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I was just reflecting on how about half the country has a stunning lack of self awareness…  And the other half has a solid grasp on reality…

By all means gentle readers, be sane…

If even the birds are figuring it out…

NO!  That would be too cruel!

I can’t think of a more compelling recommendation…

You know, I was just wondering that myself…

You mean half of them are for that?!

When you look in the dictionary under “self-delusion”…

When you look in the dictionary under “sleazy, pencli-necked liar”…

You know, I was just wondering that myself…

Don’t know much about history…

Thank goodness we have leftist universities…

“Oh yes I do,” said the bear…

Fake Indian speak with forked tongue…

No doubt about that, and don’t forget fragments, run-ons, commas splices, and no pronoun antecedents…

Keep on keepin’ on…

Well, at least she’s consistent…

California: on the cutting edge of 16th century technology…

Yeah, but you had dirt on Hillary and were about to go public…

The elite in action…

Thank, Al…

That’s why I have two dispensers…

So what’s your point?

That had to leave a mark…

Even Jimmy Carter said life isn’t fair, and he was attacked by a rabbit in a rowboat…

And in the just because it’s really cute department…

Well, it’s Sunday again, gentle readers, time for me to shamelessly plug my book.  If you haven’t read it, may I ask you, yet again, to get a copy?  And may I also ask you to recommend it to people about who you care?  Like the owner of the restaurant, I’d read it.

If you get it directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source, and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  I always appreciate your comments here at SMM, and comments about the book at Amazon would be even more appreciated, because I don’t have a huge publishing house behind the book, publicizing it.  It’s a matter of honest Americans reading and sharing the book.  Positive comments on Amazon help.  Go here to comment. 

I’ll see you next Sunday for the Funnies, and hopefully, every day in between!