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Okay.  This—another excerpt from Biden’s recent Time interview–is scary:  

The weirdest moment comes when the reporters ask Biden to describe his second-term agenda. That’s what we in the biz call a “softball question.” And here—excuse the long excerpt, but it is necessary to grasp the full absurdity and danger of having this man continue to serve as president—is Joe Biden’s response

‘To finish what I started in the first term. To continue to make sure that the European continent—I’ll tell you, I got a call from Kissinger about 10 days before he died. And he used the following comment. He said that not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over their shoulder at dread with what Europe—what Russia may do, until now. Until now, you can’t let that change.

The point is that we have an opportunity to have the decisions we make in the last couple of years, in the next four years, are going to determine the future of Europe for a long time to come. And so that’s why we can not let NATO fail, we have to build that both politically and economically. And militarily, which we’re investing significantly. In addition to that, I am desperately focused on making sure that we deal with the… what they are calling the south now. There are going to be a billion people in Africa in the next several years. We have to, we have to be a catalyst for change for the benefit, for the, for the better, we have to help them build back better, we have to help them.

We, on the climate side, have come along and we’ve done everything that is reasonably—and three other countries are the reason we’re in the problem we’re in. But what happens if all of a sudden, on the Amazon, they’re starting to clear, vast swaths of land, cut down forests, etc. Back when Dick Lugar was alive, he and I started something back in the ’90s, where we said—late ’80s, excuse me—where we said to, in the Amazon, they said, look, if you, we’ll make a deal with you Brazil. You don’t cut your forest, we’ll pay you not to do it. We’ll pay you not to do it. We have to prevent— And that’s why we’re working so hard to make sure Angola can be in a position that they have more solar capacity than almost any place in the world, to help that whole continent.

That’s why we want to build a railroad all the way—with others in Europe—all the way across the continent. So that you have, you have countries that have overproduction of agriculture and some that don’t have it, but no way to get a transfer. There’s so much opportunity in Africa. And we have to work it.’

This is what we can look forward to in a second term? Working to make sure that Angola has robust solar capacity?

God knows what he thought five minutes later, if anything.

Appearing in France to commemorate the Normandy Invasion is a solemn occasion requiring the most competent statecraft.  Unfortunately, Joe Biden is POTUS:

Dr. Jill led him away, leaving France’s President to greet American D-Day vets?

Oh well, I’m sure Putin won’t mind then.  He’ll just send a bunch of warships to visit us, friendly like:

Demonstrating leadership:

This is what Joe said to Macron:

No kidding:

Well, his handlers did.  He just reads—badly—teleprompters.

Suuuure he won’t pardon Hunter…  

President Biden reacted to the guilty verdict in his son’s gun trial, noting that he is a dad in addition to his duty as president.

‘As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today,’ Biden said of his son, Hunter Biden, after the verdict. ‘So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery.’

The president, who has in the past indicated that he would not use his power to appeal a guilty verdict for his son in the case, seemingly stood by that vow in his statement, saying he ‘will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal.’

…and if you believe that, have I mentioned I’m a Nigerian prince in exile and if you’ll give me your bank account numbers I’ll deposit millions for safe keeping and you can keep 10%?  I’d expect the pardon on November 6 or thereafter.

This is sooooo sad…

…on so many levels.


President Biden appeared to freeze during a Juneteenth celebration at the White House on Monday.

Biden, 81, was filmed standing still as stone while those around him, including Vice President Kamala Harris, clapped and danced to a concert featuring gospel singer Kirk Franklin.

Video shows Biden staring blankly and not moving an inch for about 30 seconds before Philonise Floyd — the brother of George Floyd, whose murder triggered nationwide riots in 2020 — noticed the president and put his arm around him. Biden then smiles as Floyd leans in to say something, and they bump fists after exchanging a few words.

Oh.  That’s why his DOJ is after “radical traditional Catholics” then?  

‘The View’ host Ana Navarro defended President Biden as ‘the most religious president’ of her lifetime during an appearance on CNN on Tuesday.

Navarro was responding to former President Trump’s comments this week warning Christian voters that Democrats are ‘against your religion.’

Other than supporting abortion at any time, and all manner of LGBTQWERTY+-2 trans stuff, he’s a model Catholic.

‘It’s crazy for him to say Democrats are against religion at a time when we are led by Joe Biden, who, in my lifetime, is the most religious president I can recall,’ Navarro replied. ‘[Biden’s] not a Christian conservative. He’s an Irish Catholic church-going practicing Catholic.’

Wait a minute.  I thought Joe was Puerto Rican, black, Greek, Hispanic, Jewish and a truck driver to boot?

What could possibly go wrong?  

Russian warships, including nuclear sub, missile frigate, will arrive in Cuba next week

Three Russian Navy ships and a nuclear-powered submarine will arrive at the Port of Havana for an official visit next week, the Cuban armed forces said in a statement Thursday, confirming the military exercises first disclosed by U.S. officials on Wednesday.

The Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces said the Russian missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the nuclear sub Kazan, the oil tanker Pashin and the salvage tug Nikolai Chiker will arrive on June 12 and stay for a week.

A U.S. official told McClatchy and the Miami Herald on Wednesday that the exercises are expected to include ‘heightened naval and air activity near the United States,’ involving both Russian aircraft and combat naval vessels – the first coordinated air and sea exercise by Russia in the Western Hemisphere in five years.

Wasn’t there something about a Truman Doctrine or something…?

And you’d believe the DOJ because…?  

The Justice Department is pushing back on allegations that it colluded with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in the prosecution of former President Trump, writing in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee that the claims are ‘conspiratorial speculation’ and ‘completely baseless.’

Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte sent the letter, which was obtained by Fox News, to Committee Chairman Jim Jordan late Monday, less than two weeks after a jury found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.

‘The Committee has demanded information from the Department because of what you describe as a ‘perception that the Justice Department is’ behind the District Attorney’s so-called ‘politicized prosecution’ and a ‘perception that the Biden Justice Department is politicized and weaponized’ to that end,’ Uriarte wrote in response to an April 30 letter than Jordan sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

‘The Department does not generally make extensive efforts to rebut conspiratorial speculation, including to avoid the risk of lending it credibility,’ Uriarte added. ‘However, consistent with the Attorney General’s commitment to transparency, the Department has taken extraordinary steps to confirm what was already clear: there is no basis for these false claims.’

Oh yeah.  Garland is all about transparency.

Who coulda thunk it? 

Hamas has rejected the Israeli hostage-ceasefire deal, claiming that it is fundamentally different than the one presented by U.S. President Joe Biden on May 31, the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsa reported on Thursday.

Genocidal, savage terrorists not wanting peace?  Impossible! 

Your terms are acceptable:  

Many illegal migrants will voluntarily flee to Canada if President Donald Trump is re-elected, a Democrat-appointed ambassador told an elite Canadian audience in Ottawa.

‘These people aren’t just going to sit there and wait to be rounded up,’ former U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman told a national security conference on June 3, according to Canada’s National Post.

Don’t let the screen door whack you on the ass on your way North.

Spreading the gospel:  

The United Methodist Church (UMC) lost more than a million members in one fell swoop last week, with a large West African conference voting to leave the organization due to its acceptance of LGBT clergy and marriages.

The United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast (Eglise Méthodiste Unie Côte d’Ivoire or EMUCI) renounced their UMC membership on May 28 ‘for reasons of conscience before God and His word,’ La Croix International reported.

Oh yeah, these guys want peace and a “two-state solution”:

Israeli military foiled an attempt by Hamas terrorists to breach the Israeli border fence from their stronghold of Rafah, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed Thursday.

The IDF soldiers spotted the terrorists intruders as they approached the border fence. ‘IDF troops operating in the area of the security fence identified several suspects who approached the border from the Gaza Strip and moved toward Israel in an attempt to cross the security area in the area of Rafah,’ the Israeli military said in a press release Thursday. ‘The troops engaged the terrorists who opened fire at them. The troops then returned fire at the terrorists.’

Israeli fighter jets took out two of the terrorists, thwarting Hamas’s attempt to enter Israel. ‘An IAF aircraft that monitored the terrorist cell struck the terrorists and eliminated two of them. Another terrorist was eliminated by means of tank fire shortly afterward,’ the IDF statement added. ‘We emphasize that the terrorists did not cross the fence built along the Gaza Strip.’

And this surprises you because…?

And this surprises you because…?

What could possibly go wrong?  

Calling 911 in Cambridge? Soon, the city may send social workers instead of police.

It took less than a minute for the crew of five social workers in matching mint-green T-shirts to find people who could use some help.

Right outside the door to their Central Square headquarters last month, they found a woman sitting on the ground with a few small bags, taking a rest in the 80-plus-degree heat, and gave her water and snacks. A few steps down Mass. Ave., they chatted with a homeless man who wanted assistance getting an ID.

Later, they consoled a woman who walked up to them in tears, asking if someone could pray with her. They obliged.

This is in Cambridge’s near future:

Here they go again: 

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) was out campaigning for Donald Trump in Philadelphia on Wednesday and told the truth about black families.

‘You see, during Jim Crow, the black family was together. During Jim Crow, more black people were not just conservative — black people have always been conservative-minded — but more black people voted conservatively,’ Donalds said. ‘And then HEW [Department of Health, Education, and Welfare], Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are.’

Which is historically accurate and undeniably true.

‘It has come to my attention that a so-called leader has made the factually inaccurate statement that black folks were better off during Jim Crow,’ Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said. ‘That’s an outlandish, outrageous, and out-of-pocket observation.’

No, Donalds did not say that ‘black folks were better off during Jim Crow.’ That’s a deliberate lie. Donalds said that the ‘black family was together.’ He said during Jim Crow ‘more black people were not just conservative — black people have always been conservative-minded — but more black people voted conservatively,’

More actual truth: 

Donalds tried to respond to the lies and exaggerations on X.

‘What I said was, is that you had more black families under Jim Crow, and it was the Democrat policies — under HEW, under the welfare state — that did help to destroy the black family,’ Donalds said.

The black divorce rate today is more than 30%, as compared to the divorce rates for Hispanics (18.5%), whites (15%), and Asians (12.4%). Out-of-wedlock births for blacks are at a staggering 72%. This is after trillions of dollars in transfer payments to black communities have been made since the 1960s.

Is there any lie D/S/Cs won’t tell?  I know: stupid question.

I thought rescuing hostages from savage, genocidal Islamist terrorists was a good thing:

Darkly hilarious, yes.  Evil, certainly.

However many are still alive…

Who coulda thunk it?   

California fast food restaurants have slashed nearly 10,000 jobs because of the state’s new $20 minimum wage as struggling franchises cut labor costs and raise prices to survive, a major trade group said Thursday.

The California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) slammed  Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for pushing through the law, which went into effect April 1 – and was blamed for forcing one beloved taco chain to shutter 48 locations in the state last week.

‘California businesses have been under total attack and total assault for years,’ CABIA president and founder Tom Manzo told Fox Business. [skip]

Manzo said nearly 10,000 jobs have been cut across fast food restaurants since Newsom signed California Assembly Bill 1287 into law last year, adding that officials were living in a ‘fantasyland’ by thinking that drastic wage increases will help workers or businesses.

‘You can only raise prices so much,’ he said. ‘And you’re seeing it. People are not going to pay $20 for a Big Mac. It’s not going to happen.’

Despite flogging the dead horse of the Trump trial, CNN continues to circle the drain:  

CNNLOL’s ratings decreased in May. With its Orange Whale finally in a criminal court, compared to April, CNN’s primetime ratings still collapsed by 17 percent. CNN’s total day ratings fell by seven points.

Pardon me while I do my happy dance…

Averages for May with comparisons to April…

Primetime Total Viewers/Age 25-54 Demo Viewers

*Fox News: 2.00 million (+1 percent) / 199,000 (-9 percent)

*MSNBC: 1.16 million (-8 percent) / 110,000 (-4 percent)

*CNNLOL: 518,000 (-17 percent) / 96,000 (-15 percent)

Total Day Total Viewers/Age 25-54 Demo Viewers

*Fox News: 1.29 million (+2 percent) / 147,000 (-6 percent)

*MSNBC: 816,000 (-8 percent) / 83,000 (-4 percent)

*CNNLOL: 468,000 (-7 percent) / 81,000 (-8 percent)

In the demo that sets advertiser rates, CNN couldn’t even pull 100,000 average viewers, which is considered the bare minimum, with Trump on trial(!).

Compared to 2023, Fox’s primetime ratings are up 41 percent (not a typo) in total viewers and 47 percent in demo viewers.

Couldn’t happen to worse people.

Lock up the normals:  

Paula Collins, the Democrat challenging Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), publicly announced her idea during a public Zoom townhall this week.

‘Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really want call it that,’ Collins said. ‘I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.’

It’s not putting Normal American in concentration camps that’s the problem.  It’s getting the messaging right.  That worked so well for the Nazis, so why not?

Portland?  Yawn…  

Portland‘s Public Safety Commissioner slammed Multnomah County’s proposed budget of $4 billion because of its allocation of more than $5 million for syringes and nearly $2 million for tents.

Rene Gonzalez wrote a letter to the Multnomah County Chair and Board of Commissioners, requesting them to rethink these two budget items before approving the 2025 budget, per KATU. Gonzalez noted that not only are taxpayers funding the tents and syringes, but they’re also paying for the city’s cleanup of the mess, which is a never-ending vicious cycle all at the cost of taxpayers.

What you subsidize, you get more of.  Stupid.

 Haven’t been watching the Olympics for some time now…  

So, the Olympics have decided to become complicit in reframing the narrative. You should definitely click on the provided link and see for yourself.

In a new 33-page document, the International Olympic Committee warned the media against using terms such as ‘born male’, ‘born female’, ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’, which they claim is ‘problematic language’…

…not going to from now on. 

So, she’s bringing attention and revenue to the WNBA like never before, and they hate her for it?

How dare she be talented, capable, pretty, white and straight!

What the…?!  

A top cancer charity has apologized for using the word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole.’

The Canadian Cancer Society, which is run by philanthropist Andrea Seale, acknowledged the LGBTQ+ community on a webpage dedicated to cervical cancer, under the page’s ‘words matter’ section.

The non-profit said that ‘many’ non-binary people and transgender men have ‘mixed feelings’ or ‘feel distanced’ from the term cervix.

These are sick, stupid pseudo-people.

And this surprises you because…?  

Academic fraud is forcing Wileya major publisher of scientific journals, to close 19 jourals after some were overwhelmed by industrial-scale research fraud. In the last two years, Wiley has retracted over 11,300 papers containing some fraudulent content. 

Trust the science—if you’re really stupid. 

Of course they are:  

‘If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert,’ liberty-loving economist Milton Friedman liked to say, ‘in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.’

On Martha’s Vineyard, they’re running out of government-regulated marijuana, and that has some of the locals up in virtual arms. Slowly, one imagines.

The Associated Press told the story on Tuesday of an unnamed 81-year-old Vineyard resident who drove to the Island Time pot shop to pick up her usual dose but ‘owner Geoff Rose had to tell her the cupboard was bare.’ He’d had to close up shop three weeks earlier after selling out the last of his inventory of weed and edibles. [skip]

The culprit behind the shortage is the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission, which ruled that ‘transporting pot across the ocean — whether by boat or plane — risks running afoul of federal laws,’ according to the AP. You can grow weed on the Vineyard but you can’t transport it there. Never mind the part where people do transport it to the island every time they buy it on the mainland. They just can’t transport it to a store for purchase by somebody else.

Now they’re worried about obeying the law?  You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at these entitled dimwits.

Make that a “UN-administered refugee camp.”

Not stupid: 

Memo to the Trump campaign: In light of the fact that the four hostages Israel rescued in their daring and heroic raid last week were being held inside a UN-run encampment in Gaza, Trump ought to announce that one of his first acts upon being sworn into office next January 20 will be an immediate halt to all United States dues and other financial support to the United Nations. It is long past time to regard the UN as a useless organization. It is now clear it is a hostile organization.

For once, maybe Republicans won’t be the stupid party? 

I understand it…

…they’re Marxist idiots.

Too stupid to survive.