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During my police career, I frequently worked with FBI agents.  We generally put them in two categories: (1) those who demanded to be called “special agent,” and those who merely used their first names.  One could usually work with the latter.  The former were insufferable pricks and prickettes.

One thing was certain, however.  Cooperation went almost exclusively one way.  We were expected to cooperate fully with the FBI, but the FBI shut us out of effective cooperation and information.  The guys who used their first names were apologetic about it, the “specials agents” weren’t.

In those days, no one made it into the FBI without having at least a bachelor’s degree, one in a discipline the FBI needed at the time.  Accountants and lawyers were coveted, though people with advanced foreign language skills often made it as well.  Experienced, competent cops, almost never.

While we usually cringed whenever we knew we’d be working with the FBI, they were, with virtually no exceptions, smart, fit, and appeared to be capable.  They were, however, human, though the “special agents” would never admit that.  They always projected an aura of superiority.  The FBI Academy was a storied pinnacle of police virtue reserved for the elite.

H&K MP5 Submachine Gun

My favorite FBI story occurred one day at shift change.  The guys were switching their gear in and out of patrol cars when a kid rolled into the parking garage on his skateboard.  This would not have been unusual, except he was holding a H&K MP5 submachinegun!  He wasn’t acting aggressively and wasn’t holding it by the grip, so no one got very excited.

They soon learned he was skating in the federal building’s parking garage when he found the MP5—yes, it was loaded—left unattended on the trunk of a vehicle.  No one was around, and he couldn’t get into the federal building, so he skated through downtown to our parking garage to turn it over.

A Sgt. called the local FBI office and a very sheepish, red-faced young agent—a first name guy—retrieved it, explaining he inadvertently left it on the trunk lid of the car next to his when he was carrying a bunch of stuff upstairs.  The Sgt. patted him on the back and assured him that sort of thing happens to everyone.  It never happened in my local agency.

As regular readers know, I’ve occasionally been hard on the FBI.  In recent years, they don’t appear to be doing their job very well, or at all, though they’re gangbusters at rousting elderly grandmas out of their beds in pre-dawn SWAT raids for being near or in the Capitol Building on January 6.  That sort of thing is much easier than going after dangerous criminals and terrorists.  Now it appears there’s a reason they seem to prefer that kind of “work.”  I’ve maintained most line agents are honorable, hard-working people ruled by political thugs.  Now, I’m not so sure, as the invaluable Miranda Devine at The New York Post reveals:

An alarming deterioration in recruitment standards for the FBI has been exposed in a report delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) requirements pushed by FBI Director Chris Wray have degraded recruitment standards in all areas including ‘physical fitness, illicit drug use, financial irregularities, mental health, full-time work experience and integrity,’ and pose a threat to the FBI’s ability to protect America from harm, say the authors.

The report cites cases of new agents who are so fat and unfit, they can’t even pass the new relaxed standards for fitness; who are illiterate and need remedial English lessons; who don’t want to work weekends or after hours; have serious disabilities or mental-health issues, and “create drama.”

The FBI is no longer recruiting the ‘best and brightest’ to be special agents, but selecting candidates based on ‘race, gender and/or sexual orientation.’

From that report (I’ll be posting screenshot excerpts throughout this article):

The alliance of anonymous FBI reformers includes senior former executives and agents from the counterintelligence and counterterrorism branches who warn that today’s FBI ‘lacks the fortitude and skills warranted to defeat [existential] threats . . .’

That’s a kind way of saying today’s FBI is incompetent and lazy.

‘And if the current trajectory of FBI Special Agent recruitment and selection continues — using DEI as the primary and sole measure — our homeland security efforts will be significantly hampered.’

For “significantly hampered” substitute “doing our enemy’s work for them.”

Flying in the face of Wray’s boast to Congress last year that recruitment numbers are soaring, especially in red states, the report finds that FBI’s special-agent hiring numbers are down, ‘likely due to the decline in the nation’s trust in the FBI and a corresponding decrease in the number of individuals interested in applying to the FBI for employment.’

Imagine that: Chris Wray lying to Congress.  Who coulda thunk it?  Pretty much anyone paying attention.

A former senior counterintelligence agent involved with writing the report said controversies engulfing the FBI in the Trump era have had the perverse effect of attracting recruits who want to be ‘agents of social change versus protecting the country.’

Oh yeah, we don’t have enough of those everywhere else in the country and in the rest of the federal government. 

They reveal a farcical situation with new recruits:

Veteran supervisor special agent SIERRA 72 disqualified a black female applicant because she was more than 50 pounds overweight using the FBI’s body-fat index and could not pass the physical fitness test.

But FBI HQ ordered SIERRA 72 to push the candidate through the recruitment process.

Other supervisors say a high percentage of candidates fail the mandatory fitness test, despite the fact that standards have been relaxed.

They ‘simply quit in the middle of the 1.5-mile run.’

Police standard 1.5 mile runs always have generous passing standards.  One can pass at little more than a rapid walking pace. Anyone quitting demonstrates a lack of determination that will get them ejected from professional law enforcement agencies.

One veteran agent who works as a recruitment coordinator, codenamed SIER­RA 87, said the drug policy for new agents has been “liberalized to include applicants who had a lifestyle of using drugs.”

A candidate who “was arrested and fought with police officers” was not disqualified. Nor are candidates with driving-under-the-influence convictions, or people with “documented mental illness.”

Nor are candidates who lie during the recruitment process.

SIERRA 23, a special agent for four years in counterterrorism, observed that most new agents ‘disappear during the day, go home early, or never want to work late for after-hours operations. SIERRA 23 does not trust most of the agents with his/her life since they have questionable competence, tactical abilities and work ethic.’

Anyone seeking a law enforcement job who doesn’t understand long and irregular hours are required is obviously unqualified.  Anyone, who, once hired isn’t reliable and willing to work when necessary should be immediately fired.  This is absolutely horrifying:

During the agent’s probationary period, her supervisor went up the chain of command to request that her employment be terminated but was told ‘we need minority female agents.’

Anyone in law enforcement must be able to write on at least a high school level, and an agent unable to testify in court, or defend what they’ve written, is useless, and will get cases tossed, freeing criminals. This helps explain why such deficient, defective, people are becoming FBI agents:

The report urges the House Judiciary Committee to order a 90-day audit of the FBI’s recruitment practices, to introduce legislation to strengthen the oath of office for FBI special agents, and to call Director Wray to testify before Congress over whether he is ‘willfully lying to conceal significant deficiencies’ in recruitment or has been misinformed by subordinates.

This might shed some light on that issue:

Just The News explains why rigorous FBI hiring standards are essential:  

With a constitutional crisis brewing in Texas and voters nationwide alarmed by the toll of illegal immigration, some of the FBI’s most famous retired executives are issuing a stark warning to Congress that President Joe Biden’s border policies have unleashed an ‘invasion’ of military-aged male foreigners who pose ‘one of the most pernicious ever’ threats to American security.

Ten former FBI executives — some who oversaw the bureau’s intelligence, counterterrorism, criminal and training operations – expressed their alarm in a letter dated Jan. 17 to House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Leader Chuck Schumer and the chairmen of the House and Senate committees that preside over the U.S. intelligence and Homeland Security apparatus.

Their language affirms that of both current FBI Director Christopher Wray, who testified the nation’s security lights are ‘blinking red,’ and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who alleges Biden’s loosening of border security has allowed an ‘invasion’ of America by foreigners with troubling origins and attributes.

Regular readers know I’ve been sounding the same alarms:

‘In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now,’ the FBI luminaries wrote. ‘Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands – not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane but rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.’

The full letter to Congress is here:  

Final Thoughts: During my police career it was well known the slightest irregularity would immediately bounce anyone applying for an FBI job. The slightest question about a polygraph result, the slightest anomaly not even rising to the level of a lie, failing any part of a background check or physical fitness test would be grounds for immediate dismissal.  The idea that anyone with criminal convictions, drug use or a DUI would be acceptable was laughable.  Those standards, though perhaps slightly relaxed here and there, applied to any police job anywhere.

As regular readers know, police agencies across the country, particularly in blue states, have been having serious trouble recruiting officers to replace the officers their lunatic DEI policies and harassment of police officers have caused to flee.  As a result, they’ve dramatically lowered hiring standards, accepting people with even felony convictions.  Drug use, drunk driving convictions, mental instability and illness and more aren’t bars to police jobs in such places.  Physical fitness standards, when any are in force, are laughable, and when people fail even these, they’re still hired.

Should it be any surprise the FBI would implement the same DEI lunacy the rest of the federal government has embraced?  As I recently noted, the Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting people who are completely paralyzed and severely mentally ill.  They’re under-represented in the FAA workforce, you see.  It’s now clear such people are under-represented in the FBI, thought the FBI is obviously working hard to remedy that lack of no talent.

High standards of honesty, integrity and intelligence are necessary for the FBI because it’s America’s primary domestic anti-spy and anti-terrorist force.  Hiring people uninterested in enforcing the law, but very interested in social justice ensures the FBI will be full of people who, at the least, are sympathetic to America’s enemies.  At worst, they’ll be actively helping them.

I’ve often asked if the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration were trying to help America’s enemies destroy us, what would they be doing differently? What’s happening in the FBI goes a long way toward answering that question: nothing.