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Walther P22

Walther P22

In the past, I produced a series on the rationale for gun ownership. It’s time for an update, and probably, an expansion on that series, and my friend and fellow blogger/editor at Bearing Arms, Bob Owens, has been kind enough to sponsor the series.

The first installment “A Gun Ownership Primer: The Philosophy Of Gun Ownership,” is now up at Bearing Arms. I’ll follow it each week with new installments. The purpose of the series is to explore in some depth the issues relating to gun ownership, including philosophy, politics, firearm types and their advantages and disadvantages, ammunition, the law, and other issues of interest to those considering becoming firearm owners, and to those who have as many guns as they need, but not as many as they’d like.

Stop by if you have a few minutes. I suspect it may be worth your time. And as always, please comment there and here. I really do want to hear from you; it’s the only way I can know if I’m doing more than pleasing myself.