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Well, maybe for now… Sadly, I can’t disagree…

I understand it will be shot in Cacklevision with theater seats that rock violently when she cackles…

This is why she did so well in the Iowa Primary…

Oh, wait…

You mean foreign brown people don’t love American politicians just because they’re Marxists and kind of brown?

Well, well.  There is justice in America after all…

Well that’s why I’ve always felt uneasy in the supermarket veggie section…

And the bread section…

I’d like to see video—once will be enough…

The right—left—side of history…

Hey, if America has always been racist, why couldn’t the Confederate South have airplanes?

Cause and effect:

Looking on the bright side…

That had to leave a mark…


Now if only McDonald’s and the rest of those idiots would ever open their doors…

What goes around, comes around, especially if it’s launched from an Israeli F-15…


Rep. Boebert at the Border with a cutout of Kamala Harris—about as close as Harris is ever going to get to the Border…

When you’ve lost OJ…

I want one…

Our new, woke, military…

Workers sampling the inventory?

Yeah, like getting rid of the root causes of illegal immigration?

So that’s what Biden meant!

Power to the people, dawg!

Uh, isn’t that the way things are now?

Who coulda thunk it?

Awwww.  See? There is justice after all…

Government at work…

And in the just because it’s cute department for this week…

One of the things I miss about teaching is no longer collecting gems of unintentional humor from the writings of my students.  For your amusement, here are a few more from the past:

 “If I were to read it [a book] myself it probably would have had the same impact on me as if I were to read it myself.”

“Yet the facts are there that one major concern before teens consider an abortion is, ‘Am I Pregnant?”

“From start to finish, the entire story had action. It was like having a climax the entire book.” 

“This story was very good. I would like to finish the story some time.”

This one is an absolute favorite:

“Jesus is the best example of courage.  Even though he had it the hardest, he still hung in there.”

If you haven’t already, consider buying a copy of License To Kill. It’s not funny, but there are some things, and some people, everyone should know.

If you get the book directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source, and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition, which won’t be so good for…you know.   Remember, gentle readers, the fundamental American right to ruthlessly mock self-important dimwits, like Congress, Fauci, Biden, Harris, The Squad, Jen Psaki, Google, Twitter, the CIA, the FBI,  Disney, Coca Cola and Facebook. Positive comments on Amazon about LTK would be great too.  Go here to comment.

The Funnies will be back next Sunday, and I hope to see you here every day.