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Let’s review.  Democrats/Socialists/Communists (D/S/Cs) think themselves morally and intellectually superior, the self-imagined elite destined to rule by self-imagined right over lesser beings who cannot be trusted to vote the right—left—way, and who are so intellectually stunted they cannot know what is good for them, what’s in their own best interests.  For them, the end—eternal D/S/C rule—justifies the means: whatever is necessary such as election fraud, unnecessary, abusive regulations, a two-tiered injustice system, silencing, canceling bankrupting and prosecuting political opponents, sexually and politically indoctrinating children, the list is unlimited.

Because D/S/Cs are exalted beings, their actions and policies are perfect, beyond reproach, non-falsifiable.  Their lies, covered by the media, are truth because as Joe Biden put it, they care about truth over facts.  They create their own reality and force others to live in it, thus never-ending printing of money cannot possibly contribute to inflation and can go on indefinitely.  It is impossible for them to be wrong.  Yet experience teaches us socialism, as Margaret Thatcher so wisely said, inevitably fails because it always runs out of other people’s money.  Communism is the most murderous ideology in history, killing more than 100 million in the last century alone.  Even Islamists are not quite so murderous, though not for lack of trying.

How, then, do D/S/Cs react when their policies inevitably, spectacularly fail?  They deny they’ve failed, because inferiors are incapable of accurately understanding such things.  We call this “gaslighting.”  When things get so bad they can’t get away with gaslighting, they complain not nearly enough money has been spent for the policy to succeed, thus do we get billion dollar electric vehicle charging stations.  Or not nearly enough time has passed for the wonders of the policy to become manifest.  Or the policy hasn’t been given to inferiors good and hard enough.  Ultimately, the problem becomes D/S/Cs have magnanimously allowed inferiors to exist to oppose the wise policies of the self-imagined elite.  When that conclusion is reached, D/S/Cs speak of reeducation camps, impose mandates, and some even darkly hint at eliminating inferiors altogether, an American version of the final solution.

Victor Davis Hanson is a national treasure.  He, in many ways, inspired me to begin blogging.  One may consider that turn of events a societal good or ill, but one of his most recent essays asserts D/S/Cs know their policies don’t work.

Do not expect the radical left to survey the wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and erodes their freedoms. There will never be admissions by our elite that progressivism exists mainly for the acquisition of power by the utopian and virtue-signaling few, who ensure that they are never subject to the baleful implementation of their ideological agendas on the rest of us.

Still, leftists look around at what they have done to America in the last four years and implicitly know that the plan did not work, the people detested it, or both.

How do we know this? By a variety of barometers.

As you continue to read, gentle readers, know that VDH is correct. But knowing a policy has failed, and acknowledging one’s own failure in promulgating that policy are two different things.  Doing something to correct the failure?  That’s in another universe.

But most importantly, the left is not running on its record of the last three-and-a-half years but instead studiously ignoring it, at least temporarily through November. Suddenly, we aren’t hearing so much about cancelling pipelines and freezing federal oil leases, or so much demonization of the ‘greedy’ oil companies. Instead, Biden is further draining the strategic petroleum reserve and begging OPEC in general and the no-longer-demonized Saudi Arabia in particular to pump oil as fast as possible.

We were lied to for nearly four years that the border was ‘secure,’ as 10 million foreign nationals flooded across. Then we were told Biden was helpless to stop the deluge since he had no legal right to enforce federal immigration law through executive orders—a ridiculous excuse that even he would soon drop. Despite their eagerness for new constituencies, no one on the left dares to openly praise the influx of the last four years, much less demand more illegal immigration.

And what did Biden’s handlers do?  They announced a new executive order that was supposed to reduce illegal immigration.  You know, the kind of executive order they claimed Joe was powerless to issue because illegal immigration is all Republican’s fault and only they, through congressional legislation, can fix it.  Then internal memos surfaced proving it was all a hoax; catch and release is still the order of the day.  Nothing but Joe’s rhetoric has changed, and everyone knows that’s nonsense, a lie or both.

The administration’s pandering at election time is a de facto admission that its agendas did not work, permanently alienated the people they hurt, and are now being forgotten or reversed—albeit temporarily—to retain power at all costs.


Outside of politics, leftists are quiet as their failed bromides are being undone. The idea of the FBI partnering with social media to suppress politically-dangerous news is something the left is not eager to repeat.

This too is temporary.  Should they retain power, they’ll double down on censorship and completely dismantle the First Amendment, not only in censoring speech, but in abolishing religious liberty. They are of necessity hostile to the very idea of religion, of the existence of God.  The D/S/C Party cannot abide any power greater than itself.

The same recognition is beginning to apply to the lawfare waged against Donald Trump. Jack Smith’s crusade to get Trump is undermined by prosecutorial misbehavior concerning the evidence seized at Mar-a-Lago and by the asymmetrical treatment by another special counsel accorded Biden in comparison with Trump. Smith’s efforts to speed up the trial before the election only made his persecution more politically transparent.

Fani Willis’s outrageous behavior will likely delay indefinitely her weaponized indictments. The James and Bragg convictions will likely be overturned and were intended mostly to embarrass Trump, bankrupt him, and harm his presidential campaign.

However, unless the Supreme Court steps in and deals with the very real federal issues involved in even these local prosecutions, irreparable harm will be done—which was and is the intention of D/S/Cs—in the election, harm that cannot be reversed by striking down insane, unconstitutional verdicts months and years after the election.  Where is D/S/C remorse at engaging in wholesale lawfare?  Where is the individual recognition of violating political and constitutional norms?  Where are the individual and collective pledges to sin no more, to, from this moment forward, obey the Constitution and adhere to the rule of law?

In short, the policies that the left has given us over the last years—hyperinflation, spiking staple and gas prices, racial and tribal chauvinism, dangerous streets, an emasculated and politicized military, and wars abroad—did not work, and are now being masked to retain power, put on hold, or even reversed.

The reasons for the failure are ancient, given that socialism and progressivism are contrary to human nature.

Ah!  Exactly, but when you make your own reality, when you believe you can alter not only reality but human nature, making “the new Soviet—American—man,” how can you admit failure?  How can you admit all the damage, all the horrors you’ve inflicted on others?  How can you falsify the non-falsifiable?

Borders are essential to national sovereignty and confidence and delineate the unique values, traditions, and customs of a people, without which they revert to mere tribes without social commonalities and political cohesion. No society can pick and choose which national laws are enforced and which ignored—and still remain a nation of laws.

People obey laws because, in a cost-benefit analysis, they fear the consequences of lawbreaking. Otherwise, the laws of the wild prevail and the strongest dictate to the weaker. Citizens must be discouraged, not encouraged, from favoring their own tribe and race, tribalism being the oldest of human biases. Money is not a construct but represents the real value of capital and labor and cannot be printed into national wealth. Abroad, most nations are illiberal and their aggressiveness is deterred only through guarantees that they will lose more than they will gain through war.

We sometimes forget all that unpleasant human baggage, due to irrelevant distractions, or the utopianism that is the handmaiden of affluence and leisure. Often, the opulence and freedom arising from free-market economies and limited constitutional government create so much prosperity and liberty that its beneficiaries believe such good fortune to be their natural and commonplace birthright and so begin destroying the very system that blessed them.

Here VDH, as usual, provides profound insights.  The political/societal lunacy that has been our lot, particularly in blue cities and states since 2020, tends not to occur in less affluent societies.  It’s the ultimate privilege of the idle wealthy and powerful who engage in behavior and crimes knowing they’ll suffer no consequences.  Except, as Jason Aldean so accurately put it, should they “try that in a small town,” the red towns and states where the rule of law yet prevails and where criminals are arrested, tried and punished, and should “mostly peaceful protestors” attack the police, plenty of citizens will gleefully wade in to support law and order, providing beat downs the police can’t.

Perhaps the best example of that occurred at the 2020 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally when a small group of Antifa idiots, full of themselves with acting without consequences elsewhere, took their socialist/anarchist street theater on the road: 

Chief Geody Vandewater said a small group of protesters was gathered on Sturgis’ Main Street on Saturday when one of the demonstrators kicked the motorcycle as it passed by. The crowd began swarming toward the protesters, and Vandewater said police escorted the demonstrators to a safe spot.

‘It was a little chaotic for a bit,’ the chief told The Associated Press. He said among other things, the protesters were demonstrating against Republican Gov. Kristi Noem’s decision not to shut down South Dakota during the coronavirus pandemic and that the Sturgis rally was being held during the pandemic.

The protester — a man from Rapid City, South Dakota — was arrested for disorderly conduct, Vandewater said. No one was hurt.

He kicked a motorcycle?!  At the Rally?!  The article is restrained.  At Sturgis, police officers from around the nation take vacation time to help out.  It is, for the most part, grand police fun.  People are there to have a good time and they’re polite.  The trip is expensive, and they have no intention of spending the Rally in jail.  Even motorcycle gangs wear clean clothing and are unfailingly polite to the police.  If the police hadn’t immediately surrounded the dimwits and hustled them to safety, the crowd, which was having fun to that point giving them verbal hell, would have shown them what happens when you “try that in a small town.”  Antifa has not repeated their Sturgis appearance.  VDH concludes:

But if Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

Final Thoughts:  Are we seeing genuine contrition from D/S/Cs?  Are these people honestly recognizing their sins against others, all the damage they’ve done and continue to do?  Are they, in admitting their sins, doing what is necessary to sincerely apologize, to make right the damage and taking steps to never repeat the same mistakes—or anything like them?

Of course not.  How could they?  These are the morally and intellectually superior, the self-imagined elite self-appointed to rule over lesser beings.  Because they recognize no authority greater than themselves or their political messiah of the moment, they have no one to whom to confess, no one to forgive their sins because they are incapable of error, of sin.  Their mistakes are always the fault of others.

Some few may know their policies are failures, but all vote in lockstep so such recognition is meaningless.  The socialists and communists control the D/S/C Party, and Communist China owns Joe Biden, and likely, much of the D/S/C Party.

Any appearance of contrition is merely a temporary, cynical political tactic.  For the moment, they’re pretending to care about the border, inflation and all the ills they’ve imposed on Americans, or at the least are avoiding talking about them.  Should they keep power in November, they’ll give it to Normal Americans good and hard, and finish the “fundamental transformation” of America Barack Obama began.  His fourth term will be the death of our constitutional, representative, republic.

What has D/S/Cs frightened is their act isn’t working.  Joe Biden is so obviously senile, and getting worse every minute, even some D/S/Cs can’t abide the hypocrisy and won’t vote for him.  They fear even the unprecedented level of vote fraud they have planned for this election won’t be enough to elect Biden.  They fear they’ll have to so blatantly cheat even their corrupt judges won’t be able to ignore it this time.  Even Virginia—Virginia!—appears to be in play this time.

They’re so desperate they’re engaging in the most blatant projection yet, claiming if elected, Trump will prosecute his political enemies.  He’ll do what they’ve been doing to him.  They fail to realize at least half of Americans consider that a selling point.  They know an honest DOJ will inevitably put thousands of them in prison, and not on false charges, which is also a selling point.

VDH is right.  If we don’t end their depredations, they’ll end America.  What remains to be seen is how desperate they are to remain in power, and how much blood will be spilled in the attempt.