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Meet Colin Kaepernick, one of those people who can never, ever be sufficiently mocked.  Because:

This is what Nike should have said…

It’s sometimes a good idea to get a foreign perspective…

Unfortunately, this was in California.  The owner was executed, and the kid that put up the letters on the sign is doing life without possibility of parole…

This may be a little unfair…just a little…

What Beto accidentally said was: “I desire your sister on lawn with guacamole, taco.”

Yeah, why does that always happen in Democrat ruled cities?

Well, she didn’t have the balls, but she did have the knife…


That’s us…

Always a good sign…

Sometimes one almost wishes they hadn’t (no, I’m not hoping the little twerp gets assassinated; it’s a joke)…

“Macho, Macho whatever you identify as…”

I don’t understand why everyone keeps misunderstanding what Democrats mean to say…

Yeah, but that’s different because shut up, and TRUMP!

Well, there go my plans for Christmas presents for distant relatives…

Journalists?  At CNN?!


Our founding fathers were prescient in this, and much else…

I’m just waiting to see who one-ups Castro in the Trans pandering sweepstakes…

This is a miscarriage of justice.  This guy deserves death by flushing…

You know, I’ve been wondering that myself…

Northern humor…

This is why Mrs. Manor and I have been married 40 years; we figured it out…

And in the just because it’s cute department…

Have you ever wondered why visiting Las Vegas is a very bad idea?  My book will explain, and will give you a new appreciation for the value and necessity of honest, professional policing.

If you get it directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source, and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  I always appreciate your comments here at SMM, and comments about the book at Amazon would be even more appreciated, were such a thing possible.  Go here to comment. 

As always, thanks for taking the time to read this scruffy little blog, and I’ll see you again next Sunday, and hopefully, every day in between!