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Every time…  He won’t be able to pull it off…



No reason it can’t be both…

Gotta have priorities…

But of course…

Me too…

Nobody reads directions…

Every day…

That’s why they’re called “The Stupid Party”…

He’s “the one”…


I hate it when that happens…

But of course…

Well, at least they didn’t disrupt an entire university…

No kidding…

Try that in a small town…

Police brutality…

But of course…

Also but of course…

No, really?

Good point…

Also, also but of course…

The rest just are…

And she was so young and good looking…

Every day…

And in the just because it’s ridiculously cute department…


If you don’t have a copy of License to Kill, would you be so kind as to buy one and encourage your friends to do the same? It’s a true story everyone should know.  It’s summer and my 97 children need new flip flops.  My publisher doesn’t have millions to promote the book, and it’s not available in bookstores, only through Amazon and the publisher.

If you get the book directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source—cheap for a book these days–and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  Positive comments on Amazon about LTK would be great too.  Go here to comment.

And now, more of the inadvertently funny things my students wrote:  

Leachers, Leachers Everywhere! When John and Abigail become to “know” each other it meant that he would become a leacher.”

Not A Which! Now his wife is paying for it since she was blamed for being a which.”

Perhaps Not Appropriate For School: This shows he felt like a total douche for selling out his friends.”

That’s What It Comes To: “So it comes to this.  Writing a five paragraph essay on if John Proctor from the crucible is a good person or not.”

I Hate It When That Happens: Jhon got ahold of the bobther and he said that god was die.”

I Hate It When That Happens: Have you been accused of something even though you were 110% innocent…well that’s what happened in Salem witch trials but instead of getting grounded they were hanged and pressed to death.”

What Does Wonder Woman Wear? When in battle, both heroes are made to wear male armor.”

These days we need to laugh more than ever.  I’ll see you, as usual, this coming Sunday–not Monday–and I hope every other day too!