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What’s the best possible message for college graduates at their commencement?

“You’re totally screwed because America hates you and is out to oppress and kill you.  You’re unlikely to leave here alive and you have no future.”

What sort of anti-American lunatic would deliver a commencement address like that?  Joe Biden’s handlers, of course.  Joe just badly read the teleprompter.

President Joe Biden delivered a bleak commencement address this weekend, characterizing America as a racist place that does not love black people.

Biden gave a commencement speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta on Sunday where he appeared to characterize America in the harshest light in terms of race relations.

‘You started college just as George Floyd was murdered,’ Biden proclaimed. ‘And there was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if the democracy you hear about actually works for you.’

Sorry Joe, but Floyd killed himself by resisting a lawful arrest after overdosing on enough illegal drugs to kill a football team.  Joe’s right about one thing though: “Our democracy”—a tyranny of the majority—doesn’t work for anyone other than tyrants.

‘What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street?’ he openly wondered. ‘What is democracy with a trail of broken promises leaving black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot? Most of all, what does it mean, as you’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?’

Black men are being killed in the streets—virtually exclusively by black criminals Democrats/Socialists/Communists (D/S/Cs) release from jail, usually without charges or bail.  The police rarely shoot black criminals, and when they do, virtually always lawfully.  Nobody has broken more promises to blacks than the D/S/C Party.  No one has to be ten times better.  They just have to be reliable, show up for work on time, stay sober, do the job well, and behave like civilized people.  And that last bit was pure projection.  D/S/Cs hate all Americans.  They’re at least consistent in that.

Biden also touched on issues of voting rights during his speech, sentiments he echoed in a later speech to the NAACP in Detroit.

Interesting, isn’t it, that with all this black voter suppression going on, no one can produce a single black person who was actually, in any way, prevented from voting.  Actual Americans who happen to be black, weren’t impressed by Biden’s race-baiting:

Black voters reacted to President Biden’s commencement address at Morehouse College in Atlanta over the weekend, accusing him of ‘race baiting’ while his support in the Black community continues to dissipate ahead of November.

New York resident Lou Valentino reacted to Biden’s remarks during “Fox & Friends,” accusing him of trying to set Black Americans back after his controversial speech.

‘Race baiter,’ Valentino told Lawrence Jones on Monday. ‘It’s tough to hear that because imagine you going to college for four years… ready to… hit the world, start a career, and… this guy is trying to set you back literally, I don’t know, civil rights. I don’t know what’s going on with the Democrats. This role that they’re trying to play, instead of… pulling up and saying, well, ‘Here we go. This is your time. Congratulations. Let’s kill it. Let’s do our best.’ Nah, you know what, Lawrence? They don’t love you like that.’

A voice of clarity; and so is this:

Virginia business owner Ajay Brewer reacted to Biden’s remarks during ‘Fox & Friends First,’ echoing Valentino’s sentiment while accusing the Democrats of stifling the freedom of Black voters.

‘It’s hopelessness, man… it’s the party of hopelessness,’ Brewer told Carley Shimkus on Monday.

‘I could say that… I was a Democrat my entire life until I opened my business… It’s like a drug… victimhood, and, ‘We can do this for you,’ and to be honest with you the Black folks I surround myself with just want government to get out of the way.’

All true Americans want that.

‘We don’t need folks to do things for us. We don’t need people to baby us,’ he continued. ‘It’s kind of disturbing… that they pander to us in this manner because they can depend on us at a clip of 90% plus, but I think that’s going to change this election.’

Black voters aren’t stupid, but they have been lazy.

According to a new Fox News poll, Biden’s support with Black voters has declined 7% since October 2020, while Trump’s support has spiked 9% in the same time frame.

‘America is changing and people are becoming more sensitive to what’s affecting us as individuals, as business owners, as parents. Not just because we’re Black, not just because we’re women, not just because we’re men. They can’t keep putting us in these race baskets,’ Georgia independent voter Bernadette Wright told ‘Fox & Friends First’ Monday.

Black Americans are waking up to the reality that everybody pays the same prices at the gas station and grocery store, and housing prices are the same for everyone.

‘When it comes to me as an African American, I need you to pay attention to what’s going on with my business,’ she continued. “It’s not always just about, ‘Oh, you’re Black, so you must need this in your community. They don’t even know who we are at this point. We’re just looking for somebody to come to the middle and lead.’

No kidding.  Powerline also has these Biden rants:

I’m relieving the burden of student debt — many of you have already had the benefit of it — (applause) — so I [you] can chase your dreams and grow the economy.

When the Supreme Court told me I couldn’t, I found two other ways to do it. (Applause.) And we were able to do it, because it grows the economy.

Biden bragging about ignoring the law, and lying about the economy.  Spending us into oblivion isn’t going to help the economy.  But hey, what better message to new college graduates than that the law doesn’t apply to you, and you don’t have to live up to your obligations.  Government will take care of you.

But let’s be clear what happens to you and your family when old ghosts in new garments seize power, extremists come for the freedoms you thought belonged to you and everyone.

Yes, that’s Biden making a Klan robe allusion.

Today in Georgia, they won’t allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. What in the hell is that all about? (Applause.) I’m serious. Think about it. And then the constant attacks on Black election workers who count your vote.

Like many states, Georgia prevents people from trying to buy votes with food and beverages, and what attacks on “Black election workers?”  Is Joe referring to people who violate election laws with ballot box stuffing and fake ballots?

They also say out loud, these other groups, immigrants ‘poison the blood’ of our country, like the Grand Wizard and fascists said in the past. But you know and I know we all bleed the same color. In America, we’re all created equal. (Applause.)

Again, outright lies, and this is the guy who minutes earlier said America is unfair and you can’t succeed because RACISM!

Extremists close the doors of opportunity; strike down affirmative action; attack the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Of course.  You black folk can’t succeed unless the game is rigged by government in your favor.

[G]raduates, this is what we’re up against: extremist forces aligned against the meaning and message of Morehouse. And they peddle a fiction, a caricature what being a man is about — tough talk, abusing power, bigotry. Their idea of being a man is toxic. I ran into them all the time when I was younger. They got — all right, I don’t want to get started. (Laughter.)

Oh yeah.  To be a man, you have to rely entirely on government.  Be lazy and self-centered, take no responsibility for women and children, have as many kids as you want and abandon them.  Get involved in gangs and crime and drugs.  You’re an eternal victim, so you don’t have to even try to make your own way in the world.  Joe was probably going to tell a Corn Pop story, or talk about how he grew up a poor, semi-truck driving black child, so at least he spared them that.  Oh, and what do you mean “we” white man?

Final Thoughts:  Obviously, this is more of the unity Joe has been promising.  One minute we’re all Americans and he’s going to unite us.  The next, we’re all MAGA republicans, haters, racists, murderers of black men and oppressors of the black race, and Joe Biden, as white as white guys get, is the great, black hope.

Unfortunately, that “hope” consists of eternal government handouts, and always far less than was promised.  Keeping blacks, and all minorities on the reservation/plantation, dependent on government largess is the goal. Equally unfortunately, we’re the brokest nation in history, getting broker all the time, and Americans of all races are waking to that reality, to the reality it’s entirely possible for America to go bankrupt, and there’s no one to bail us out when—not if—that happens.

Black Americans are also awakening to the reality that D/S/Cs really don’t love them or want to care for them.  In fact, when some other victim group comes along that provides greater political advantage—trans and illegals, for example—blacks get thrown under the bus.

Our salvation as Americans will come not from D/S/Cs whose only tactic is hatred and division, but from embracing the Constitution and the rule of law, from being real, responsible, adult men, people who know no one is responsible for us but us.  Of course we make provision for those who legitimately can’t provide for themselves—that’s what decent people do—but only a society dedicated to equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome can survive.

Biden’s handlers are preaching the opposite.  Biden himself?  He doesn’t know where he is or what he’s doing.  Perhaps someone like that doesn’t have much to teach us, and even less ability to unite us.  And perhaps, someone like that shouldn’t be POTUS.