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credit: paulspoop.blogspot.com

For this Saturday, gentle readers, I thought I’d share some little bits of lunacy and wisdom.  You can guess which the photo above is.  I’ve been saving them up for awhile just for you, like this Ramirez commentary on the spirit of the Media:

Don’t you wish you saw more of this kind of rationality?

I’ve been there.  This is plausible.  In any case, I keep telling people spelling and proof reading are important… On the other hand, Al Gore could be giving a global warming lecture nearby…

Any minute now…

Love James Woods.  Diane Feinstein, not so much…

RIP Gunny…

Inspired by Barack Obama…

It just shouldn’t be possible, but…

Great Wall Department…

This is CNN…

Eternal Truths Department…

I’d want the chocolate too…

That oughta do it…

Reality in two photos…

But professional athletes are role models and heroes…

I just know Mueller’s going to prove it any day now…

We’re sorry…

Well, yeah…

The wisdom of the founders…

And may you all, gentle readers, have a lovely weekend.