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Credit: National Geographic

It has taken awhile to put it all together.  Equity, diversity, inclusion, this or that denier, woke in general, all of it is a part of the discrediting and ultimate destruction of merit, of energy, competence, responsibility, intelligence and ability.  And all of those bits of purposeful lunacy are in the ultimate service of the destruction of individual liberty, which is necessary to obtain and maintain ultimate, eternal, political power, to establish a permanent one-party state.

I’ve written the election of Joe Biden was the ultimate bait and switch.  The D/S/C self-imagined elite knew Joe Biden was suffering from dementia when they ran him for president, and I still have no doubt they intend to remove him and replace him.  That particular meat puppet is worn out; it has served its purpose.  But then they ran into a problem.  I doubt they fully realized just how feckless Kamala Harris is.  The woman can’t consistently pronounce her first name.

I still think Joe, whose dementia is well past the point it can be hidden–even The New York Times is admitting it–is going to be eased out after the mid terms, but what about Harris, who isn’t getting any smarter?  If they used Joe as a meat puppet for two years, they can do the same with Kamala, who will love to remind us she is a historic, first black female POTUS.  Won’t that be warm and fuzzy and historic?  It could only be better were she trans.  But what about 2024?  Can you say “Vice President Michelle Obama?”  Kamala will fade into historic history and Michelle will be the nominee.  That, gentle readers could be a historically historic fourth, even fifth term for Barack Obama.  While Michelle is smarter, and surely nastier than Kamala, D/S/C handlers can, with the aid of Barack, handle her too.

So we come to John Fetterman, the latest non-meritorious D/S/C hope for control of the Senate on the way to an eternal one-party state.  Before we get into Fetterman though, allow me please to establish my bonifides.

In February of 2013, I had a stroke.  It was a minor stroke to be sure, brought on by A-fib, but a stroke nonetheless. Sitting down to dinner, I suddenly felt like I took a blow to the side of my head.  The vision in my left eye was slightly blurry and I was suddenly aware of my left leg, and particularly my left arm.  They worked, there was no weakness, but I was, for the first time in my life aware of them.  I told my wife I had a stroke and off we went to the hospital, where several hours later, a neurologist moseyed into my room with a laptop on which he showed me an image of my brain with a little white line on top of it, my brain damage witnessed by my damaged brain.

That was peak oddness and irony.

I was lucky.  I went in Saturday night, and left Monday morning and was back at school on Tuesday.  For several weeks, I had diminishing visual hallucinations—diagonal lines—in the very lower left portion of the visual field, and perception issues that sort of were like a problem perceiving depth, yet I could function perfectly.  I felt a fault in depth perception, but I didn’t actually have one; reaching for a door knob, I connected as usual.  An inch still looked like an inch, a foot a foot, just a little odd.  I had that unsettling feeling while driving, but no difficulties in functioning properly (I practiced in an empty parking lot to be sure).  Over about a month, all of that disappeared; the brain rewired itself into a new, completely functional, normal, and I have no deficits and no recurrence to this day.

By all accounts, John Fetterman is not so fortunate, as many stroke victims are not.  Clearly, he had, and has, much more damage than did I.  I write because Fetterman, after speaking only very occasionally before adoring dozens for only a few minutes at a time, and commonly spouting nonsense, sat down for a first, and longer, in person, interview with NBC’s Dasha Burns.  It did not go well, as David Harsanyi at The Federalist reports:

On Tuesday night [10-11-22], NBC News’s Dasha Burns aired an interview with Pennsylvania senatorial candidate John Fetterman, who needed a closed-captioned monitor [a 27” Apple desktop computer] to answer questions because of ‘auditory processing’ struggles caused by his recent stroke. ‘In small talk before my interview,’ Burns added, ‘it wasn’t clear he understood what I was saying.’

Oh, boy. Blue-check Twitter swarmed, attacking Burns for stating the obvious: Fetterman isn’t OK. It’s remarkable to watch how quickly partisans can coalesce around a new talking point. For months, the national media has been telling us Fetterman’s campaign was completely “normal,” even as video emerges of the candidate struggling to cobble two coherent sentences in succession. In September, Fetterman said that the ‘only lingering problem’ he experienced was occasionally missing a word or ‘mushing two words together.’ Yet in only a few minutes last night, the entire left adopted a new position, denouncing any mention of his ailment as an ‘ableist’ attack on a person with a ‘disability.’

Here are some examples of “journalists” attacking Burns while trying to figure out and adhere to the new, evolving Fetterman narrative:

Reading is evidence of “extra acuity?”  Shouldn’t the ability of a US Senator, arguably among the most powerful people on the planet, to read be unremarkable and expected rather than evidence of a super power?

Expecting a senatorial candidate to fully disclose their potential medical disabilities is hardly mocking.  And whatever “disability” Fetterman has is the result of brain damage, which may or may not ever resolve. One can argue this or that senator is brain damaged, but should they start with damage from the taking of an oath they intend to betray?

Brain damage is a cognitive deficiency.  What’s wrong with you?

The inability to process language, to understand the spoken word and to coherently reply is not analogous to deafness, paralysis or the loss of a limb.  Senators have to be able to communicate effectively.  That some aren’t good at it is a flaw in our system and/or political corruption, not something to be lauded as brave and noble.  The real problem, of course, is Burns committed actual Journalism rather than serving up Democrat/Socialist/Communist propaganda. Anything less than asking: “why are you so wonderful” is a betrayal of the D/S/C faith.  Back to Harsanyi:

Democrats struggled to calibrate this new accusation, comparing Fetterman’s cognitive struggles to handicaps. ‘How is this any different from Tammy Duckworth or Madison Cawthorn needing a wheelchair? How is it different from many elderly Senators who need hearing aids?’ asked left-winger Eric Michael Garcia. Others wondered if it meant Fetterman critics believed ‘deaf’ people should not run for office.

All of this is a smokescreen, a way to argue for Fetterman, a man who has always been lazy, incompetent, and a particularly crazed D/S/C, a man pushing hard on the “C” wing of the far, far left, a man utterly without merit.  Part of the narrative requires depicting Fetterman as a man of the people.  He wears oversized hoodies with the hood hiding the back of his neck, scarves around his neck, he wears “relaxed” pants and shorts.  He’s just like you, Mr. and Mrs. Normal American!  True, he’s never held a real job and his parents supported him for half a century, and his sister sold him his residence for one dollar, but he’s just like you!  We now know his slovenly attire covers a massive tumor on the back of his neck.  Is it a benign fatty tumor–a lipoma–the kind of cyst that would make a compelling–eeeuuuuuwww!–episode of Dr. Pimple Popper, or something malignant?  We don’t know, and Fetterman, who, suffering from A-fib and other heart issues has a pacemaker/defibrillator, is not telling.

My theory is that Fetterman’s stroke has probably helped divert attention from his phony working-class mythology, his incompetence as mayor, and his numerous hard-left positions. He rarely ever mentions issues these days, happy to play the victim instead. Of course, even if Fetterman were in a coma, Democrats would come up with a way to rationalize voting for him. Like Republicans they will support flawed candidates if it means winning the Senate. That is also their prerogative. They just need to work on their preposterous excuses.

They do indeed.  I was fortunate.  God has saved my—excuse my language—lame ass on many occasions, which may indicate He has more for me to do and may consider me worthier than I sometimes do.  Or maybe He figures I need a lot more practice… My stroke was minor and I quickly and fully recovered.  I had ablation for the A-fib, which has all but eliminated the problem, though I still have a somewhat elevated risk of stroke, other issues and early death, though no one truly knows the odds.  I’ll be taking a blood thinner the rest of my life.  It’s a bit pricey, but God has provided there as well.

Fetterman, clearly, has not recovered.  He may never recover.  People of good will wish him or anyone so afflicted a full recovery, but that is not the same as thinking him fit for one of 100 seats in the U.S. Senate.  Being a member of that body ought to mean something.  It ought to be reserved for the best, most capable, most intelligent and thoughtful among us.  I know…I know.  But at the very least, our representative republic cannot afford to elect people with brain damage, whether brought on by a stroke, an accident, or rapidly progressing dementia.

Were I not so fortunate, were my recovery not so rapid and complete, my career as a teacher would have been over.  A teacher who can’t listen to and understand students without a computer screen in front of him, a teacher who can’t string coherent sentences together, a teacher whose brain is incapable of accurately and rapidly processing language, of grading papers and all else teaching requires, can’t meet the minimum requirements of the job.  The same is true for a Senator, who has to be able, one on one, or in groups, to listen, process and coherently speak.  Communication, negotiation, processing nuances in speech and intention, are the minimum requirements, and Fetterman can’t do those things.  He wants the prestige and perks, but not the work, and D/S/C handlers want a Biden-like meat puppet.

Fetterman has agreed to a single debate with Dr. Mehment Oz on October 25, weeks after early voting commenced.  Oz has agreed to whatever technology Fetterman wants.  Will he show up?  I doubt it; Burn’s interview makes it less likely.  Merely being forced to rely on a computer for a debate might doom his campaign, but the way things are going, who knows?

That the voters of Pennsylvania are considering electing Fetterman is a sign of how far D/S/Cs have succeeded in destroying the very idea of merit, of qualifications, experience and demonstrated ability, and with it, the accomplishments, lessons and future of civilization.

UPDATE, 10-19-22, 1300 MT:  Responding to pressure, Fetterman has released his medical records–Not.  Actually, he released a note from his doctor:

He spoke intelligently without cognitive deficits. His speech was normal and he continues to exhibit symptoms of an auditory processing disorder which can come across as hearing difficulty. Occasional words he will ‘miss’ which seems like he doesn’t hear the word but it is actually not processed properly.

So no “cognitive defects,” his speech is “normal,” but he has an “auditory processing disorder.”  Golly, I wonder what caused that and when it will fix itself?