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Notice how the rest are wondering: “what the hell is he doing?”  Or maybe: ”
Shit.  There he goes again.  What’s wrong with those Americans?”

So CBS deletes a video while claiming the real thing is altered?  What a surprise.

And then they got caught:


Really stupid, and corrupt:

Joe Biden?  Wasting billions?  Say it ain’t so!

Wow.  Even Pete Buttigieg is doing better and he’s only built 7 or so EV chargers.

Of course Joe did: 

The Biden administration has hired a former Interior Department communications director with a colorful past of attacking police and supporting the anti-Israel movement.

‘After more than three years at Interior working for Secretary Deb Haaland, Cherry started last week as an associate communications director at the White House,’ Politico reported this week.

Last year, Tyler Cherry sparked controversy following posts on social media attacking law enforcement and promoting ‘Russiagate.’

He’s backpedaling, talking about how unfair it is to quote him, so he’ll fit right in at the White House.  Boy, talk about restoring dignity to the White House…

This is what we’ve come to expect of D/S/Cs in Congress:

And so is this:

And so is this:

I knew she was stupid…

…but she thinks spending money to defeat a candidate is somehow undemocratic?  A Democrat thinks that?

They’re corrupt thugs…

…and stupid.

Maybe this is a clue about what’s wrong with California in general and San Francisco in particular:  

The mayoral debate in San Francisco, California, took a bizarre turn after Democrat Mayor London Breed asked her challenger to name three LGBTQ advisers to his campaign as well as three drag queens in the city or prove his loyalty to the cause.

Breed pitched the question during Monday’s debate, putting the five candidates on the same stage. They were each given the opportunity to ask a fellow candidate a question, and Breed used the opportunity to ask challenger Mark Farrell to prove his loyalty to the LGBTQ2S+ community by naming three drag queens in the city.

Crime’s out of control and shit is everywhere, but at least the politicians can name three drag queens.  Stupid.

Federal immigration law?  We don’t need no stinking federal immigration law…

If it took them this long to get a clue…

…they’re stupid.

And this surprises you because?  

A new report found that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is labeling Trump supporters, and military and religious people as potential ‘terror threats’ to the United States.

According to documents obtained by American First Legal (AFL), the DHS board called ‘Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,’ revealed that the Biden Administration views ‘a person likely to commit ‘domestic violent extremist’ attacks with those who support former President Donald Trump, are ‘in the military,’ or are ‘religious.’

If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious. This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about these. We need the space to talk about it more honestly. There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president. It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years. Via the DHS documents. 

The DHS documents cite so-called ‘experts’ who research topics such as terrorism and fentanyl trafficking.

Uh-huh.  “Intelligence experts.”  Gee, I can’t imagine why people don’t want to join the military.  And who is out committing violence in the streets?  It’s not Normal Americans.


Yes.  Yes he did:

This, like Joe, is really old…

…and really stupid.  This, however, isn’t:

Exactly, Biden is a very old 81 and Trump is a very young 78.

Now they admit it: 

Snopes.com, perhaps the most well-known fact-checking website, has finally confirmed — seven years later — that President Donald Trump did not refer to neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in August 2017 as ‘very fine people.’

The false claim was central to President Joe Biden’s election in 2020. He used it to launch his campaign in April 2019, claiming he had been inspired to run against President Trump because the latter called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people.’

The reality was that Trump had actually condemned the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and had used the phrase ‘very fine people’ to describe non-violent protesters on both sides of the issue of the removal of a Confederate statue.

I’m sure taking seven years was just an honest oversight, or maybe they’re anticipating blood in the water at the debate…?

There is nothing funnier to a police officer than the look on a citizen’s face when they realize they’ve just run into a police car:  

A Tesla vehicle operating in ‘self-drive’ mode reportedly collided with a police car at the scene of a fatal accident in Fullerton, California, narrowly missing an officer investigating the prior crash.

Hmmm.  Maybe predictions about AI taking over are a bit premature…?

The DOJ is preparing for the” Summer of Resistance” by announcing “We are all Hamas now.”

I know why… 

Dire warnings from the United Nations, the U.S. EU and aid organizations of mass starvation and famine among civilians in northern Gaza seem to be overstated, according to some experts.

‘Leaders said that thousands of children were going to die, and it didn’t materialize, and no one seems to be trying to explain why,’ David Adesnik, senior fellow and director of research for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies told Fox News Digital. Adesnik has been tracking recent increases in food availability in northern Gaza that have gone without comment from researchers and the media.

…the Islamist bastards, the UN, the media, the Biden Administration, The Squad, etc. were lying.

Apparently the only threats to America come from the military and religious people…

…and the FBI is all over those.

And look what the lying child molesters at Texas Children’s have done:

Look!  Despite my constant, demonic leer, I am a normal person, just like you, you Deplor…I mean, fellow Americans!

Er…maybe not…

And you would believe US Intelligence because…?

U.S. spies believe China’s leaders see little or no upside to the looming electoral showdown between President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump.

Ahead of next week’s first debate of the presidential campaign, U.S. intelligence agencies assess that China has no clear preference between the two candidates, according to American officials, who asked not to be identified discussing nonpublic assessments.

Of course, because there’s no difference between Biden and Trump.  The ChiComs would love to have Trump back.

Rhetorical question…  

…yes.  Next question?

Really stupid, and a waste of hundreds of millions:

And in the unusually stupid department for this week:

Not stupid and really classy:

Really good and necessary advice:

But as for the rest, too stupid to survive.