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I last wrote on abortion in November of 2023 in Abortion: Ephemeral Victories; Ultimate Defeat.  It’s now clear the Democrat/Socialist/Communist (D/S/C) Party is going to run on abortion and “Trump evil” because they have nothing else on which to run.

Allow me please, gentle readers, to explain yet again why I’ve adopted the D/S/C acronym rather than “Democrats,” “leftists” or “progressives.”  There is no such thing as a Democrat of the past, an American who loves America, honors the Constitution, and loves her people.  Their party cares for nothing but power and socialist/communist control of others.  There may be a few sort-of-traditional democrats left in the Congress, but they vote essentially 100% of the time with the socialists and communists, and increasingly, the Islamists, that comprise the majority and power of their party.  If anything, I might not capitalize the “d,” as that more accurately represents the power balance and priorities of the D/S/C Party.

On the issue of Abortion, Republicans continue to earn the title: The Stupid Party.”  Even as they correctly accuse D/S/Cs of slavish devotion to ideology over reality, many Republicans persist in being “pro-life” even if the fringes of that belief would cause them to lose the 2024 elections, and with them, the Republic.  In that November article, I had these suggestions:

*Never allow the fringes to define legislative strategies and intentions.  Regardless of how sincere the beliefs of those that want to ban all abortion for any reason and put those involved in jail, those beliefs will never win elections in places that can make the difference in elections.  The operant phrase is: “preaching to the choir.”

Gallup: July, 2023

*Develop a clear policy entirely in line with what most Americans want, in line with individual liberty, and ensure everyone running for office clearly articulates that policy, regardless of their personal beliefs.  What policy?  One along the lines of Youngkin’s, which allows more liberty than most Scandinavian and European policies, and that, by the way, is a good talking point.  That way some lives will be saved immediately, perhaps more later.  Now, Ohio has an amended constitution that is the worst case scenario for those that think abortion wrong.

*When anyone in the party steps over that line, immediately, and as gently as possible, make clear they don’t represent the party, and no matter who is elected, the party is not going to support—or enact–those kinds of laws.  If they won’t let you rebuke them gently, so be it.  Why allow a minority of zealots to destroy every chance to do good, to uphold the Constitution and rule of law?  Virtue signaling is destructive and ugly on any side.  Remember: when these people say they want to “fundamentally transform” America, they’re not kidding.  It’s not just rhetoric.  They mean it, and you’re not going to like living in a remade Soviet Union.

*Make a constant, effective efforts to ensure the public has the facts.  Never surrender the narrative.  How many Americans know, for example, Youngkin’s policy is more liberal than most of those in Europe and Scandinavia?

*Give up even thinking about any restrictions on abortion in the case of rape, incest, or the mother’s health or life.  Again, regardless of one’s individual convictions, those are anti-individual liberty stances, and will be successfully painted as anti-woman.  And oh yes, d/S/Cs know what women are, they just want to use the pretense they don’t, and everything else, against Normal Americans when it’s politically useful.

*Take every opportunity to expose their zealots, the people, like former Virginia Governor Northam who actually advocated making babies, immediately after birth, “comfortable,” while doctors and mothers converse about whether to kill them.  There are many d/S/C zealots who want just that, and others who stop just short of advocating that, “just short” being abortion up to the moment of birth.  Avoid effusive emotion, and let their words and actions, let their unlawful intentions, define them.

Today, on Truth Social—4 minute video here—Donald Trump outlined his Abortion policy:

…Trump said the issue of abortion is about ‘the will of the people’ and should be left up to states to decide. The 45th president touted his role in nominating the Supreme Court justices who ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade in their Dobbs decision — ending 50 years of an invented constitutional right to abortion and sending the issue back to individual states and their elected representatives.

‘My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both, and whatever they decide, must be the law of the land,’ Trump said.

Trump also supported Invitro Fertilization:

Under my leadership, the Republican Party will always support the creation of strong, thriving, and healthy American families. We want to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies — not harder. That includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like IVF in every state in America.

He took exactly the right approach in noting Dobbs returned abortion decisions to the states, where they should have been all along, and this was particularly important:

Like Ronald Reagan, I am strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.

So long as he keeps couching the issue in those terms, particularly emphasizing the rule of law, and that he, unlike Joe Biden, will obey and uphold the Constitution and the law, he’ll have the advantage.  He also needs to consistently say he does not support a federal law banning abortion, because the Constitution does not give Congress or the Supreme Court that power.  By returning the decision to the states, the Court, after a half-century of Roe, obeyed and correctly interpreted the Constitution.

He also needs, as he did, to keep on the offensive and continue to accurately characterize D/S/Cs as out of step with reality, morality and American values on abortion, as they want abortion up to, and beyond, the moment of birth.

Unfortunately. many Republicans continue to exalt what they believe to be moral purity over the Constitution, the law, and winning elections:

Mike Pence slammed his former boss’ abortion stance Monday by calling it a ‘slap in the face’ to ‘millions of pro-life Americans’ who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020.

‘The American people elect presidents, senators and congressmen, and a majority of Americans long to see minimum national protections for the unborn in federal law,’ Pence said in a post on X. ‘But today, too many Republican politicians are all too ready to wash their hands of the battle for life.’

No, Mr. Pence.  American elect politicians to obey the uphold the Constitution and the rule of law.  Pence is far from alone, as Jordan Boyd at The Federalist, wrote:

Then in the same breath that Trump called out Democrats’ radical and unpopular abortion-until-birth agenda, he said he supported states determining “by vote or legislation or perhaps both” what happens to unborn babies.

And why not?  That’s the law of the land and the only constitutionally supportable interpretation.

Leaving abortion ‘up to the states’ means Trump is giving Democrats and abortion giants a free pass to target Republican strongholds with deliberately deceptive ballot measures that promise uninhibited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

‘Saying the issue is ‘back to the states’ cedes the national debate to the Democrats who are working relentlessly to enact legislation mandating abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. If successful, they will wipe out states’ rights,’ Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in her response statement.

Boyd also objects to Trump’s support for IVF, characterizing an embryo as a baby.  Because many embryos will never be used, that, to her, is abortion.  She has every right to her opinions, and can characterize the instant of the merging of an egg and sperm as a baby if she likes, but that’s not the law, and engaging in that kind of arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin only allows D/S/Cs to misrepresent the law, inflame women’s emotions, and what must be a winning approach for Republicans.

Biden’s handlers scripted their tactics for the next seven months:

‘With all his empty words on fertility treatments, Trump doesn’t tell you the MAGA Republicans he controls in Congress have put forward bills that could ban fertility treatments and that the speaker of the House he empowered is one of the strongest supporters for a national abortion ban in the nation,’ Biden wrote.

‘Let there be no illusion. If Donald Trump is elected and the MAGA Republicans in Congress put a national abortion ban on the Resolute Desk, Trump will sign it into law,’ he added. [skip]

‘Trump is scrambling. He’s worried that since he’s the one responsible for overturning Roe, the voters will hold him accountable in 2024. Well, I have news for Donald. They will. America was built on personal freedom and liberty. So, there is nothing more un-American than having our personal freedoms taken away. And that is what Donald Trump has done,’ Biden wrote.

Final Thoughts:  Unless Republicans want to continue earning the Stupid Party title, they need to get smart and fast:

*Make it clear, and never let up, D/S/Cs are the radicals.  They want abortion until the moment of birth and beyond.  They want to ignore the Constitution and rule of law.

*Republican Party leaders have to support, in word and substance, Trump’s position that Abortion belongs to the states.

*They need to affirm, without wavering, the Constitution gives Congress no authority to ban or mandate Abortion, and the only way it could is through constitutional Amendment, which isn’t going to happen.

*They need to call D/S/Cs liars–because they are–and affirm, without wavering, there will be no national abortion ban.

*They also need to affirm their unwavering support for Reagan’s exceptions.  They need to put their personal convictions aside and uphold the Constitution and the Supreme Court’s correct decision returning the decision to the states.

Donald Trump has given Republicans what they need to defuse D/S/C’s Abortion strategy, but only if they’re smart enough to embrace it.  That’s what worries me.