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As Mark Twain said: “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

51% of the country believes President Biden’s policies have not benefited the middle class at all. That’s according to a new national poll from Monmouth University that also found 10% of Americans believe middle class families have benefited from the president’s policies a lot.

What the hell is wrong with the other 49%?

Oh dear, gentle readers. The stupid ran amok this week. I fear exposure to stupid of this virulence may measurably lower your IQ, so read on only if ye be stout of heart and mind.

Joe Biden, in Ireland, speaking to young girls: 

And, by the way, to all the parents, I want to thank you because, you know, being — working at an embassy, everybody thinks, back home, it’s pretty glamourous. But I don’t want — you don’t want to be around the day you got to walk home and tell your 13-year-old kid, ‘You’re not going back to the same school and you got to stop dating that girl you were with and that boy you liked very much. You’re not going to be around.’

Well, he’s all about groping and sniffing, so why not?

It’s amazing every country in the world hasn’t invaded us.

Shouldn’t an American president understand English? 

Hunter Biden had to explain a child’s question to his father, President Joe Biden, during the president’s trip to Ireland Wednesday, shocking social media users. The apparent confusion came after the elder Biden struggled to answer the child’s question about success.

‘What’s the top step to success?’ the child asked the president.

‘What’s the top what?’ Biden responded.

‘Step — steps — step to success,’ the child answered.

Biden responded that the way to be successful is to stop COVID-19 from spreading.

‘Oh, well, making sure that we don’t all have COVID.  What — why — what are we talking about here?’ he asked.

At this point, Hunter Biden intervened.

‘If you can — what’s the — what’s the key to success?’ the president’s son asked, attempting to clarify the child’s question.

‘Oh, what’s the key to success? You know what I found out is the key to success is?  And I’m not sure I’m the best guy to explain it; these guys can tell you,’ the president responded.

He then talked about the importance of not personally attacking people with whom you disagree.

I dunno, but I can’t understand why other nations are running from America like the plague.

So, as conquerors then? 

During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of NPR’s ‘Morning Edition,’ Ajay Banga, President Joe Biden’s nominee for World Bank President, argued that the U.S. and World Bank shouldn’t view China as a competitor in the developing world, ‘we need all shoulders at the wheel, including the private sector, if you’re going to make a difference with a sense of urgency, particularly in climate,’ and ‘All countries’ have bilateral aid.

Oh yeah, the Chinese are all about fighting climate change. That’s why they’re building up their military.

Kamala Update:

Vice President Kamala Harris praised one of America’s most prominent anti-Semites during a speech in New York on Friday.

‘Rev, I love you [maniacal laughter],’ Harris said at the National Action Network convention in Manhattan. ‘No matter where you are, you are always a voice of truth speaking about the importance of justice for all people. You are part of the conscience of our country.’

I guess being the “conscience of our country” involves race hustling, anti-semitism, lying about rape and provoking deadly race riots. Of course, trans is the soul of our country these days, so why not?

Guess he doesn’t have the intellect of an “assault weapon.”

Other than that, her comments were entirely accurate:

She didn’t get this right either…

The White House has quietly corrected a claim made Tuesday by press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre that President Biden has taken more questions from the press than former Presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama and George W. Bush combined.

Without alerting the public to the changes, the White House corrected the official transcript of Jean-Pierre’s gaggle with reporters aboard Air Force One to read ‘question-and-answer sessions’ rather than ‘questions,’ despite her making the claim four times.

The topic was brought up during the gaggle when a reporter asked Jean-Pierre whether the administration had decided Biden would hold a press conference during his trip to Ireland this week, prompting her to share data she promised a day earlier she would share when questioned on the president’s lack of availability to the press.


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, fired back at San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich over his remarks at the end of the NBA season in which he called for tighter gun laws and likened the Second Amendment to a ‘myth.’

Popovich specifically called out Cruz’s plan for safer schools in wake of the Uvalde shooting last year in Texas. The senator’s plan, which he unveiled with Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., last fall, called for more security in schools along with school-based mental health counselors.

‘But they’re going to cloak all this stuff [in] the myth of the Second Amendment, the freedom,’ he said, in part. ‘You know, it’s just a myth. It’s a joke. It’s just a game they play. I mean, that’s freedom. Is it freedom for kids to go to school and try to socialize and try to learn and be scared to death that they might die that day?’

Yeah, those express, fundamental, unalienable rights actually written in the Constitution are a real problem. But hey, who knows more about matters of public policy and constitutional law than people who coach children’s games?

Oh yeah, that’ll work:

The Loudoun School Board wants to spend $11 million to install gender-neutral school bathrooms.

You know, instead of funding teachers or improving education. Oh, they’ll also cut special education funding.

Loudon County is that ultra-progressive Virginia mess where the school district helped an insane trans boy rape girls in two high schools.  This is the kind of leftist lunacy that could easily provoke extra-electoral consequences.

Aren’t entertainment companies supposed to make money? 

It cost the degenerates at Disney more than $250 million to try and groom little kids by introducing adult sexuality into the children’s films Lightyear and Strange World.

Better still, no movie lost more money last year than the woke Strange World. And other than Strange World and Amsterdam, Lightyear was last year’s biggest money loser.

Guess not. Is it possible to be more ignorant, deceptive, and completely stupid?

Guess not.

Well, they just ended the “emergency,” so this is logical. Right? 

The national COVID-19 emergency is drawing to a close, which means certain treatments and tests that have previously been available without cost is soon to change. However, working on effective vaccines and therapies for COVID-19 is far from over. The federal government recently announced plans to spend over $5 billion in order to speed up new vaccines and treatments, according to a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spokesperson and a Biden administration official.

Why now? Obviously D/S/C donors haven’t gotten enough taxpayer money yet.

How are things going in San Francisco these days?

Don’t normal, sane, people have nightmares about being naked in public?


A US city has come under fire over a controversial plan to deter homeless people that has been described as ‘psychological torture’.

In recent months, Los Angeles has been blasting loud classical music in train stations in a bid to reduce crime and prevent homeless people from loitering.

It comes after a recent spike in fatal overdoses and serious crime such as rape, aggravated assault and robbery within the city’s public transport system.

According to the LA Times, a city pilot program has seen blinding floodlights deployed in the Westlake/MacArthur Park station, along with music from a royalty-free playlist by legendary composers such as Beethoven, Mozart and Vivaldi in a continuous loop.

But the move has spared fierce backlash, with online commentators branding it an inhumane torture tactic. ‘This is despicable. Sonic torture of people without homes in LA,’ civil rights lawyer Scott Hechinger tweeted.

“Sonic torture?” “Beethoven, Mozart and Vivald?” And I paid for a college degree and spend a half-century of practice to be able to perform that music. Guess I’m a musical Nazi.

It’s only other people’s money: 

They look like serious, responsible people to me…

A member of California’s reparations task force is dismissing the total dollar amount as the ‘least important piece’ of their proposal, despite the committee considering doling out nearly triple the state’s existing budget in payments to Black residents as a way to make amends for slavery and subsequent discrimination.

‘We want to make sure that this is presented out in a way that does not reinforce the preoccupation with a dollar figure, which is the least important piece of this,’ Cheryl Grills, a clinical psychologist and member of the California Reparations Task Force, told CalMatters in a new interview.

‘It’s important,’ continued Grills, ‘but it’s the least important in terms of being able to get to a point in our country’s history and in California’s history where we recognize that the harm cuts across multiple areas and domains and that the repair needs to align with that.’

Margaret Thatcher said it well: “The trouble with socialism is you always run out of other people’s money.”

Guess he’s not a biologist: 

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona repeatedly refused to define the term ‘woman’ when prompted by a Republican lawmaker during a Tuesday congressional hearing…

Who coulda thunk it?

The outdoor retail giant REI announced Monday that it plans to close its store in Portland’s Pearl District early next year, citing an increase in crime and theft.

In an email to customers Monday, REI said its store in Portland ‘had its highest number of break-ins and thefts in two decades, despite actions to provide extra security.’

It plans to close the location ahead of its lease expiration in February.

Portlanders are getting what they’ve voted for—good and hard.

But she’s running the country: 

Social media users mocked White House Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice’s claim that racism has had a massive impact on the U.S. economy during a speech on Wednesday.

Rice appeared as a guest at the National Action Network’s, founded by Al Sharpton, convention in New York City to speak about the White House’s commitment to promoting civil rights. During her speech, she made the radical claim that the United States has suffered a $16 trillion shortfall because of racism.

‘In the last 20 years, the U.S. had a GDP shortfall of $16 trillion due to discrimination against Black Americans. If we closed our racial gaps, we could add another $5 trillion to GDP over just the next five years. And in case you’re wondering, that’s not my math, that’s, according to Citibank. We all benefit when every community has the chance to thrive,’ Rice said.

Yeah, and failing to listen to me has cost the country 50 trillion!

Ah! So that’s why the French are joining the new axis of evil!

But of course!

There was no evidence for Russia, Russia Russia, except evidence that proved it was fake! But we could see the tweets and e-mails, so Frum must be right. Who you gonna believe? Him or your own lyin’ eyes?


The Biden administration is spending up to $1 billion in taxpayer funds to promote ‘equitable access to trees,’ an effort it says will ‘advance environmental justice’ and fight climate change.

What’s next? Equitable access to air? I do seem to remember something from middle school history about white people keeping black people away from trees, or was that lunch counters made from trees? I forget…

Great idea!

We’ve had a vivid illustration over the last few days of how Leftists live in a narcissistic bubble of their own making, and imagine that the wide world is just filled to the brim with men who think they’re women and people who are deeply concerned about pronouns and microaggressions. Bud Light was apparently so sure that we are all so thrilled with attention-thirsty pretend women that they could make one of them the face of their product and suffer no ill effects. And now the co-creator of RuPaul’s Drag Race is on a ‘mission’ to take his drag exhibition to countries that are notably hostile to such displays, such as Russia, Uganda, and even Iran. Great idea! What could possibly go wrong?

I’d welcome a government appropriation for this. If such people want to commit suicide, it’s government’s solemn duty to help.

But all the smart people assured me there is no athletic difference between men and women:

What the hell…?! 

According to multiple parents, a transgender teacher (a man who thinks he’s a woman) at a middle school in Hernando County, Florida made a threat to hurt himself as well as shoot students recently.

The school has done nothing about it.

According to the Daily Caller, Alexander Renczkowski, who now goes by ‘Ashlee,’ caused an incident at the school that required the vice principal and school counselor to call in the School Resource Officer (SRO) and file a report on the violent threats made by the trans teacher.

According to the VP and counselor, Renczkowski made violent threats toward himself and towards students, requiring intervention from the SRO. This happened back in March, one week before the ‘trans day of vengeance’ and shortly before a transgender person shot up a school in Nashville.

The teacher… admitted to having ‘bad thoughts’ but denied threatening to shoot students and said ‘she does not want to harm herself,’ according to the report.

According to the report, the Hernando County School District’s mental health coordinator, Sandra Hurst, then conducted a threat assessment on Renczkowski, determining he did not meet the criteria of the Baker Act, a Florida law that allows for involuntary institutionalization of mentally ill individuals. A deputy later collected three firearms and ammunition from Renczkowski’s home, according to the report.

Gee, sounds kind of serious to me…

The school sent out a recorded phone call 17 days after the incident that acknowledged it took place.

But they have taken no action against the teacher and still won’t respond to concerned parents. [skip]

The wife of this man also claims to be a ‘mermaid’ according to the Caller, and many parents believe this coverup is because of the LGBT identities of the couple.

No! really?

Irony is a bitch: 

Our country is in the best of hands:

While some Democrats are now actively calling for 89-year-old Dianne Feinstein to resign her Senate seat, there seems to be nothing but cheers as Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, a man who is barely functioning as an independent adult and has to receive extensive assistance in order to carry out his daily duties, is set to return to the Senate.

Fetterman, who was receiving treatment for depression severe enough that he had to be hospitalized for six weeks, will be coming back to work and is already set to lead a hearing on food stamps.

‘The news is out! I’m very excited to chair my first subcommittee hearing next week,’ he tweeted on Wednesday. ‘We’ll be talking about protecting SNAP, fighting for PA’s farmers in the Farm Bill, and much more. Hope you’ll tune in.’

Hello everybody, goodnight!

 Anheuser-Busch screwed the pooch when they hired Dylan Mulvaney to be its spokeswhatever, so it’s CEO, Brendan Whitworth, tried to fix things with this: 

As the CEO of a company founded in America’s heartland more than 165 years ago, I am responsible for ensuring every consumer feels proud of the beer we brew. We’re honored to be part of the fabric of this country. Anheuser-Busch employs more than 18,000 people and our independent distributors employ an additional 47,000 valued colleagues. We have thousands of partners, millions of fans and a proud history supporting our communities, military, first responders, sports fans and hard-working Americans everywhere,’ Whitworth said. ‘We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.’

Oh sure. Who could possibly have foreseen choosing a trans dimwit, a living, grotesque parody of womanhood–whatever that is–as a spokeswhatever would be divisive?

My time serving this country taught me the importance of accountability and the values upon which America was founded: freedom, hard work and respect for one another. As CEO of Anheuser-Busch, I am focused on building and protecting our remarkable history and heritage. I care deeply about this country, this company, our brands and our partners. I spend much of my time traveling across America, listening to and learning from our customers, distributors and others. Moving forward, I will continue to work tirelessly to bring great beers to consumers across our nation

Oh that’s much better. There’s nothing more patriotic or respectful than rubbing everyone’s faces in trans. I’m sure everybody will start drinking Bud Light again right away.

Don’t you love it when dimwitted reporters are exposed?

The NYT tried to spin this to mean there really isn’t any crime in NYC, because only 327 people are doing it:

Chicago politicians are trying the same thing:

This isn’t going to end well–for patients:

Documents obtained by Fox News Digital show that University of Texas Southwestern medical students are being taught that gender is independent of physical structure.

Fox News Digital obtained the documents via a FOIA request from Do No Harm, a national association of medical professionals that combats “woke” activism in the healthcare system.

According to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Human Structure curriculum, they ‘explicitly acknowledge the differentiation between the terms sex and gender.’

‘The latter is a psychological, social, and cultural construct, including self-identification. Gender is independent of physical structure, chromosomes, or genes,’ curriculum materials read.

Because everyone knows there are no differences between men and women, other than vaginas, penises, breasts, you know, that stuff.

Too stupid to survive.