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Consider this, gentle readers, a placeholder.

When the debate is over, and I’ve had the chance to review my notes, and the musings of a few others… 

…I’ll post a complete review of the proceedings…

What this debate made undeniably clear is the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration has been lying to America from the beginning.  Joe Biden is senile.  He is not in control; he’s never been in control.  His handlers, whoever they are, are running—and badly damaging–the country.  Everything they, and Dr. Jill—and of course the media–have said about his physical and mental fitness has been a grotesque lie, a lie that cannot be explained away by a cold.

That’s right, gentle readers, Biden’s tragic and alarming performance is due to a cold, a cold they never mentioned before the debate, not even to help lower expectations.  They gave up trying to use the childhood stutter nonsense long ago.  Did his handlers, as I predicted they might, drug Biden?  If so, they now know, to their horror, there is no drug cocktail that any longer works, which is to be expected of people descending into terminal dementia.  Or perhaps they didn’t do anything to chemically fortify him.  Perhaps they wanted the American people to see just what they saw in hopes of some replacement scheme they imagine they can control.

Can anyone any longer wonder why the DOJ is refusing to release the Hur transcripts?

Did Trump have a great night?  Speaking frankly from the standpoint of a speech and debate teacher, he did reasonably well, but not exceptionally.  However, whatever missed opportunities he had were a largely a result of the hurried, artificial time limits imposed by Biden’s handlers and CNN in the hope Joe couldn’t make too many mistakes if he didn’t have very long to make them.  They were wrong.  Won/lost has no meaning for this debate.  Compared to Biden, Trump was the greatest orator of all time, and has some moments/quotes that will be remembered, like this:

His biggest failure?  He didn’t quote Reagan asking if Americans were better off now than they were four years ago.

Still, he stayed on message, had command of every fact, didn’t allow the moderators or Biden to anger him, showed his wry sense of humor, and often glanced at Biden in amazement as he degenerated to nonsense.  He demonstrated he has the physical and mental ability to be POTUS again.  He looked—I hate to say this– presidential.

What really worries me is our enemies watched this train wreck.  I pity their translators, but without doubt, Iran has to be thinking their best chance to wipe out Israel, and badly damage America with nuclear weapons is between now and November.  Were I the Saudis, I’d be worrying about that too.  China has to be thinking there will never be a better time to seize Taiwan. Putin must be thinking about conquering Ukraine with nukes.  Hezbollah and every other Palestinian lunatic is now far more likely to go fully kinetic, and if we don’t have massive terrorist attacks in America between now and November, I’ll be amazed.  Oh yes, getting any additional hostages out of Gaza alive has just become effectively impossible.

Some of Joe’s mumblings won’t be remembered, but they’re going to be repeated.

I took nine pages of notes, but I’ll largely spare you that.  Joe’s confusion was so prevalent and so convoluted it was impossible for me to write accurate quotes, so I might be wrong here and there.  You’ll surely see video clips and transcripts—not from the White House; they’ll edit those—in the next few days, and I’ll update and link to those.

It Begins:

Biden was the first to enter.  He looked pale and weak, with his usual halting, stiff gait, his hands held out rigidly before him.  Trump entered walking normally, but with a stern visage.  Neither man tried to shake hands.

I’ll say primarily this about Jake Tapper and Dana Bash the moderators.  They were not as blatantly partisan as they might have been, which is not at all to say they weren’t blatantly partisan.  For example, Tapper led with a question about the economy, but framed it as being much better than it is.  He also, on a number of occasions, rescued Biden when he faltered into confusion.

Biden, who was hoarse, his voice weak, told us our current economy is the greatest ever, the envy of the world.  He also told us during his tenure, no troops have died.  One of his constant tactics was to accuse Trump of lying about everything after he delivered whoppers like that.  His solution to inflation?  Make the rich pay “their fair share.”

He got really confused about trillionaires and billionaires, froze up, and Tapper saved him.  Later in the debate he actually said that he could take enough money from the wealthy to make Social Security entirely solvent(?!).

As I earlier mentioned, Democrats/Socialists/Communists are panicking.  Not because of Biden’s failure, not because of the unnecessary horrors his handlers have unleashed on Americans, not because of the very real dangers of wars his weakness have provoked, not because the D/S/C Party and the media—I know; one in the same—have lied to us for years, but because they might lose political power.  I’ve often linked to this classic Bill Whittle video on that topic.  If you’ve not seen it, by all means, take the link, where you’ll discover that no, taking every penny the wealthy have won’t accomplish a damned thing.

Bash did her best to help Biden on abortion, which was supposed to be a Democrat/Socialist/Communist (D/S/C) hammer with which to bludgeon Trump, but the attempt failed badly.  It’s an issue I’ve recently covered.  Trump holds a moderate view, agreeing with the Supreme Court the issue belongs with the states, and noted that like Ronald Reagan, he believes there must be exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, a view most Americans hold.

Biden was totally confused, saying something about women at six weeks not being able to see doctors.  He admitted illegal immigrants are raping women, then went off on a bizarre tangent about women being raped by “in-laws,” “brothers and sisters.”

When asked if he supported any limitations on abortion, he said he supported Roe v. Wade and argued during the 3rd trimester, abortion was “between the woman and the state.”

On immigration, Biden claimed the Border Patrol supports him.  It didn’t take long for the rank and file of the Border patrol to correct that lie:

He launched into a confused rant, talking about Trump putting children in cages, and when he wound down, Trump spoke for everyone in America:

Trump correctly pointed out he had the safest border in history, and Biden’s is the worst.  He also noted Illegals are living in luxury hotels.  He noted Biden is treating illegals much better than veterans, and Biden responded with the old lie about Trump calling soldiers suckers and losers.  Trump nailed him on that lie, and Biden angrily kept it up.

Bash revealed her slant with a question about 10-7, framing it by saying Israel has “killed thousands of Palestinians,” provoking a “humanitarian crisis.”

Biden responded by claiming “everyone” including Benjamin Netanyahu, has accepted his ‘plan” to end the war.  He also said he had given Israel all the arms they asked for except 2000-pound bombs.  Even elements of his own administration have admitted that’s a lie.

Trump’s basic reply was to let Israel finish the job, to which Biden replied “our strength lies in our alliances.”  I’m sure that’s reassuring to the allies Biden is betraying.

Tapper tried to nail Trump on January 6, and in perhaps his best reply of the night, he observed that on January 6, he gave America a secure border, energy independence and America was respected around the world.  He also accented that he told everyone to “peacefully and patriotically” protest and noted he offered Nancy Pelosi and DC’s mayor 10,000 troops, which they turned down.  He also noted Pelosi was recently seen on film admitting her failure to secure the Capitol was her fault.

Biden wanted every J6 defendant to rot in prison.  Trump said Biden was destroying the lives of innocent Americans and talked about the D/S/C rioters of the summer of 2020.  He also noted the J6 Committee destroyed a great deal of evidence.

Biden immediately called Trump a “convicted felon.”  Trump remained calm and pointed out Hunter is also a convicted felon, and brought up Joe’s crimes, including extorting Ukraine for a billion to get a prosecutor investigating Hunter fired.  Tapper gave Biden additional time to try to attack Trump, but he failed badly, and Trump pointed out Biden’s lawfare has only increased his poll numbers and campaign contributions.

Biden tried to argue that anyone voting for Trump will be voting against American democracy, and brought up his son, claiming his brain cancer was a result of his service in Iraq. He would bring him up at least twice more.  He rambled about people carrying torches, tried to attack Trump on the “fine people,” Charlottesville lie, but was so confused he made virtually no sense.  Biden kept trying to lie about Charlottesville, and they went to their first break about an hour in.

It was later revealed CNN ran the broadcast on a 1-2 minute delay.  I wonder why they did that?  Not to help Trump, certainly.

When they returned, Bash asked Biden about black Americans.  He said he was just great for blacks, mumbling in confusion something about evil corporations and black child care, how he cut black child care costs in half and student loans.  He later said there was no inflation because there were jobs and something about $8000 dollars, health and jobs.  Regarding “equity,” he said: “there’s a lot going on.”

Bash’s question about the “climate crisis” assumed all manner of things that aren’t true, such as record heat, record hurricanes, all the usual alarmist nonsense.

Getting back to blacks, Trump laid this out:

To be accurate, Joe looked that way, and worse, most of the program.  A short time later, Biden announced we have “the fastest growing economy in the world,” which he attributed to illegal immigrants.  He also announced America is “the most admired country in the world.”  He later said: “all our allies trust us.”

Tapper tried valiantly to get both men to talk about solving drug addiction, apparently thinking that would be a gotcha for Trump.  Trump stayed on message about the border’s drug issues, while Biden, ever more confused, said fentanyl was “down for awhile,” muttered about his fake border bill, upset Republicans didn’t fall for it and uttered nonsense about fentanyl machines—whatever those might be–ultimately saying:

He was apparently trying to say because Republican’s didn’t buy his bogus bill, we can’t have machines that somehow stop fentanyl smuggling, but as with much else, it was impossible to know what he was actually trying to say.

Bash tried to give Biden an opportunity to show how fit he was for a second term, but that didn’t work out well.  He told her to “look at my record,” and said “fabs pay $100,00, don’t need a college degree.”

Trump noted he had taken and aced two cognitive tests, and challenged Biden to take one.  Asked about political violence Trump said it was “totally unacceptable, and said he’d accept the results of a “fair, legal election.”

For his closing statement, Biden said we need to have a fair tax system, and said, for at least the third time, he didn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000.  He said Trump’s term in office was a “debacle, and said Trump wants to raise taxes.  This after he spent considerable time attacking Trump’s tax cuts.  He became hopelessly confused about Medicare and medical costs.

Trump’s closing was, as the with the rest of his comments, coherent.  He hit again on illegal immigration, the Afghanistan debacle, and noted During his term, Iran was broke, 10-07 would never have happened on his watch.  He spoke of Palestinian riots in America, and how Biden’s regulations are worsening inflation and costing jobs.  This was where asking if Americans were better off now than four years ago would have been most effective.

Final Thoughts:  As I noted, there will be plenty of additional Biden gaffes exposed in the days to come, such as his saying he visited and spoke with soldiers who had died, or about 13 minutes into the debate saying “we beat Medicare.”  This tweet, posted early in the debate, well captures D/S/C panic:

When D/S/Cs have lost S.E. Cupp, you know they’re in serious trouble.  Take this link to the Politico article mentioned in the header screenshot.  It’s brief but darkly hilarious as the author notes many D/S/Cs are beginning to think Biden has “lost a step.”

Saner D/S/Cs—if such a thing exists—were admitting long before the debate was over, Biden is over.  One would hope every American would be angry with the D/S/C establishment, including the media, academia, the entertainment industry, medicine, science and virtually the entire government.  They’ve been willingly lying to us for four years, pretending a senile man is perfectly lucid and healthy.  “Who you gonna believe?  Us or your own lyin’ eyes and ears?” lost its effectiveness not in 90 minutes, but a handful of minutes, and not even Tapper and Bash or a broadcast delay could save Biden.

I’ll have more, most likely for Monday, but for now, consider how we’ve been deceived, the damage that has been done, the world-changing damage that very well could be done before November, and what ought to happen to the people and institutions that knowingly did this to us.