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America, circa June, 2024… Well, who wouldn’t be?

Of course…

Truth in political advertising…

Darn!  Missed it by that much…

Well sure!  I mean, who doesn’t?

Sure does…

Smart move…sort of…maybe…

Of course they did…

No kidding…

Thanks for the health tip…

Good idea…

And that’s true because…uh…um…well…

Sure is…


Trust the science…

I knew that…

Some things are mysteries…

See what I mean?

Most transparent administration evah…

Well sure, because…uh…um…well…you know…like, it’s the thing…

Reality strikes…



Also absolutely…

Gotta save Israel for this alone…

And in the just because it’s ridiculously cute department…


If you don’t have a copy of License to Kill, would you be so kind as to buy one and encourage your friends to do the same? It’s a true story everyone should know. My cat has informed me her catnip supply is running low.  My publisher doesn’t have millions to promote the book, and it’s not available in bookstores, only through Amazon and the publisher.

If you get the book directly through the publisher, I’ll make a few cents more than if you get it at Amazon. It’s $17.99 at either source—cheap for a book these days–and Amazon has a $4.99 Kindle edition.  Positive comments on Amazon about LTK would be great too.  Go here to comment.

And now, more of the inadvertently funny things my students wrote:  

Uh, Right… People with color or not can be successful and also trashy.”

So You’re Very Well Informed Then? Frederick Jackson’s speech was nothing but wrong, and I haven’t even read it.”

No Kidding: In Texas, Austin is our tyranny.”

I’m Sure It Is: “The manuscript of “How To Kill A Mockingbird” is amazing.”

Use “Droll” In A Sentence: “As she slept droll came from her mouth.”

Are You Sure About That?  “For the time period this movie was made, it was mediocre.  That made it entertaining.”

We All Know How Much That Hurts: “It was a tragedy when Achilles was shot in the Iliad.”

These days we need to laugh more than ever.  I’ll see you, as usual, this coming Sunday–not Monday–and I hope every other day too!