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Every now and then an absolutely delicious news item comes along.  “Delicious” because it so perfectly exposes Democrat/Socialist/Communist hypocrisy.  “Delicious” because it produces—or should—cognitive dissonance more than sufficient to make D/S/C heads explodeFox News recently published just such an article:

The discovery of the potential for thousands of tons of lithium to be extracted annually from wastewater generated by fracking in the Marcellus Shale leaves proponents of a green energy future at a crossroads, Republicans said Thursday.

Do you see the inherent cognitive dissonance, the irony, gentle readers?  D/S/Cs absolutely hate American energy independence.  They hate fossil fuels, and hate fracking, which has significantly enhanced oil production.  It’s an article of faith of their secular religion.

So is mandating electric vehicles, even though, as regular readers know, moving to an all-electric economy, or anything remotely like it, is impossible. And that’s not accounting for the fact Americans don’t want EVs, and won’t buy them.  The trick is enormous amounts of Lithium and other minerals and metals are required to make EV batteries and other components, and most of those are owned by China, and so is most of the processing capacity.

So the problem is unless we go all EV, we can’t save the Earth, which is going to absolutely explode in 12 years…er, 10 years…er, well, they’ll let us know what the new time frame for absolute doom is any day now.

University of Pittsburgh study suggested processing byproducts from natural gas production in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale basin could potentially meet nearly half of U.S. lithium needs. The typical electric vehicle (EV) requires nearly 18 pounds of lithium to power its battery. That figure grows exponentially for Teslas, according to reports.

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., who represents much of the Marcellus territory, told Fox News he wants to see those on the left change their tune.

‘Now nearly 40% of our nation’s domestic need for lithium can be found right here as a byproduct of fracking,’ he said. ‘I fully expect every single Democrat to join Republicans in supporting domestic natural gas development.’

Bwahahahahahahaah!  He’s funny, that Reschenthaler.  Funny, because the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration is doing everything possible to obliterate the oil, natural gas and coal industries.  You get the joke, don’t you gentle readers?

‘[There are] 100,000 union jobs the industry supports in Pennsylvania alone,’ Reschenthaler said, while criticizing progressives in the Democratic Party for opposing the same fossil fuel speculation that led to the reported lithium boom.

‘Under the Biden administration, Republicans have fought to unleash American energy while Democrats increased our dependence on China and other foreign adversaries with their disastrous rush-to-green agenda,’ he said.

Stop, stop please!  Laughing this much hurts!

In the study, published in Nature’s ‘Scientific Reports,’ estimates of annual lithium yields from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale totaled 1,278 tons. The Marcellus Shale range covers large swaths of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and West Virginia.

One of the researchers, Justin Mackey, told KDKA that in addition to supplying substantial amounts of lithium, processing the wastewater in that way ‘reduce[s] the cost of remediating and handling’ it, adding there may likely be similar lodes of lithium in West Virginia and Ohio shale deposits that could lead to an ‘economic boom.’

“Economic boom?”  We have the greatest economy in the world!  We don’t need no stinking economic boom!  We don’t need no stinking energy independence or national security either.  Joe said so.

[PA] State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the GOP’s 2022 gubernatorial nominee, said common ground should be found on the prospect of fracking to produce both natural gas and electric battery components.

Oh man, another comedian?  D/S/Cs are going to agree to that?  They’re going to admit their greenie delusions are just that: delusions?  They’re going to admit their religion will lead only to poverty, misery and third world status?  Oh, suuuuuuuuuure they are.

‘The great irony is the same climate extremists who oppose harvesting fossil fuels under all circumstances are dependent on lithium for solar panels and for the battery components they need for things like electric cars, which often are powered on electricity generated by natural gas,’ he said.

‘Fracking may provide the cleanest, most environmentally friendly way to produce natural gas energy and harvest the domestic lithium we need for the green future endorsed by my colleagues on the extreme left.’

They’re not your “colleagues,” Doug.  They’re your enemies, the enemies of all sane, Normal Americans who want to be able to enjoy a middle class existence.

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, a Republican who has battled the Biden administration over its stringent energy regulatory adjustments, said ‘what America needs most is more energy, not less,’ and that the Pennsylvania lithium discovery has the potential to change the U.S. energy game.

‘We also need to store the energy for when the wind’s not blowing and the sun isn’t shining. If we can develop lithium, an essential component of EVs and batteries, as a byproduct of legacy oil and gas production, that is a win-win for America,’ he said.

This is part of the problem, gentle readers.  Dunleavy is right that this discovery, to say nothing of simply allowing us to once again exploit all our energy resources, will restore American energy independence and with it, prosperity and national security (Obviously, we need to deport every illegal and absolutely close the borders).  But we can’t give an inch on EV mandates, and the idea we can build huge numbers of never before made massive batteries comprised of unobtanium to store electricity for when solar and wind fail—which is constantly—only encourages green idiots and lends legitimacy to their Lysenkoist claims.  Wind and solar will never come close to providing America’s reliable energy needs, and supposed battery backup is an anti-scientific hoax.

Batteries handling that kind of current will quickly lose their ability to fully recharge, and will have to be frequently replaced at ruinous expense.  But I’m sure the Chinese Communists will be more than happy to supply them–at ruinous expense.

Fox News Digital reached out to several other top Democrats, including Green New Deal co-sponsors Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Edward Markey, D-Mass., for comment about their stance on obtaining EV components from fossil fuel-based sources but did not receive responses.

Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., told Fox News Digital the lithium discovery is a ‘significant development’ but added there is still a ‘moral obligation to wean ourselves off dirty fossil fuels and raise the bar on mining domestically and internationally.’

Translation: “I’ll pretend to go along, but I’m not giving up my greenie faith for anything.”  People like Grijalva are happy to have us starve in the dark.  They, of course, will not be limited by the laws they pass for the rest of us.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said technology like hydraulic fracturing has made the U.S. the ‘world’s leading oil and natural gas producer.’

Yeah, not under the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration.

‘It appears these technologies may also have the potential to unlock significant amounts of lithium, a mineral needed in batteries for electric cars.’

Again, lithium is useful, but sane people can’t give an inch to green lunatics.  We’re not going to go to EVs, because it’s physically impossible, and even if we found more than enough of the minerals and metals necessary to do it, Americans can’t afford EVs and won’t buy them.  So what?  As Joe keeps saying, the government has F-15s and nuclear weapons.  They can force Americans to buy EVs.  They can outlaw internal combustion engines.  They can force Americans into reeducation camps, put climate deniers in jail, and get rid of racist, insurrectionist, anti-progress, Christian nationalist, Radical Traditional Catholic, domestic terrorist Americans once and for all, you know, the “fundamental transformation” the D/S/C messiah, Barack Obama, has always talked about.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn foresaw this kind of tyranny.  He lived it:

“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone.  They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.  They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.  They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide.  They are literally killing off who they used to be.  Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.  They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.  TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just wanted to be left alone.”

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

Imagine that.