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 Article V of the Constitution:  

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress [emphasis mine]…

I watched Life, Liberty and Levin on Sunday.  Watch the video of the segment embedded here.  He spoke of several government publications that more than strongly suggest America is on its way to bankruptcy, to total financial collapse, and as Hemingway wrote, such things happen gradually—that’s where we are now—and then suddenly, which is where we’re going—fast.  Additional government documents indicate Social Security and Medicare will be insolvent in the early to mid 2030s–within a decade, give or take a year or two.  These are government documents, not “conspiracy theories” propounded by Normal Americans that have not yet come true, but surely will as “conspiracy theories” have a tendency to do these days.

How can we know these documents are accurate, their authors are telling the truth?  Because the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration is telling us how wonderful the economy is.  They’re all in for “Modern Monetary Theory,” the lunatic idea it’s not possible for government to be too big.  Government can’t possibly print too much money.  It’s all good; don’t worry, be happy! There’s no such thing as inflation, and if there is, it’s Trump’s fault!   Recession?  Nonsense!  How could that be possible when the best and brightest are in charge?  Any part of government contradicting that insanity is at least worth hearing out.

Levin tells us the government, including the Congress and the Presidency, are broken.  They’re unable, unwilling, to prevent the coming collapse, in fact, D/S/Cs want it. Levin didn’t say this, but it’s the logical, inevitable vindication of the Cloward-Piven strategy.  It’s simple and diabolical.  D/S/Cs destroy an institution, a program, even a country, and in the aftermath of that destruction, Americans will be willing to accept whatever “solution” D/S/Cs, the people who caused the damage, demand.  They’ll surrender liberty, property, even lives, to escape the horrors their “saviors” imposed upon them.  Eat the bugs, comrade, they’re good for you and for the environment.

Levin suggested a convention of the states is necessary.  Twenty state legislatures have thus far passed convention resolutions.  Thirty four are necessary to hold a convention, thirty eight to ratify amendments.  Additional information is available at Convention of States.com.  

Here’s where the convention effort stood in 2022

Levin quoted several of the Founders who, more than two centuries ago, knew the Congress would inevitably become corrupt and oppressive.  They knew the Congress would never–could never–reform the Congress.  There is no way congress critters will pass constitutional amendments that would limit their power, and certainly not their runaway spending.  The new budget deal, lauded as a “step in the right direction” is a halting Biden step, falling up the stairs to Air Force 1.  The potential for ratification is irrelevant if it’s impossible to pass an amendment.

Therefore, Levin sees a convention as a way around a corrupt and increasingly despotic Congress.  Theoretically, he’s right.  Practically, he’s likely wrong.

Circa June, 2023, roughly half of the Congress is arguing Supreme Court decisions with which they disagree should be ignored, even before they’ve been decided!  Some D/S/Cs have sort of half-heartedly disagreed with the sentiment, but that any member of Congress should advocate such should horrify any American that does not want civil war.  The Meat Puppet Administration, acting through the utterly corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland, is refusing to enforce federal law:

18 U.S. Code § 1507 – Picketing or parading

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both…

Since the leaked Dobbs decision—decided 06-24-22—“protestors” have continually harassed Supreme Court justices and their families in their homes, and none have been arrested, with one exception.  On June 8, 2022, a man was arrested at the home of Justice Kavanaugh.  He was actively trying to assassinate the justice, and virtually no media outlet reported he identifies as trans.  

These protests began before the court’s decision was made.  Could the motives of the “protestors” in influencing the justices be clearer?  This is particularly so in that no protests have been done at the homes of the D/S/C justices, people more than willing to rule for political ends.  The “protests” have not stopped. As this May, 2023 article from the Daily Signal reveals:

Illegal demonstrations apparently are continuing to take place at the homes of the Supreme Court justices despite federal law forbidding such activities.

Far-left activists with Our Rights DC posted video on Thursday evening [05-04-23] showing them demonstrating at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home, chanting, ‘We want ethics on the court.’ Their remarks come as Democratic lawmakers call for the Supreme Court to adopt new processes for recusals and ethics allegations—essentially making the court answerable to Congress.

US Marshalls stand guard outside the homes of justices, but do nothing:

Republicans only this week accused the Justice Department of ‘actively’ seeking to ‘dissuade’ the U.S. Marshals Service from enforcing 18 USC 1507 to protect the Supreme Court justices.

In a May 3 letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Sens. Katie Britt of Alabama, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Ted Cruz of Texas, and Mike Lee of Utah reveal that they have obtained ‘post orders’ dated May 19, 2022, that claim ‘USMS is not in a position to enforce’ federal and state law.

The U.S. Marshals Service should not engage protesters ‘unless they attempt to enter private property,’ the post orders said, according to the senators. This matches what members of the U.S. Marshals Service told The Daily Signal on the ground at Chief Justice John Roberts’ home in January.

Sure.  When they’re breaking in shooting, or wearing a bomb vest, only then are Marshalls allowed to stop and arrest them.

D/S/C legislators are not alone in ignoring the law and the Constitution.  President Biden, and his bureaucrats, continually violate the spirit and letter of the law, essentially daring the Supreme Court to strike down their executive orders, regulations and mandates, knowing it may take years, and even then, they’ll ignore the Court, or do it again in a slightly different way, starting the process anew, depriving Americans of liberty all the while.

So what good, gentle readers, would a convention of the states do?  Even if a convention could pass, and see ratified, constitutional amendments that restrict the power of the Congress and President, can we believe those amendments would be recognized and followed?  Would people who mock Normal Americans and the Constitution, people who have established a two-tiered system of justice for their benefit, people who blatantly commit election fraud, people who blatantly violate the First and Second Amendments, suddenly obey amendments specifically limiting their power and money-making potential?

Those proposing a convention would seek to limit its scope.  They suggest term limits, a balanced budget, limits on taxation and regulation, and a Supreme Court limited to nine justices would be the sole topics discussed, and it’s reasonable to believe they’re sincere in their intentions, but once a convention has been convened, any agreement to limit the convention to those worthy ends would last only so long as the delegates held firm to their convictions.  At the least, there would surely be “stealth” delegates with dishonorable intentions.

That, gentle readers, is the ultimate problem.  The Constitution, as I’ve so often written, is merely fading ink on yellowing parchment.  It lives and binds us only so long as its principles live in the hearts of Americans, only so long as they are willing to listen to the better angels of their nature and foreswear temporary, transitory political advantage and personal enrichment for long-term national stability, liberty and equal opportunity for all.

We’re not doing so well at that these days.  People who think words define reality rather then reflecting reality can’t be expected to be honest or ethical.

Imagine then a convention passing those useful, necessary amendments.  Imagine the states ratifying them—I know, but we’re only imagining, so roll with me, please—and further imagine them becoming the law of the land, a part of the Constitution.  What then?

Would D/S/Cs stop stealing elections?  Would they stop trying to pack the Supreme Court?  Would they suddenly obey not only the letter, but the spirit of the law?  Would they willingly reduce the size and power of the federal government?  Would they suddenly, after all these years and their continuing efforts to usurp the powers loaned them by the people suddenly say: “Well, that’s it.  We have to obey the law now.  The Constitution says so,” or would they declare the new amendments illegitimate, and “resist” them?

Levin is right as far as it goes.  A convention is the next step, one we may have to take, but I fear it would be nothing more than another futile effort to bring back into the fold of our representative republic people who scorn that republic and hate those who embrace it, preferring instead, “our democracy,” a tyranny of the majority.  

As I’ve so often written, Americans will put up with a great deal, but when their limit is finally reached, history teaches us they’ll abandon dialogue and fight to preserve liberty.  I pray I’m wrong, but I fear we’re only prolonging the inevitable and allowing the enemies of liberty, of the Constitution, to become stronger, their depredation more entrenched, making an inevitable conflict longer and bloodier.

And as I’ve also so often written, all we have to do to avoid that conflict is for everyone to embrace the Constitution in letter and spirit.  That’s why I fear a second civil war inevitable.