nashville Covenant School attack since it occurred on March 27,2023.  The SMM Nashville archive is here. That particular attack is noteworthy for four primary reasons: (1) The media quickly dropped coverage. (2) The media dropped coverage because it appears while the shooter was carrying an AR-15, she appeared to have exclusively used a common 9mm carbine. (3) The shooter was trans.  (4) The shooter left behind a manifesto and other writings that badly damage the “trans are evolved/angelic” narrative.

There is no doubt the killer acted alone, all evidence has long since been collected and analyzed, all witnesses interviewed as many times as necessary, yet the Nashville Police Department and the FBI, which has no jurisdiction over local murder investigations, refuse to release those materials, all of which are public records.  This can only be because they would badly damage the trans narrative.

Now, we have a new trans shooter, thankfully stopped before she could kill anyone, and the race is on to suppress her manifesto and to see how long it takes for the media to suppress and drop coverage.  We begin with Townhall.com:

The media keep screaming, ‘fear thy white neighbor’ when it comes to any mass shooting, but it seems like the gender-confused are coming unglued at an accelerated rate. On Wednesday, a teen, who is reportedly transgender, was arrested in Maryland after plotting an attack on an elementary school. Yes, there’s also a 129-page manifesto. For obvious political reasons, there’s no way the media are going to touch this story, but here are the details about the attack ‘Andrea Ye’ planned to carry out (via National Review):

Andrea Ye of Rockville, Maryland — who goes by the name ‘Alex’— authored a 129-page manifesto detailing her desire to attack an elementary school, writing that she wants to be famous and describing her strategy for carrying out the shooting, Montgomery County police announced in a Thursday press release.

After obtaining a search warrant, MCPD found internet searches, drawings, and other documents related to and threatening mass shootings. The police department said in its statement that it has worked with the county’s public-school district to increase security at local schools.

Ye, currently in custody at the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit awaiting a bond hearing, was charged with threats of mass violence.

Authorities have not indicated whether they will release Ye’s manifesto nor the contents of her internet searches or drawings.

And of course, the FBI was involved:

‘Using ‘he’ pronouns, local media outlets report that Andrea Ye, an area high school student who goes by ‘Alex,’ was nabbed by police after the FBI alerted them to a 129-page document Ye had authored detailing how she wanted to carry out mass shootings at two area schools. Police obtained a search warrant and found ‘internet searches, drawings and documents related to threats of mass violence,’ according to a press release from the Montgomery County police department, which also incorrectly refers to Ye using male pronouns.’

We have another instance where the police could block Ye’s manifesto’s release. If this were the case of a white male who plotted an attack and authored a manifesto, you bet this would be released. Watch Ye get bail, too. Everything is within the realm of possibility, with soft-on-crime liberals running the show.

The FBI notifying local police of such things is legitimate.  However, if they’re going to continue to be involved in this case as they are in the Nashville case, that can only be for political reasons.  There is one suspect, who is in custody, and there’s virtually nothing to investigate.  This is as interesting as it is disgusting:

UPDATETownhall contacted the Montgomery County Police Department and was told that ‘Alex Ye identifies as male.’ 

It’s disgusting because police agencies are very careful about accurately identifying criminals, down to the last mole or tattoo.  Any professional agency would identify Ye as female, which she unquestionably is, but would also note Ye calls herself male.  To do otherwise is woke nonsense, which makes a mockery of professional police practice.

The Post Millennial adds detail:

Parts of the manifesto were reportedly included in the application for statement of charges. It read:

‘I want to shoot up my school. I’ve been preparing for it for the past few months. As I sit in front of my dad’s gun case and stare at the sleek, black gun inside, all I can think about is my finger on the trigger, taking aim, and killing people. The gun is an AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle. It’s the kind of gun with a long barrel and a stock you put up against your shoulder. The gun is going to change lives tomorrow.’

Including the excerpts in the Post Millennial article in a warrant affidavit is necessary to establish probable cause for arrest.  Don’t expect to ever see the complete manifesto.  More:

As I walk through the hallways, I cherry pick the classrooms that are the easiest targets. These ones are close to the entrance and have windows in the doors. I need to figure out how I’ll sneak the gun in. Maybe a duffel bag will work. I just hope security doesn’t stop me.

Among the lame reasons for never releasing the Nashville killer’s manifesto are that it would serve as a blueprint for copycat crimes.  Some accounts suggest Ye researched the Nashville killer.  Even so, she could not have learned anything useful from those searches.  Notice in these excerpts Ye’s plans require no actual tactical knowledge, and follow the methods of all school shooters including hiding their weapons, getting into a school, and shooting whoever they please.  Hiding any shooter’s manifesto will have no effect on future trans killers.

Though I enjoy the hunting aspect of guns, I have contemplated making bombs. The instructions to make them are surprisingly available online. I could build one with a pressure cooker and remote control car. Or I could make chemical weapons through mixing ammonia and bleach. The problem with that is that it would require a gas mask and bombs are time consuming to build.’

‘I have also considered shooting up my former elementary school because little kids make easier targets. And, I run the risk of getting attacked or tackled midway through with high schoolers. I also hated elementary school. The teachers were evil and the other students were little assholes. I always got in trouble and had to sit out during recess. The other kids would pretend to be my friends but make fun of me to my face. It would be the perfect revenge.’

‘High school’s the best target. I’m the most familiar with the layout, I know where the doors with windows are, and it’s the most convenient to enter. Truthfully, I would rather become a serial killer than a mass shooter. Serial killers are romanticized a lot more. They get tons of love letters and Netflix documentaries about them. Mass shooters are brushed off unless they are truly unique or good-looking.’

Ye is obviously seriously mentally ill:

‘There’s a newspaper announcing a new mass shooting at an elementary school. The kill count isn’t very high. I could probably beat it. My ultimate goal would be to set the world record for the most amount of kills in a shooting. If I have enough time, I’ll try to decapitate my victims with a knife to turn the injuries into deaths.’

Final Thoughts:  I will, as always, report on this case as developments warrant, but at the moment it appears to be yet another case of covering for the mental illness and violent nature of trans.  The current woke narrative holds that trans are uniquely self-aware and valuable people.  They’re superior to “normals” in that they are in touch with their true selves and have a higher, more evolved awareness of human nature.  They are intellectually and morally superior, and as such, deserve “trans rights,” which amount to more and superior rights, including the right to infringe on the rights and privacy of others.  Refusing to acknowledge their superiority, or even the paranoid delusion that others must necessarily, silently—“silence is violence”–be thinking ill of them, constitutes “trans genocide.”

Brave physicians and other scientists are conducting actual research that proves “transitioning” children by means of drugs or mutilating surgery is not, in fact, “gender affirming care,” but hideous experimentation on the mentally ill, or merely children under enornous peer and/or societal influence, kids who if left under the guidance of sane parents, will grow out of their delusions.

Then we have trans like Ye and the Nashville killer, and there are more who are clearly dangerously mentally ill, and their trans ideation is an integral part of their insanity, arguably even a symptom/warning sign of future homicidal violence.  That, which trans enablers recognize and fear, is a sure sign they too know it, and must therefore cover for trans killers by crying “transphobia,” and keeping all evidence of their insanity and potential danger from the public.

Obviously, not everyone caught up in trans ideation is prone to violence, let alone planning to massacre school children.  In many cases, they’re dangers to themselves,  but such people do exist, enough to require actual science, not political propaganda, be brought to bear.  Fortunately, this one was caught in time.  I’m not optimistic about effective treatment and/or incarceration, but for the moment, Ye will not be acting out her murderous plans.