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When isn’t Biden a mess?  

Described as ‘lightly edited’ by TIME, the transcript from President Joe Biden’s exclusive foreign policy-focused interview with the magazine is still a mess of confused statements, mistaken assertions, and flat-out falsehoods —according to a fact-check published concurrently by TIME. [skip]

‘For example, the idea that if when Putin decided to go into Russia,’ Biden said at one point before correcting himself. ‘I mean, he’s gonna go from Russia into Ukraine—the reason why I cleared the intelligence so we can release the information we knew that he was going to attack, was to let the world know we were still in charge.” Biden conveniently omitted — and TIME did not raise — the Biden administration’s intelligence sharing with the Chinese Communist Party in a failed attempt to have Beijing talk Putin out of invading.

Biden repeatedly mixed up Russia with Ukraine throughout his comments on the subject. He also mixed up Iraq and Iran at points, including his refutation of ‘the idea that you had nuclear arsenals in Iran, that were being, I mean, in Iraq…’ At another point, Biden confused Taiwan with South Korea. Biden also said that America has ‘the strongest alliance in all of America,’ before correcting his claim to ‘all of history.’

The interview also saw Biden trail off a number of times, ending an assertion about being ‘on a slippery slope for war if we don’t do something about Ukraine’ with “’t’s just not gonna…anyway…,’ according to TIME’s transcript.

When asked about Israel’s prosecution of the war started by Hamas on October 7, Biden said ‘I’m not going to respond to that because I’m about to make a…anyway.’ He’s about to make a anyway, folks.

Even TIME struggled to determine what the president said, having to insert admissions of transcription defeat at points such as this in the interview: ‘Hamas could say (unintelligible) and done period,’ and again later: ‘You know, I don’t have any (unintelligible)…’

And there’s more:

During a rambling response to a question about his second-term foreign policy goals, Biden outlined his plans to help Africa and other countries in ‘what they are calling the south now.’ He also recalled working with Dick Lugar, the deceased former U.S. senator, to stop deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the late 1980s.

‘We, on the climate side, have come along and we’ve done everything that is reasonably—and three other countries are the reason we’re in the problem we’re in,’ Biden said. ‘But what happens if all of a sudden, on the Amazon, they’re starting to clear, vast swaths of land, cut down forests, etc. Back when Dick Lugar was alive, he and I started something back in the ’90s, where we said—late ’80s, excuse me—where we said to, in the Amazon, they said, look, if you, we’ll make a deal with you Brazil. You don’t cut your forest, we’ll pay you not to do it. We’ll pay you not to do it, we have to prevent— And that’s why we’re working so hard to make sure Angola can be in a position that they have more solar capacity than almost any place in the world, to help that whole continent.’

Got that?

Oh yeah.  Now go here to American Thinker for Andrea Widberg’s additional thoughts on Biden’s Time Interview.

Sure, she’s believable…

Livin’ in an alternate reality…

They might end if Trump is reelected…

Then again…

So he left the Democrat Party so he can continue to caucus and vote with the Democrat Party?  Americans will never see through that…

When you’ve lost the media:  

Kudos to the Wall Street Journal for getting some sources to talk about what Biden is like the other 22 or 23 hours a day:

When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

In a February one-on-one chat in the Oval Office with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the president said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study, according to six people told at the time about what Johnson said had happened. Johnson worried the president’s memory had slipped about the details of his own policy.

Last year, when Biden was negotiating with House Republicans to lift the debt ceiling, his demeanor and command of the details seemed to shift from one day to the next, according to then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and two others familiar with the talks. On some days, he had loose and spontaneous exchanges with Republicans, and on others he mumbled and appeared to rely on notes.

‘I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house,’ McCarthy said in an interview. ‘He’s not the same person.’

Biden cracks down on illegal immigration:  

President Biden announced an executive order Tuesday that officials say will shut down the US-Mexico border if illegal crossings top 2,500 per day for seven consecutive days — a “crackdown” that will still allow at least 1.8 million asylum seekers into America each year even if fully enforced.

They really do think we’re stupid.

Only once, Joe:  

‘Look, I don’t think we are going to let them get away with it, do you?’ Biden asked the crowd, who shouted ‘No!’ in response.

‘And folks, in a sense, I don’t know why we are surprised by Trump — how many times does he have to prove we can’t be trusted?’ Biden then asked the crowd.

Oh yes, he’s insane.  He’s also a Democrat/Socialist/Communist, so same thing:

Of all the phony baloney things I’ve heard about Joe Biden, this one ranks extremely high up there as one of the most insane takes possible.

During a recent appearance on MSNBC, Andrew Weissmann, who was an attorney for the Mueller investigation and former general counsel to the FBI, literally gushed over Joe Biden, essentially calling him the embodiment of the rule of law.

‘What is before us is a president who is living, the rule of law he is living in …the most personal way,’ he claimed. ‘He is not telling DOJ to stand down, which is his power to do it. It’s a norm. That is that’s the reason he’s not doing it. He could tell the Department of Justice, ‘This is what you need to do.’ He is not pardoning his son, which he could do — these are federal charges. He is not doing that. That is a power — He has a power for both of those. He’s not doing it, but this he is living, what it means to have a rule of law in this country. And it is — it is, I mean, if you want to know if he believes it, you can actually see what is happening with his own son.’

Weissman is a D/S/Cs thug who routinely violates the Constitution and the law, so no wonder he worked for the FBI and Mueller.

He was just doing his job…

He was sooooo reluctant…

It does seem important to them…

Gee, I wonder why we’re having trouble recruiting…?

Suuuure we can have all the EV batteries we want:

Mining Is Mired in Regulatory Delays. That’s Now a Climate Problem.

Put simply, support for climate action is support for mining. The faster we can build new mines in the U.S., the faster the energy transition will move.

But there’s a major roadblock—permitting delays and associated litigation. The permitting process for major mining and energy infrastructure projects has become extremely difficult to navigate in the decades since the National Environmental Policy Act and other landmark environmental statutes were first passed.

Tar. Feathers.

I am the science!

Wait a minute!  We shut down the country, destroyed our economy, wiped out kid’s educations and more for the cold?

Why does anyone care what this washed up Marxist says?

I mean, other than that he’s actually running the country and is trying for a fourth term…

What kind of idiot admits a thing like this?  

Joy Behar told her co-hosts Friday on ABC’s ‘The View’ that former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in the New York business document trial was so exciting she ‘started leaking.’

Behar said, ‘My reaction, I was at Costco buying ten boxes of Keurig coffee, my watch started to buzz and I got so excited I started leaking a little bit.’

And we should care what rock musicians have to say about foreign affairs–or pretty much anything–because…?

Oh sure…       

The Department of Defense (DoD) made an embarrassing error on social media on Saturday after it appeared the department mixed up Pride Month and PTSD Awareness Month.

In an X post published on Saturday afternoon, the Pentagon explained that June marks PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Awareness Month. The commemorative month was first recognized by the U.S. government in June 2014, a year before June also officially became Pride Month.

…”PTSD Awareness Month,” “Pride Month,” I can see how easy it was to mix those up.  Stupid, corrupt and evil.

And if that wasn’t bad enough:

Naval commandos, rising out of the sea to enforce pronouns and protect drag queens everywhere…

Fortunately, actual SEALS are pissed.  Our enemies are laughing and plotting.

And this surprises you because…?  

Kumala Harris Lies, Claiming That She Never Promoted the Bail Fund That Bailed Out BLM Rioters As Well As Murderers and Rapists;
But the Tweet In Which She Promoted that Bail Fund Is Still Up!

She’s too stupid to even hide the evidence!

This isn’t just an out-of-the-blue dunk. Karen Townsend points out that Kumala was asked about this during an appearance in Minnesota, ground zero for the BLM riots. And it was specifically for BLM rioters in Minnesota that she begged for donations for bail money.

Which favored victim group to choose…?  The horror!

Well, on Sunday, Philadelphia’s annual fetish parade was blocked by pro-Hamas supporters claiming, among other things, that there can be no pride blah blah genocide.

Pulling a political stunt like this used to get FBI agents fired…

What a bunch of twinks.

No kidding…

F**k around and find out:  

A transgender runner is complaining of the ‘unsportsmanlike’ comments thrown his way by his female competitors after taking a girl’s high school 400-meter title in Washington State.

Veronica Garcia won the girl’s title with a 55.75 time, which was a full one second faster than the closest second-place girl in the race, Fox News reported.

But since taking a title away from his female competitors, Garcia says he has been stung by unkind comments from the girls he raced against.

‘I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called. So, I guess I expected to get that reciprocated. But I didn’t get that,’ Gacria complained to the Spokesman-Review.

Garcia was also chagrined when he took the podium to receive his medal, and the crowd stopped clapping and cheering like they did for the girls who won other titles. On top of that, at least one person in the crowd yelled, ‘He’s not a girl.’

Perhaps cheaters should expect not to be praised?  Stupid.

Because gay, stupid Star Wars characters and plots have worked so well thus far…

Oh. California.  Yawn:  

Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio is blasting an assembly bill that Democrats in the California State Legislature are proposing that will direct the University of California system to begin hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded state jobs.

“I have seen a lot of outrageous proposals from California Democrat politicians, bending over backwards to make it easier for illegal immigrants to get in and to get taxpayer benefits. But this one absolutely tops the list of insane ideas,” DeMaio told Fox News Digital.

If passed, Assembly Bill 2586 would provide state government jobs at taxpayers’ expense for illegal immigrants. DeMaio said specifically, it mandates that illegal immigrants with no U.S. work authorization should be given access to apply for and take jobs provided through taxpayer-funded universities run by the state government.

Perfect.  Give illegals, many of whom can’t speak or write English, job sin higher education.  Stupid and oh-so-California.

We get the politicians and police we deserve—and repeatedly vote for:  

In Chicago, at least half the time there are no police officers available to respond to 911 calls for help – not even the highest priority calls like stabbings, domestics, rapes, gunshot victims and so forth. Not even for a triple homicide. In August 2022, it took police 20 minutes to arrive at the scene of a triple homicide with two more victims critically injured and a suspect nearby.

And this surprises you because…?        

What do you expect from a league that is 70% black lesbians?

Why American education is in the crapper, #345,678:

And just like that…

Too stupid to survive.