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Joe Biden’s handlers are scared to death.  They’re afraid Israel fighting for its survival will cost Joe Muslim—Islamist, actually—votes in Michigan.  To preserve those vital Democrat/Socialist/Communist/Islamist (DSCI) votes, they’ve done three primary things: (1) Chuck Shumer is calling for the destruction of Israel’s government–in the midst of Israel’s war for survival.  (2) Joe’s handlers are building a port for Hamas, putting our troops and sailors in mortal danger. (3) Joe’s handlers have dropped EPA regulations that will force Americans into electric vehicles they don’t want and can’t afford, which will destroy the American automobile industry and economy.  I wonder if there are enough Islamist votes in Michigan to overwhelm the votes of destitute auto workers, their families and friends and Americans who used to work in every other industry that supplies auto makers?

Which brings me to that famous joke:  How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?  Only one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change.

What does that have to do with Israel and the economy?  Read on.

As regular readers know, I have, for years, been speculating on the probability of a second civil war (SCW).  The SMM Second Civil War Archive is here.  What might be the spark, or sparks, that cause our current cold SCW to break out into a hot SCW?  The New Neo, whose writing I appreciate, tells us to care about our fellow sort-of-Americans:

Here’s an article describing how depressing and dangerous Washington DC has become.

Now, you might say that DC has been that way for a long time. But it’s clear that it’s recently gotten even worse.

You also might say “Who cares?’  Well, I do. Not only is DC our capital, but it used to be a fun place to visit. And DC is hardly alone; there’s been a decline in so many of our big cities. And if you also don’t care about them – perhaps because such cities are Democratic strongholds or because you live far away? – I think you’re being short-sighted. Not only were many of these cities beautiful and lovely to visit – San Francisco being a prime example – but in each case a great many people are sinking with those cities, and a great many states. Coming soon to a city and state near you.’

Who cares indeed? Neo does:

And in addition to the human cost and the economic cost, we have the undeniable fact that these blue cities have become the perfect venues for political trials against the right. Right now we see this especially in DC, New York, and Atlanta. Prosecutors there feel comfortable using twisted and novel legal theories to charge those on the opposing side, and confident in judges and juries to convict. This is a very ominous development.

These cities and their decline affect us all.

Hmmm.  Just how bad have things become?  Vodkapundit provides an illustrative example:


Early one mild morning last month, a transgender woman who recently migrated from Venezuela was waiting for a ride outside a Little Village nightclub when a driver pulled up and made an ominous remark in Spanish.

‘Bad gay,’ he allegedly said before firing three shots at the woman around 4:30 a.m. on Feb. 4. She was struck in the groin and both legs and left in critical condition, according to Chicago police records.

The suspect was a Venezuelan man — unnamed in various reports — linked by federal authorities to Venezuela’s El Tren De Aragua drug and sex trafficking cartel.

‘While he had been identified as the gunman and police had recovered key evidence,’ according to the Chicago Sun-Times, ‘including a shell casing and video of the Ford Explorer used in the attack — Cook County prosecutors wouldn’t bring charges.’ The police explained that their ‘one witness who can positively identify the gunman will not cooperate any further.’

It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out why that might be. The shooter is on the loose and the only witness is a trans hooker who has already been shot three times.

But here’s the kicker. The suspect had been arrested just two days earlier in Austin and ‘hit with a list of charges, including felonies for illegally possessing a gun and ammunition.’ But the judge there let him go, too.

Are you surprised, gentle readers?  Of course you aren’t.  That sort of thing is the status quo in blue states/cities, which are riding the high-speed rail to Hell.  The best (worst) part is it’s all self-inflicted.

Crime is out of control because they have driven out their police, harass, hamstring and prosecute the few that remain, and despite dramatically lowering hiring standards, can’t recruit.  Prosecutors won’t prosecute, judges won’t do their jobs, and cops avoid touching black criminals.  Being burglarized, assaulted, robbed, raped, having one’s car windows smashed, even being killed are now just part of the urban daily experience, minor inconveniences to be endured for the great honor and benefits of dwelling in America’s once-great cities.

Despite the Supreme Court’s 2022 Bruen decision, blue states continue to do everything they can to disarm the law-abiding, knowingly wasting untold millions in legal fees.  They know it will take years for the Supreme Court to overturn every unconstitutional law they invoke, and in the meantime, honest citizens can’t defend themselves, and know if they do, they’ll be prosecuted, not the monsters that try to kill them.  When the blues lose in court, they start the years-long process over with other unconstitutional laws.

Crime is made worse by “sanctuary cities,” which, despite beginning to complain about the horrors of actually being forced to give sanctuary to illegals they only virtue signaled about in the past, are demanding billions of federal—taxpayer–bucks rather than demanding the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration enforce the law, shut down the border and deport the 10 million or so illegals they’ve let in, including terrorists and spies.

D/S/C/Is, who absolutely wouldn’t use troops to guard the Capitol on January 6 are now employing them to guard New York City subways because the police can’t handle it, nor do they really want to.  They know if they do, they’ll be prosecuted.

Taxes are already ruinously high, yet D/S/C/I politicians constantly raise them.  Electricity is all but completely unaffordable, and brown and blackouts are increasingly common, yet rates continue to skyrocket.  Politicians continue to worsen everything by shuttering reliable power plants in favor of unreliable and far more expensive wind and solar non-alternatives. They demand residents buy electric vehicles, despite not having nearly enough charging stations, ancient grid infrastructure that can’t support more, and not nearly enough power to meet current needs.

DIE, CRT and every other form of woke lunacy are imposed on citizens in every facet of their lives.  Schools no longer teach the disciplines necessary for functional adulthood, but instead sexually and politically indoctrinate.

Responsible, taxpaying citizens are ignored.  Their tax dollars, rather than supporting them, are used to fund illegals, the insane and drug addicted homeless, and criminals, all of whom actively destroy the once-productive downtown areas of cities.  Normal Americans avoid them like the plague, tired of having to run minefields of human feces and urine, abandoned syringes, and aggressive mutants.

And the regulatory state has gone mad, well on the way to imposing their versions of socialist/communist utopias. 

I could go on and on, but what’s the point?  We’re dealing with addicts, people addicted to socialism and communism, people who hate America and Americans, people who want to impose “our democracy”—a tyranny of the majority—and destroy our constitutional, representative republic.  Cuba has finally, with no Soviet Union to prop it up, run out of money.  Socialism/communism have never worked, anywhere, yet our D/S/C/s are morally and intellectually superior, so unlike every other previous socialist/communist, this time they’ll do it right.  They’ll immiserate and kill even more than the Soviets or Mao did.

Do the free states, free, sane Americans, have an obligation to help people determined to drive themselves, and the rest of the country, into chaos and destruction?  Whether we like it or not, we already are.  Red/free states are a safety valve, allowing people who, if forced to remain in blue states, would revolt, flee to regain their liberties.  States like New York, Michigan and California know if they go bankrupt, the federal government will bail them out, so they have no incentive to be fiscally responsible.

Electric vehicles are so expensive to repair everyone’s auto insurance is dramatically increasing, and taxpayers subsidize the tax incentives of the top 7% of the population in income who buy most EVs.  Need I mention most of them are D/S/Cs?  Oh yes, gentle readers, the citizens of red states are, day by day, paying for illegals, rampant crime, fiscal lunacy, trans surgeries, the destruction of our universities, everything pushing America to the edge of the abyss, with their tax dollars.

Just as drug and alcohol addicts survive because those that love them enable their self-destruction, so too are we enabling blue state destruction of America.  At some point, to save themselves, enablers have to give up.  They must let their addicted friends and family members go down or they’ll go down with them.  Addicts must hit rock bottom before change is possible, and even then, some will never change, eventually killing themselves and leaving wreckage behind in their families.

We’ve never been so close to a second civil war.  A Supreme Court Justice—KBJ, the DEI appointment—doesn’t seem to understand the purpose of the First Amendment, and the self-imagined elite are mostly concerned with rearranging the deck chairs on our Titanic.  Few Americans expect the 2024 elections to be remotely honest, and many are inching closer to raising the black flag and figuratively, if not actually, slitting throats.

Short of a hot civil war is secession, with blue and red states agreeing to separate, forming two separate countries.  Let people move where they will, live under the government that best suits them, but that’s a pipe dream.

There are enough intelligent people in blue states to realize Margaret Thatcher was right.  Socialists always run out of other people’s money.  The red states are the productive states, blue states lag far behind, particularly where food production is concerned.  Most of our military installations are in red states, and states bordering the Gulf of Mexico would surely go red, as would several Atlantic states, providing international access.

Virtually all of our historic gun manufacturers have moved to red states.

Should Normal, red Americans care about their blue brethren?  Why? Can’t they move to free states?  Do they have to stay in states that want to oppress and rule them?  Is their addiction to their self-imagined elitism, their inability to live in the real world, the responsibility of those that accept reality?  Are red Americans bound to enable them, to support them, to bail them out when their “infallible” policies bring inevitable disaster?  Can actual Americans live with people who believe American citizenship has no value?  Are red Americans required to surrender the Constitution and rule of law, and their means of protecting themselves when government won’t, when government is the enemy?

Why would anyone want to help people that hate them, that call them racist, delight in seeing them falsely arrested and prosecuted, want to sexually and politically indoctrinate their children, and want to bankrupt them?  Why would they want to associate with people that think them stupid, and identify not as Americans but “citizens of the world?”

While there are tens of millions of D/S/C/Is who would be only too glad to be rid of the horrible racist, white supremacist, domestic terrorist, all around icky Deplorables of Flyover Country, the saner among them would not let a red country be stronger and more prosperous than a blue country.  They’d know allowing that would ensure the absolute failure, ala Cuba, of the blue.  A blue country can’t survive; it will collapse on its internal contradictions. They’d have to force the issue.  These are not people who can leave others alone. They alone have the intelligence and moral clarity to determine how everyone should think, speak, vote and live, and they’re determined lesser beings be improved, even if it kills them.  When things go hot, especially if it kills them.

Even so, decent people care about the plight of those less fortunate, and make provision for those unable to care for themselves, but a representative republic cannot survive if a substantial portion of the populace refuses to accept personal responsibility, refuses to accept and obey the Constitution and the rule of law, refuses to think as, behave as and be Americans. So no.  Addicts have to be allowed to hit rock bottom, to gain the perspective available only from those depths.  To do otherwise only allows them to destroy not only themselves but everyone else.

Would hitting rock bottom cause them to realize what they’ve taken for granted?  Would they admit the utter failure of their world view, of all they held good and true that led them to that fall? Would they reconcile with the red states, once again become a united states of America, would they realize anyone born in America has won life’s lottery, or would they double down, destroy themselves and their states and try to destroy everyone else in their rage?

Perhaps.  But what’s unquestionably clear is being kind to those that would destroy them hasn’t worked for red state Americans.  Perhaps, after secession, violent or otherwise, at least some blue state denizens might understand what they lost, and might once again be embraced by the responsible and sane, but with very clear conditions, conditions that would forever prevent a blue/red divide.  Why would red states forced to secede allow conditions that would restart the current doom loop?

America can’t survive with a permanent, irresponsible, criminal, politically addicted class.  As much as it may hurt, those bent on self-destruction must be allowed their choice.  What remains is sorting out the details.