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And he does it so effortlessly!  This just in from the nether regions:

What’s funny, and horrifying, is just how close so many D/S/Cs are to doing just that…    

Run away! Run away!

Right after he told them to stop with the malarkey already and get off his lawn…

Just one more good thing about the death of Iran’s top butcher…

Where are Yogi and BooBoo when we need them?

Yeah, and Trump also…hey!

I hear New York already sent voter registration forms to Soleimani…

An indispensable and oh-so-accurate contemporary style guide…


I hate it when that happens…

Yup, it’s a mystery…

I guess not that many Americans wanted to visit a museum dedicated to self-imagined elites telling them how horrible they are…

Next: impeaching themselves…

The dead tend to do that…

That’s a very special kind of special snowflake…

Just as much as the “groovy and far out” bus…

That’s different because shut up and Trump…

Trump should be reelected for this alone…

And this should surprise anyone because…

Yeah, well that’s different because shut up, you’re a racist, and Trump…


Imagine how badly their lives will suck after his reelection…

The most not-Hillary man in the world…

And in the just because it’s really cute department…

And once again, gentle readers, allow me to suggest my book might be worth your while, and might be a useful primer on what the police should be doing, and what happens when they don’t.

If you get it directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source, and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  I always appreciate your comments here at SMM, and comments about the book at Amazon would be even more appreciated, because I don’t have a huge publishing house behind the book, spending millions to publicize it.  It’s a matter of honest Americans reading and sharing the book.  Positive comments on Amazon help.  Go here to comment. 

I’ll see you next Sunday for the Funnies, and hopefully, every day in between.  You are the best, most attractive, smartest and most moral people reading this sentence right now!  I’m sure you agree.