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The all-time classic.   So is this…

This isn’t too bad either…

In the Biden Administration?!  Nope.

What a change an election makes…

See?  There is justice in the universe…

And then again, maybe not…

And just in time for summer…

Pretty much all the time…

Definitely all the time…

Whoever did this is worthy of a medal…

Yeah, I’m that old too…sigh…

Didn’t the Chinese buy this one?  And his son?

And not just the British…

So’s the glass.  So’s everything…

Pro tip of the week…

Pro tip of the millennium…

Shut up, you racist science denier…

So that’s how they’re doing it…


It’s Greek to me…

Well, those are not just any duckies…

Is this a trick question?

I think this is pretty much the definition of treason…

This too…

Unfortunately, our enemies get the prizes…

Film at 11?

But what flavor was the ice cream?

How can you tell?

Cleared?!  This is a death penalty offense!


Best advice I’ve seen in years…

And in the just because it’s really cute department…

One of the things I miss about teaching is no longer collecting gems of unintentional humor from the writings of my students.  For your amusement, here are a few more from the past:

An actual school announcement:  “Will the cheerleader see Mrs. Smith in her room yesterday?”

“At one point in the book Huck and Jim sit on their raft naked.  This calls for maturity and some reasoning.”

“I think the music in class had very understandable problems.  Just like in country music.”

“That’s what I like about reading: there is no thinking involved.”

“At my sixth birthday I got a drum set and I have been playing it every since.  I played in church for five years and loved it.  I am still playing the drums as I speak.”

If you haven’t already, consider buying a copy of License To Kill. It’s not funny, but there are some things, and some people, everyone should know.

If you get the book directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source, and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition, which won’t be so good for…you know.   Remember, gentle readers, the fundamental American right to ruthlessly mock self-important dimwits, like Congress, Fauci, Biden, Harris, The Squad, Jen Psaki, Google, Twitter, the CIA, the FBI,  Disney, Coca Cola and Facebook. Positive comments on Amazon about LTK would be great too.  Go here to comment.

The Funnies will be back next Sunday, and I hope to see you here every day.