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The funny–horrifying–part, is about half of America will vote for the former. It’s always a good idea to be preemptive about safety…

This ought to sink the DNC ship Democrat/Socialist/Communist…

I don’t think Henry Ford envisioned this sort of assembly line…

I’ve been wondering about that too…

Donald Trump baby picture…

What’s a Sunday Funnies without AOC?

Oh, he has dropped out, he just doesn’t know it yet…

When I was a kid, we climbed up the snowdrifts to the roofs of our houses and dove off…

And in the total lack of self-awareness department for this week…

God’s way of telling you it’s time to resign…

Here, here!

It’s a tragedy, or something someone or an airplane did…

Well, it’s kind of hard to virtue signal over a middle aged, insane, drug addicted, medieval disease-carrying lunatic that pisses and defecates on your shoes…

How to piss off your customer base in one easy lesson…

OK, a second total lack of self-awareness entry for this week…

Professional courtesy…

Truth is stranger than fiction…

Yeah, how come?

I’d identify as a baked potato if I weren’t afraid of being eaten…

What would we do without scientists?

What was my name again?

There’s a plan I could get behind…

This was pretty much the Founder’s point…

Come closer, little girl…

I’ve always liked Clint Eastwood…

I hate it when that happens…

There another plan I could get behind…

And in the just because it’s ridiculously cute department…

Why should we care about one man killed by corrupt cops? Because if it can happen to one man, it can happen to anyone.  If we’re not informed, if we don’t pay attention, if we don’t demand the best, we get precisely the police we deserve.

If you get it directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source, and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  I always appreciate your comments here at SMM, and comments about the book at Amazon would be even more appreciated, because I don’t have a huge publishing house behind the book, publicizing it.  It’s a matter of honest Americans reading and sharing the book.  Positive comments on Amazon help.  Go here to comment. 

I’ll see you next Sunday for the Funnies, and hopefully, every day in between!