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In assigning categories, I tend to try to stay with large categories, like “politics” which encompass a great deal.  However, from time to time, events like the Nashville Covenant attack occur, and it’s clear I’ll be writing more than just a few articles, like this, the 9th—actually 10th—article in the series.  That archive is here.   There are new developments, so it’s time for an update.  We begin with the Daily Wire from April 16, 2024:

Attorneys representing Nashville, Tennessee argued Tuesday [04-15-24] in court that police were still investigating aspects of the shooting committed at the Covenant School last March, when a transgender-identifying shooter murdered six people, and, therefore, the city is unable to release documents related to the case such as the shooter’s writings. [skip]

During the hearing, Lora Fox, an attorney for the city of Nashville, indicated that the city’s police were still investigating the shooting, including probing whether the transgender-identifying killer had any accomplices. The shooter was shot dead by authorities on the scene of the crime, and there has thus far been no indication that anybody else was involved.

Notably, Fox stated that Nashville police expected to wrap up their investigation by July 1. Fox said the police are prepared to release most of their investigative file, excluding some details about school security and diagrams of the school. When questioned by Myles, she also said that she believed that the killer’s journal, which was found in the car she left at the school, would be able to be released to the public with some redactions.

What bureaucratic nonsense.  Any competent agency would be able to rule out accomplices within weeks, a month at the outside, particularly in a case with this notoriety.  They have her writings!  Surely the Nashville police have assigned as much detective manpower as necessary to run down any possible lead.  And the idea they can know to a date certain when an investigation will end is likewise nonsense.  That’s only possible if the investigation is already over and they can choose dates to stonewall FOIA requests.

The Tennessee Star has some useful, and if accurate, disturbing information:

Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale reportedly told her therapist that she was fantasizing about killing her family and committing a school shooting, according to a report by 99.7 WTN radio host Brian Wilson. The therapist reportedly did not report these findings to authorities.

Wilson alleges this:

The ongoing investigation apparently focuses on the shooter’s therapist. Metro Nashville Police Department is remaining silent on this, but sources familiar with the investigation confirm that search warrants were run on the home and office of the therapist in an effort to obtain notes of the therapy sessions with the Covenant School shooter. One source says detectives have evidence that the shooter told the therapist about fantasies that involved, among other things, killing her parents and carrying out a school shooting of some kind.

Tennessee law requires therapists with knowledge about viable threats to act in something of a wishy-washy manner:

…if a ‘service recipient has communicated to a mental health professional or behavior analyst an actual threat of bodily harm against a clearly identified victim” and “has determined or reasonably should have determined that the service recipient has the apparent ability to commit such an act and is likely to carry out the threat unless prevented from doing so,’ the mental health professional ‘shall take reasonable care to predict, warn of, or take precautions to protect the identified victim from the service recipient’s violent behavior.’ [emphasis mine]

 The law also protects them when they make disclosures.  Wilson again:

But-but it’s becoming increasingly clear in talking with my sources that Metro Nashville Police Department has developed information with regard to this therapist and the conversations that therapist had with the shooter that are very eye-opening and could potentially lead to prosecution of the said therapist because the said therapists apparently did not go forward and make any kind of warning to police that could have prevented the shooting from happening in the very first place. I know this is a lot to absorb, but-but that is where I believe the investigation is right now, and it is baffling to me as to why this has not gone forward…

In my experience, therapists tend to be very much of a leftist bent.  Many are actively distrustful of the police, considering them not very bright barbarians certain to traumatize their patients.  Some are actively hostile toward the police and pretty much every authority, and can be verbally, and in rare cases, physically hostile toward police officers.  In this case, what seems more than clear is the determination of all authorities from the federal level down to cover for the killer’s trans mental illness which seems a direct cause of her murderous rampage.  That leftist therapists would participate in such a coverup, perhaps even if it led to the deaths of innocents, is terrible to consider, but far from unlikely.  That shared leftist psychopathy would also explain why no charges would be brought against a therapist whose potential refusal to obey the law led directly to the deaths of six innocents.

Obviously, I’m speaking from decades of experience, and the rest is conjecture based on media accounts.  As I continually warn, gentle readers, that’s the primary source of the information I’m providing.  I could be entirely correct or wrong in ways I can’t know at the moment, but will, as always, make necessary corrections when corrections become necessary.

Most recently—early June—Breitbart provides some confirmation of what has been, to this point, largely merely suspected:

Audrey Hale, the 28-year-old transgender who shot six people to death at a Nashville Christian school March 27, 2023, left behind handwritten notes allegedly focused on her ‘imaginary penis,’ according to a report from Tennessee Star.

 The Star obtained nearly four dozen pages of Hale’s hand-written notes on Wednesday [o6-05-24]. The notes were found in her vehicle following the attack on the school.

According to the Star, a local newspaper whose editor-in-chief is former Breitbart contributor Michael Patrick Leahy, Hale, a biological female, allegedly wrote, ‘My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m a male.’

She allegedly claimed that being raised as a girl was ‘torture’ and added, ‘I finally found the answer – that changing one’s gender is possible.’

‘I hate parental views; how my mom sees me as a daughter – and she’d not bear to want to lose that daughter because a son would be the death of Audrey,’ Hale reportedly observed.

She reflected on the advent of puberty blockers in 2007, regretting that she did not get them then.

The Daily Mail noted that Hale, who identified as Aiden instead of Audrey at the time of the shooting, reportedly wanted a penis so she could have sex with a female.

This is ironic:

After playing with the dolls she purportedly wrote, ‘God, I am such a pervert. I waste too much time in my fantasies.’

The Tennessee Star adds details:

Hale’s diary or journal entry begins with the title “My Imaginary Penis” and includes a crude drawing.

‘My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m a male,’ wrote Hale in the diary or journal recovered by police. She then wrote about her desire to have a penis for the purpose of heterosexual sex with a woman.

While the entry is sexually explicit in nature, Hale also wrote about her experience using the name Aiden, which she began using during her transition. Hale explained that using the name on a job application for a delivery position resulted in issues with the company’s background check. [skip]

She claimed she feared ‘being called a dyke or a f*****’ during high school before feeling liberated in college and eventually learning about transgenderism in her early 20s. [skip]

At the bottom of the second page, and into the third, Hale revealed that she fantasized about experiencing intercourse as a man by creating scenes with her stuffed animals.

‘I can pretend to be them [and] do the things boys do [and] experience my boy self as Tony,’ which Hale explained is her ‘stuffed boy doll’ which she wrote ‘is like the boy I am in another form.’

In the entry, Hale proceeded to describe simulating intercourse between the ‘stuffed boy doll’ and another stuffed animal over the course of hours.

According to Hale, she began taking photos of the fantasy enactment and became so enamored that she lost track of time and could not visit the gym.

This is despicable, yet not at all surprising:

An FBI memo to MNPD Chief John Drake in May 2023, published by The Star on Tuesday, ‘strongly’ suggested withholding the release of ‘legacy tokens,’ including written materials, after incidents like the Covenant School shooting.

Take the above link, which confirms direct, continuing FBI involvement in this case.  While the letter merely makes “suggestions,” we have no idea what personal contact the FBI has had with local authorities, but it takes little imagination to believe such contacts go far beyond mere disinterested suggestions.  That the FBI is entirely politicized is apparent.

Finally, Breitbart has additional information:

On Friday [06-07-24], Brian Wilson of 99.7 WTN afternoon radio released portions of an interview between Metro Nashville Police Department investigators and Hale’s parents, and the Tennessee Star published the transcript.

In the interview, police asked Hale’s father and mother if they were aware that Hale was fixated on transitioning and asked if she ever expressed homicidal tendencies.

Her father, Ronald, said, ‘None of her therapists ever felt that they had, like, a duty to warn anybody.’

The police investigator then noted that Hale was consumed with the Columbine tapes.

‘[Hale] said something along the lines of how she felt close to [the Columbine shooters], how she could empathize with them and how they felt. And she went and bought the tapes and the books,’ the investigator said. ‘So I was curious if you guys ever heard about this, that they ever mentioned, if she ever mentioned these things to you guys at all?’

Hale’s mother, Norma, said she did not know about that.

A bit further into the exchange, the investigators talked about Hale’s journals specifically, noting that she was very scheduled and methodic.

Speaking to Ronald, an investigator said, ‘On one schedule, she wants to wake up early in the morning to slash dad’s tires before the incident happened. She wanted to create a diversion after the incident to make it out of the school but to come back and harm dad, I believe kill you is what she…’

A second investigator finished the thought, saying to Ronald, ‘We’ll be open, it was, she wanted to kill you.’

The investigators revealed there were times when Hale would record herself sneaking up behind her dad, practicing how she would harm him, and then retreat to her room.

Berry is the Arizona Governor’s Press Secretary.

Final Thoughts:  It’s likely Hale’s father is alive because of the efficiency of the Nashville Police in engaging and killing Hale.

What’s interesting is how much material, and the kinds of materials, that have been leaked.  This would seem to indicate at least some police officers recognize there’s a coverup, more specifically a trans coverup, and they’re doing their best to inform the public.

As I’ve so often written, there is no legitimate reason to cover up Hale’s writings.  Copycat killings are always possible, but it’s highly unlikely there is anything in Hale’s writings or her actions that would make another killer more effective or would inspire them beyond what is already known about this attack.  She was neither tactically efficient nor subtle.  She shot her way through locked glass doors and shot the people she saw for a short time until the police, doing their duty, engaged and killed her.

Hale was apparently inspired by the Columbine killers, but her motivations were entirely different.  She did not follow their “script,” nor did the materials I’ve been able to find to date indicate she intended to commit suicide by cop.

But with the current woke climate, all trans must be presented as a higher, more evolved form of humanity, more in touch with their feelings and essential nature than dull straights.  Depicting people like Hale as so mentally deranged by trans ideation they’re driven to the mass murder of children is, to say the least, damaging to the trans superiority narrative.  There are powerful institutions and people very invested in that narrative.  Having to recant their words and actions would be politically damaging in the extreme and would call into question all of their woke actions as well as their character and mental stability.

If more materials are “officially” released, expect entire pages, entire sections, to be redacted.  In such a case, perhaps honest police officers and other officials will continue to inform the public as fully as they’re able.

More, as always, as it develops.