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It’s hard to believe I last updated this article in April of 2022.  With the 2024 election looming, and Democrat/Socialist/Communist (D/S/C) desperation steadily increasing, an update is necessary, and this time in the Second Civil War category.  The danger is that present and great.

When the Constitutional Convention ended, so the story goes, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin:

Well Dr. Franklin, what kind of government have you given us?

He replied:

A Republic—if you can keep it.

I’ve long known Americans, in far too many places, aren’t getting much actual, accurate history in school.  When D/S/C DEI-CRT indoctrinators are spending class time telling kids how racist they are and how evil their country is, from before its founding to today, there’s not much time left for actual history. An essential part of that history is the Constitution, such as Article IV, Section 4:  

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence [emphasis mine].

Keep that passage in mind as you read on.  Also take the time to take this link and read The Federalist #51, written by James Madison (or possibly Alexander Hamilton) and published 02-06-1788.  Madison explains the necessity of the newly established republican form of government in suppressing an inevitable—due to human nature–tyranny of the majority.

When few high school history courses allocate the time to read and discuss the Constitution, to say nothing of The Federalist Papers, it’s hardly surprising few Americans are well versed on the nature of governments.

But that didn’t mean the night [the vice presidential debate] was free of a political firestorm. And the biggest one may have been lit by Utah Sen. Mike Lee.

Following the debate, Lee tweeted [note the dates on the following tweets]:

The tweet caused more than a few people to raise their eyebrows.

Lee and his camp later explained democracy alone isn’t sufficient, which is why there are checks and balances in a constitutional republic. But in the meantime, many on Twitter expressed outrage.

Like this:

Chris Peterson—surprise!—was a failed D/S/C candidate for Utah’s Governor:

The “Scroller Of Doom” is dooming himself:

Steve Schmidt worked for George W. Bush and John McCain.  He’s—surprise—a never Trumper.

Lee’s spokesman replied:

When…Conn Carroll, was asked if the senator could explain the thinking behind his tweet, he said: ‘At a time when Democrats want to pack the Court, eliminate the Electoral College, and turn the Senate into the House, it is very good that Americans are re-reading The Federalist Papers to rediscover why the founders put these specific republican checks on democratic passion into the Constitution.’

In terms of D/S/C intentions for the “fundamental transformation” of “our democracy,” things have changed for the worse since 2022.

When it comes to the Federalist Papers, Carroll pointed to a quote from James Madison that says: ‘Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.’

It’s always depressing to see so little understanding among one’s fellow Americans of the bounty America provides, a bounty secured by the Constitution and its guaranteed republican form of government.  No wonder racist D/S/Cs have so little difficulty stirring up potentially nation-destroying conflict.

So gentle readers, let’s review.  By the way, I’m sure pretty sure many reading this scruffy little blog know what I’m about to say, but perhaps you might pass it, and the URL of this updated article, on to others in need of the information—pretty much everyone.

Mike Lee is entirely correct: America is not a democracy, though we have some characteristics of democracy. D/S/Cs are desperate to establish “our democracy,” which should be abhorrent to every informed Americans.

Every rational American should be eternally grateful the Founders were among the most brilliant men of any age, and instead gave us the republic about which Franklin spoke.  Now, nearly four years after Joe Biden took office, whether we can keep the republic is an open question.  Having failed to achieve absolute and permanent power with the Covid “crisis,” D/S/Cs are now hitting on the Ukraine “crisis,” betraying Israel, thus courting unbounded war in the Middle East, subverting the Constitution on every level, engaging in unprecedented lawfare and actively pushing for war with Russia to allow them to do with emergency powers what they cannot do with legitimate legislation.

And why not?  They’re increasingly alarmed that even many D/S/C Americans don’t want what they’re pushing.  The Covid hoax response did enormous damage.  They want to do soooo much more and so much worse.

Alex Leo, Chris Peterson, Steve Schmidt, the “Scroller of Doom” and innumerable others are either entirely unaware America is not a democracy but a republic, and its absolute necessity, or are ignoring it for nefarious political purposes, like those illuminated by Richard Fernandez:

By the 2020 Mid-Term elections, our national, economic meltdown was already accelerating at an alarming pace.

As the 2024 elections approach, some few D/S/Cs are beginning to occasionally call America a republic rather than “our democracy,” though the effort obviously pains them.  In other words, they’re speaking the truth to conceal their greater lies and malign intentions.  The rest are pretending to care about the “secure border,” and are making a show of lying about moving to the political center.

The Founders well understood the essential flaw of “pure” democracy—one man, one vote: the tyranny of the majority.  In such a system, 50.1% can do anything they please, including deprive the minority of property, liberty even life.  They can demand everyone profess belief in 57 genders, pretend naked men should shower with women, and punish anyone who insists on recognizing objective reality.  It is an utterly chaotic system where as soon as one faction gains the majority—even by fraud, and any system that punishes people for complaining about election fraud is surely engaging in election fraud—they can set about to punish, even destroy, their political enemies to ensure they will forever keep the majority.  The narrowest majority rules, and there is no restraint on what they can and will do to the minority.

Does this sound familiar, gentle readers?  Are we seeing this in action?

After the Obama years, and nearly four years of the mummified meat puppet leading to a fourth Obama term, Americans can be certain, should D/S/Cs retain power, they’ll obliterate our constitutional, representative republic and establish a permanent, one-party D/S/C “our democracy.”

A democracy might be logistically possible in a small town of several hundred souls, particularly if all are willing to avoid the tyranny of the majority regardless, but in a nation of well over 300 million it’s quite impossible.  Even in our fictional town of several hundred, great evil lurks in human nature and power, as ever, corrupts.  The Founders knew this, and they designed our republic to restrain, to the greatest degree possible, the dark side of human nature, the tyranny of the majority, which they knew would inevitably destroy individual liberty and property rights.

So we have a constitutional republic with three co-equal branches of government.  It has some characteristics/ideals of a democracy, but with additional protections of the unalienable rights of individuals and significant limitations on the powers of government.  You’ve head of The Bill of Rights? It is the latter contemporary D/S/Cs hate with a burning, deranged rage.  Virtually everything they do increases governmental power and diminishes life for individual Americans.  The Federalist Papers and other writings of the time clearly foresaw the dangers inherent in even the republican scheme, and we’re seeing them manifest before our eyes.

How else could one describe the continuing and unprecedented attempt to imprison and bankrupt a former president, the frontrunner for the presidency, his family and those who lawfully, willingly serve him?

The Legislative branch has, for a long time, given up much of its power to the unaccountable administrative/deep state, a faction nowhere authorized in the Constitution.  The Deep State, in turn, not only makes what amounts to law, it enforces it against the minority—the political enemies of the party in power—often without the barest due process or judicial review.  Much of our political turmoil is due to this extra-constitutional, fourth branch of government, created and sustained by abdication of authority and duty by congressmen and senators, and upheld by D/S/C legislator/politicians in judicial robes.

Should the Deep State succeed, Americans will face a future without the electric power necessary for modern life.  Biden’s handlers have manifested climate lunacy in every governmental bureau, even our military.  This is an unprecedented danger, and it is being done by executive fiat, because even our current feckless Congress, whose approval rating is on a par with toe fungus, would not embrace it.

Barack Obama helped push our republic down the slippery slope.  He initially said he couldn’t do many unconstitutional things because they were unconstitutional, but then he found a pen and a phone, and mirable dictu! The unconstitutional became the law of the land.

Joe Biden, who undid every Trump executive order that produced the most secure border in generations, claimed only acts of Congress could secure the border he and his toadies have, for years, claimed to be secure.  Recently, he is promulgating executive orders that supposedly secure the already secure border, but do nothing of the sort.  That’s the kind of gaslighting, the cynicism and arrogance “our democracy” produces.

The Constitution was written in large part to prevent the tyranny of the majority.  A political party might control the White House, House and Senate, but the Constitution prevents them from depriving the minority of its fundamental human/constitutional rights.  Americans may not be legitimately deprived of property, liberty or life without due process of law.  The majority may levy unwise taxes, and enact a variety of other measures that ought to be odious to free Americans, but they may not run roughshod over the rights enumerated in the Constitution.

D/S/Cs are doing exactly that, and want to do oh so much more.

Many don’t know many of the Founders did not want a Bill of Rights, fearing future politicians would claim enumerated rights were the only rights possessed by Americans.  Others prevailed, and the Constitution was passed and ratified on the condition the Bill of Rights would soon follow.

Another deadly threat is the D/S/C imperative to turn the Supreme Court into a super legislature beholden to D/S/C philosophy.  This is what all the talk about “maintaining the [political] balance of the court” is about.  There should be no political considerations whatever in court membership or rulings. A prospective justice’s race or gender should have no bearing on their selection. The Supreme Court is not a representative, legislative body.  It cannot “look like America.”  When D/S/Cs can’t get what they want through the legitimate legislative process, they want the Supreme Court to ignore the Constitution and legislate from the bench.  They want the justices of the Supreme Court to ignore the limitations placed on them by the Constitution, and misconstrue, or simply ignore, the Constitution when it suits their political purposes.

This is why D/S/Cs constantly try to delegitimize honest justices and why they want to pack the court.  This is why Gropin’ Joe Biden did not admit this intention until after he “won.”

This is also why D/S/Cs plot to abolish the Electoral College.  Without it, there would have been no America; the Constitution would not have been ratified.  That’s another bit of history about which so many are unaware. Without it, the President, and federal policy, would always be decided by the major, D/S/C-ruled, population centers on the coasts, and all other Americans, all normal, hard-working, productive men and women, would be ignored, a minority to be abused, deprived and crushed at whim.

That is also why they want to abolish the filibuster in the Senate, turning it into a more exclusive House, ignoring the constitutional design which forbids a tyranny of the majority.

Do you see the pattern, gentle readers?  D/S/Cs are intent on tearing down the foundational constitutional protections of our representative republic, the protections that have made America, above all other nations, strong, prosperous and free.

But why would they do that?  Don’t they know they benefit from those same protections?  They know.  They believe if they get their way, the laws that apply to the little people will never apply to them, and thus far, they’re right.  It was the execrable Harry Reid that abolished the Senate filibuster for judicial nominees.  Senator Mitch McConnell warned D/S/Cs they would regret it, and sooner than they imagined, and so they have, as by the end of his term, Donald Trump seated about 300 federal judges and three Supreme Court justices dedicated to our republic, and to making decisions based on the Constitution, not D/S/C policy.

It has been Joe Biden’s handlers who have nominated grossly unqualified hyper-partisans for every level of the federal bench based almost exclusively in DEI considerations, people like current Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson who in her confirmation hearings pretended to have no idea what a woman is. 

The difference is this time, as Richard Fernandez observed after Biden’s 2020 “victory,” they believe they are not going to be vulnerable to their own unconstitutional designs.  They are going to do away with anything and everyone that might ever stand against them.  The lawfare bedeviling Donald Trump is merely a trial run for the rest of us.

So emboldened are they that a current D/S/C congressional candidate from New York is openly advocating Trump supporters be sent to reeducation camps.  One may search long and hard to find any D/S/C in opposition to that sort of Stalinist lunacy.

Oh, Americans will still get to vote—it will be a democracy after all—they just won’t get to elect anyone but an approved D/S/C.  As D/S/Cs often say, it doesn’t matter who votes, but who counts the votes.

Constitutional order, law and order, equal justice for all, all of it will be swept away.  The greatest governance document ever written by man will be abolished, or merely given lip service and ignored.  Americans who knew they were abused under Barack Obama are learning a new definition of “abuse.”

I have elsewhere extensively covered D/S/C’s continuing censorship efforts.  However, they well understand they can never fully establish “our democracy’ if Americans are allowed to keep guns.  Tyranny doesn’t work if the peasants are allowed to keep weapons—or speak freely. So emboldened are they Joe Biden and other D/S/Cs claim weapons like AR-15s are useless against the might of the federal government—they have F-15s and nuclear weapons!—while they continually seek to ban AR-15s even as they threaten to nuke and strafe South Dakota.

Ignorant and malicious people are upset Senator Lee told the truth, the facts rather than the D/S/C “truth” about the very nature of our republic.  They don’t want the facts to get in the way of their truth, the “truth” Joe Biden told us they embrace rather than facts.  After nearly four years of Joe Biden—actually, his handlers—Americans are more than ready to embrace historical truth about the nature of our Republic, while they can still afford—barely–gas to drive to the polls.  They’re ready, as they haven’t been for a very long time, to ensure they never have to live under the tyranny of the majority.

Altering the very foundation of our system of government to the detriment and misery of every honest American could surely be the spark that provokes a second civil war.