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Mayorkas is standing right behind him, and Biden can’t remember his name.  Schumer always has a demonic smirk on his face.

Yes, he was frozen, immobile, while everyone him was jiving to the music…

…and the guy on his left had to bring him back to life.  Don’t you love the bearded guy in the dress?

The newest gaslighting is we don’t really see Joe frozen, stumbling, mumbling incoherently, wandering aimlessly around.  It’s all just MAGA manipulation, like this…

…and Obama did have to grab Joe by the arm and lead him offstage.  As always, the Bee gets it…

Joe is making America look stupid on the world stage…

The Italian PM had to reel Joe back in for a photo op…

Yes, they are laughing at us…

Leftists are getting desperate…

Even this dog understands.  Whenever Biden appears on the screen, he starts barking and wants to attack…

Dogs know…

They can sense evil…

Oh yeah, threatening to use the Air Force against Flyover Country is always a good political move…

And how’s the pier going, Joe?

Thought so.

How about the Navy?  How’s that going Joe?

Thought so.

 Sorry AOC.  The Judicial branch is co-equal with the Congress…

…you don’t get to control it.  Stupid.  And speaking of stupid…

…and more stupid…

Stupid is on the East Coast too.  This is classic, and absolutely lunatic…

See what I mean?

“Excellence at work.”  Riiiiiight.

What could go wrong?

There’s damned little mind to blow…

…should have left her in a Russian prison where they appreciate people who insult America.

World class stupid…


…it’s a mystery.

What?!  Academics hate Jews?

Who coulda thunk it?

 Fitness version of Bud Light…

Leftists never learn.

This judge is stupid…

…and deadly.

And in the “not stupid” department for this week, three entries…

Minneapolis is in competition with California for maximum stupid…

No kidding.

OK, so Pelosi is always stupid…

…but Turley isn’t for pointing it out.

 But as for all the rest, too stupid to surrive.