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Finally, free. Who wouldn’t rejoice? Plenty of immoral idiots…

The Hamas/Israel war is serving many useful purposes, such as the deaths of thousands of barbaric, genocidal Islamist terrorists, but there is one essential purpose: it’s revealing who among us is good, and who is clearly evil.  That among the infernal ranks of the evil are so many of our ostensible “leaders,” journalists, academics, entertainers and other miscreants, is sobering but not surprising.

Imagine a friend or acquaintance knocks on your door dragging along several bound people.  He has kidnapped them, beaten them, perhaps sexually abused them, and wants you to hold them hostage in your home.  Being a good neighbor, you of course agree and keep them enslaved.  How do you keep them against their will?  You bind them, beat them, starve them intimidate them, make them fear for their lives every moment of every day.  You assure them if they try to escape, or anyone tries to rescue them, you’ll kill them.

In what world would any other than the evil do such a thing?  To imprison innocents—in one’s home—is at the least kidnapping and a variety of other felonies.  During time of war, it’s a war crime.  It’s as morally corrupt—evil–as it’s possible to be.

NOTE: When you rescue hostages, you quickly and efficiently kill everyone keeping them in captivity with continual threats of death.  To hesitate means they’ll kill hostages and/or those trying to rescue them.

And then, out of the blue: 

Have you ever had one of those days?

You’re just sitting at home minding your own business, guarding the Israeli hostages your Hamas buddies kidnapped after their bloody rampage on October 7. Then, all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever, a bunch of Zionists bust in and kill you. A lot of you. Hundreds of you, if your terrorist comrades are to be believed.

And for what? Why did so many people need to die just for four Jews? Aren’t your lives important too?

That’s what Hamas supporters are feeling today, because they’re evil idiots.

And by ‘Hamas supporters,’ I mean CNN.

CNN is, of course, far from the only Hamas-supporting media outlet, though it is perhaps the most obvious, morally bankrupt and despicable:

CNN guest Ian Bremmer said that he was disappointed by the network’s misleading news chyron calling an Israeli operation to rescue hostages a ‘release’ during his interview with the network on Saturday.

The Israeli operation took home four hostages who were kidnapped and then held in Gaza by Hamas on Oct. 7.

However, CNN’s chyron called the hostage rescue operation a ‘hostage release,’ implying that Hamas chose to willingly free them.

That’s more than an implication; it’s a choice designed to shape a narrative.  It’s also a choice to chose evil.  The BBC, if not overtly evil, is certainly stupid:

Let’s engage, gentle readers, in a bit of clarity.  Hamas is a genocidal terror organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel, the slaughter of every Jew, and as with all Islamists, the enslavement and murder of every infidel.  They perpetrated the genocide and inhuman crimes of Oct. 7, and every day, swear to do it all over again.  There is no atrocity they have not, and will not, commit.  From the earliest age, they teach their children to kill Jews.  They are, every one of them, subhuman monsters. They steal the billions in aid foreign idiots provide, diverting it to their own bank accounts, and to buying weapons and building an enormous network of terror tunnels.  They pay the surviving families of murderous terrorists, using money the American people provide.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.  Arabs are not only allowed in their country, many are citizens and Arabs are members of the Israeli parliament.  The Israel “occupiers” left Gaza entirely in 2005.  Look what Hamas did with that freedom.

Israel is a leader in anti-rocket/missile/mortar technology as a matter of necessity as Hamas and Hezbollah constantly bombard Israel.  Israel supplies her enemies with food, water and medical care, even providing medical care for wounded terrorists.

In short, Hamas/Hezbollah/Palestinians in general: evil.  Israel: good.  Make no mistake, Hamas is everyone living in Gaza and vice versa.  Were this not true, how would anyone tell the difference between terrorists and peace loving people who just happen to live there?  Some Gaza residents may express regret and dismay at Israel’s response to Oct. 7, but that’s just it: they’re upset the Jews responded to an act of war with war the likes of which they never imagined.  Even so, Israel goes far beyond the law of war in protecting “civilians” that hate them every bit as much as the most virulent Islamists.

Among the evil are NGOs, the UN, and every useful idiot whining about the “innocents” killed in Israel’s recent and successful raid freeing four hostages.  Powerline provides background:

The [Wall Street] Journal has separately posted a story on how they did it. Here is an excerpt:

In May, Israel located the female hostage Noa Argamani in a low-rise apartment block in Nuseirat, central Gaza, and three male hostages in another building about 200 yards away: Almog Meir Jan, Andrei Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv.

The Gazan families residing in the apartments were present there, together with the Hamas captors and their prisoners, Hagari said.

Raiding only one building would alert captors at the other location, so the Israelis decided to raid both buildings simultaneously, he said.

The Israeli police’s counterterrorist unit, Yamam, trained for the raid on models of the two buildings, Hagari said. The unit reached central Gaza from Israel, he said, and denied rumors that it had arrived via the U.S.-built pier designed for aid delivery.

Hagari declined to say whether the officers were disguised as Palestinian civilians, a tactic that Israeli special forces have previously used.

Once the order to proceed was given, the Israeli air force struck a preplanned list of Hamas targets in Nuseirat, creating cover for the rescue raid. Ground forces from Israel’s paratroopers division stood ready to support the operation.

The Yamam commandos reached the apartment entrances undetected, the families of the hostages told Israeli TV later.

One Yamam team stormed the first-floor apartment where Argamani was held and took the captors by surprise, according to the military.

On the third floor of the other building, a gunfight with the guards broke out. The Yamam squad leader, Arnon Zamora, was hit and later died of his wounds.

It’s a little difficult to distinguish ‘civilians’ in the crowd:

Leaving the buildings, the teams came under fire from Hamas fighters armed with rocket-propelled grenades, Hagari said. He accused Hamas of deliberately firing at the Israelis from streets full of civilians.

Israeli airstrikes and ground forces hit the militants. The many dead likely included both fighters and bystanders.

As you are no doubt aware by now, gentle readers, the media is, as always, accepting ridiculous casualty figures from Hamas.  The Israelis killed 274 and wounded 700!  No, it’s 200 and 500!  No, it’s…  They were all innocent women, children, puppies and baby ducks!  How dare those Zionists rescue the hostages we kidnapped!  How dare they attack in a UN-regulated civilian area where we hid the hostages, where we store our weapons, site our terror tunnels and where we use civilians as human shields!  How dare they shoot back when we shoot at them!  Those Israelis killed an innocent journalist and an innocent doctor!!!

Yeah, not so much:

Three of four hostages rescued by special forces from the central Gaza Strip over the weekend were being held at the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Palestinian journalist and member of the Hamas terror group, the Israeli military confirmed on Sunday.

Rumors had circulated on social media after Ramy Abdu, head of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, said in a post on X that soldiers had climbed into the Aljamals’ home during the raid in Nuseirat on Saturday, killing several members of the family, including Abdallah and his father, Dr. Ahmed Aljamal.

Abdu published an image ostensibly from the Aljamals’ home alongside his post, though he made no mention of the possibility that hostages were held there.

Abdallah Aljamal was previously a spokesman for the Hamas-run labor ministry in Gaza and has contributed to several news outlets in the past.

Amid the war in Gaza, numerous articles by Aljamal had been published by the Palestine Chronicle outlet, including while hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv were allegedly being held captive in his home.

So the Israelis killed Aljamal, a Hamas terrorist/journalist and Dr. Aljamal, both of whom were holding hostages and continually threatening their lives.  The horror.  And what is the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) doing after this successful hostage rescue and the removal of some number of terrorist monsters from existence?  They’re pushing another ceasefire plot Hamas is absolutely rejecting:

Invaluable Israeli journalist Carolyn Glick has the feckless Sullivan’s number:

And if that weren’t sufficient anti-Israel lunacy, the MMPA is trying to pull this too: 

NBC is reporting that the White House is ready to work on a deal to get five hostages back from Hamas along with the remains of three dead hostages while leaving Israel out of the loop:

Biden administration officials have discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with Hamas to secure the release of five Americans being held hostage in Gaza if current cease-fire talks involving Israel fail, according to two current senior U.S. officials and two former senior U.S. officials.

Such negotiations would not include Israel and would be conducted through Qatari interlocutors, as current talks have been, said the officials, all of whom have been briefed on the discussions.

Leave it to the administration that has gotten every foreign policy wrong to make a decision like this one. Only the stupid Biden administration would risk further alienating an important ally like Israel at a time like this.

‘The officials did not know what the United States might give Hamas in exchange for the release of American hostages,’ NBC reports. ‘But, the officials said, Hamas could have an incentive to cut a unilateral deal with Washington because doing so would likely further strain relations between the U.S. and Israel and put additional domestic political pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.’

Suuure.  That’s exactly the kind of enlightened diplomacy the MMPA practices.  Alienate and betray your ally, the only democracy in that part of the world, while doing everything you can to keep genocidal Islamist madmen alive and able to act on their reason for being: killing Jews and infidels—that’s us.

Final Thoughts:   This is among the easiest foreign policy issues ever.  Hamas are genocidal, terrorist savages.  An essential part of their Islamist faith is lying to infidels in furtherance of Jihad—holy war.  When Hamas attacked on Oct. 7, they were violating a ceasefire.  They can be trusted only to lie and to violate every and any agreement they make.

Every Palestinian faction’s founding documents proclaim they live to destroy Israel, seize the land, and murder every Jew.  There can be no “two-state solution” because the Palestinians will abide only one state established after killing every Jew.  They all say constantly say that in unmistakably clear terms.  No diplomatic nuance is involved.  All are aligned with and supplied by Iran, which is determined to use nuclear weapons against Israel and us, and they’re weeks away from nuclear break out, thanks to the MMPA, which will do everything it can to keep Israel from preventing Iran from nuking Israel.  Iran is the foremost sponsor of terrorism in the world, largely because the MMPA has been generously funding them for nearly four years.

So what does the MMPA do?  Ensure Joe Biden is consistent in being wrong on every foreign policy issue for more than four decades.  They betray Israel at every turn and do everything they can to ensure Hamas survives to keep their promise to repeat October 7 over and over again.

The D/S/C Party has made its choice: it embraces Hamas and evil, not only in the Middle East, but here in America.

It’s ridiculously simple: Hamas and every organization, NGO, the United Nations, Iran and every other nation and individual that supports them are morally bankrupt and plainly evil.  Hamas slaughtered some 1200 Jews on October 7.  They took hostages and have already killed many.  They refuse to account for the remaining hostages.  They are holding, torturing and raping them, including infants, throughout Gaza.  Hamas continues to rocket Israel.  They hide weapons among willing civilians and use them as human shields, even as they steal relief supplies, provided by Israel and others, from them.

Perhaps the Iranian regime can give Hamas and the rest of the Palestinians and Hezbollah a run for their money in the evil sweepstakes, but it’s a near thing.  The Israelis are God’s chosen people, yet devout Catholic Joe Biden turns his back on them and God’s will.  To be fair, Joe isn’t in charge of anything and doesn’t have a clue what’s happening, and those who are in charge recognize no deity save themselves.

What’s certain is America has an easy moral choice and the MMPA has utterly failed it and is determined to do even worse.  One doesn’t end a war against evil by funding it and giving it whatever it wants, yet that’s exactly what the MMPA is doing.  If other nations had any doubt that the most dangerous and treacherous ally is America, they don’t any longer.

In the process, the MMPA, in embracing evil, has torn America down from its place of moral prominence.  That won’t be easy to repair, if repair is remotely possible.  All the MMPA had to do to avoid that was not embrace evil.  How hard can that be?

For them, obviously impossible.