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Well, that worked out nicely…

This isn’t…


D/S/Cs could screw up even Star Wars…

Ooops  They already have…

There’s nothing else left to do…

And this surprises you because…?

Really good advice…

Neither do I…


We could use those kinds of shortages…


Good dog!

BMWs too…

That needed bolstering?

Angels couldn’t do it either…

Self-imagined elite…

Understandable confusion…

Trust the science…

Or we could just keep killing hostage takers…

NASA has been suppressing this for decades…


Listen to your mother…

And this surprises you because…

Thanks for clarifying that…

And in the just because it’s ridiculously cute department…


If you don’t have a copy of License to Kill, would you be so kind as to buy one and encourage your friends to do the same? It’s a true story everyone should know. My cat has informed me her catnip supply is running low.  My publisher doesn’t have millions to promote the book, and it’s not available in bookstores, only through Amazon and the publisher.

If you get the book directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source—cheap for a book these days–and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  Positive comments on Amazon about LTK would be great too.  Go here to comment.

And now, more from The Revenge of Anguished English by Richard Lederer:

*On Thanksgiving morning we could smell the foul cooking.

*Vestal virgins were pure and chased.

*Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union there has been a considerable decline in the value of the rubble.

*In midevil times people were alliterate.

*Now Hillary Rodham Clinton has returned, a kinder, gentler Ford Lady, her tarnished halo residing over her well-coffered head.

*Mr. and Mrs. Garth Robinson request the honor of your presents at the wedding of their daughter Holly to James Stockman.

 See you next Sunday, and every day between!