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As regular readers know, I did a lengthy series on Liz Cheney back in 2022 as she was running for reelection to Congress in Wyoming, and simultaneously doing her best to get Donald Trump before Wyomingites threw her out of Congress in one of the most epic electoral beat downs of all time, a nearly 40% loss. That in a time when a loss of a few percentage points was commonly thought to be a decisive margin.  To find those articles, enter “liz cheney” in the SMM home page search bar.

Even back then it was clear Cheney and the other Marxists of the J6 Committee were doing their best to suppress evidence and lie to the American public:  

Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows.

Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had ‘no evidence’ to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.

Then there was the  “Trump tried to overpower the Secret Service” hoax:

Cheney and her committee did devote 2,000 words in their final report to an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory that President Trump had physically overcome a Secret Service agent in his zeal to join protesters at the Capitol.

That story had been told by Cassidy Hutchinson, Cheney’s friend and star witness, along with other stories that eyewitnesses disputed. (Disclosure: Hutchinson falsely claimed this reporter received classified information from a Secret Service handler in a clandestine Georgetown meeting. She has thus far refused formal requests to correct her theatrical claim.) While the story of Trump overcoming a Secret Service agent would not be told for months, Ornato pre-rebutted it in his testimony.

Even then, that nonsense didn’t work out well for Hutchinson:

Later, Hutchinson would claim Ornato had been the source of her dramatic tale that Trump had commandeered the presidential vehicle and demanded to be taken to the Capitol. Other Secret Service sources also strongly repudiated the outlandish claim.

Poor Liz actually believed her “service” on the J6 committee would catapult her to some party’s nomination for president in 2024.  That didn’t work out so well, and she has all but disappeared from the political landscape.  Now the Committee investigating the J6 Committee wants Liz to tell the truth about her suppression of evidence:

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), chairman of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight, wants answers from former Rep. Liz Cheney regarding the January 6th investigation.

Well, Loudermilk revealed to Just the News that the J6 committee delayed and suppressed the driver’s testimony.

Interesting. Why would they do that?

Oh, probably because it contradicts Hutchinson’s testimony. The transcript shows the driver ‘testified Trump never tried to reach for or grab the wheel of the SUV as Hutchinson, who wasn’t in the vehicle, alleged in her testimony.’

The committee didn’t interview the driver until after the November 2020 election, even though he offered to testify in July, August, and September.

Loudermilk said the driver’s attorney started the session ‘by chastising the select committee’ for delaying the testimony for so long.”

‘So we found out for the first time that the driver had been offering to come in and testify under oath as far back as just a few weeks after Cassidy made these claims, but the select committee would not bring them in,’ Loudermilk told the outlet.

Cheney claimed the committee wanted all Secret Service documents before allowing any detail to testify. However, she didn’t say why they allowed Hutchinson to testify before all documents came to them.

Imagine that.  Cheney and the rest of the J6 Committee suppressing evidence that didn’t fit the “get Trump” narrative.  And Liz was selfless working to save America and all.

During his interview Tuesday, Loudermilk made clear that he has deep concerns about the way Thompson and Cheney conducted the January 6 investigation, noting they kept transcripts from his committee for months after he took over and still have not produced videotapes of many of the interviews.

‘Well, it’s kind of clear that it either was the worst case of preserving documents in the history of the House of Representatives, or that they were only trying to keep those testimonies away,’ he said. ‘Because, you know, immediately they bring Cassidy Hutchinson to the forefront, then they wait until November to even bring in the Secret Service agent.’

It will be little surprise to learn people in the Trump Administration were betraying Trump:

The committee wants Alyssa Farrah Griffin, the former White House director of strategic communication under Trump, to hand over all communications with the following:

*former Vice Chair of the Select Committee Liz Cheney,

*former Special Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Legislative Affairs Cassidy Hutchinson,

*former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows,

*any Secret Service agent assigned to Chief of Staff Meadows or President Trump,

*with any representative of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office in Georgia,

Loudermilk is most interested in communications with Hutchinson because, in her memoir, she suggested that Griffin at least initially acted as a conduit between herself and Cheney.

This is good:

Loudermilk wrote to Griffin:

According to public reports, numerous sit-down interviews, and Cassidy Hutchinson’s memoir Enough, you spoke to Ms. Hutchinson about her testimony to the Select Committee during the summer of 2021. A review of the documents provided by the Select Committee resulted in questions about the veracity of Ms. Hutchinson’s public and private testimony to the Select Committee. Ms. Hutchinson specifically cites her conversation with you as one reason her testimony changed so dramatically.

For example, in Enough, Ms. Hutchinson claims that you and her ‘talked over [her] options, and [you] agreed to contact Liz Cheney on [her] behalf about scheduling another interview [with the Select Committee].’ She then recounts that during this conversation, she shared that the Select Committee ‘never asked if [she] went to the Oval [Office] dining room on January 6, or whether [she] heard about Trump’s reaction to the rioters chanting ‘Hang Mike Pence.’ According to Mark [Meadows], Trump said, ‘He deserves it.’ These stories Cassidy has later claimed to have been privy to were never discussed prior to this meeting at your Georgetown row house. There are no texts, emails, or verbal exchanges that have been verified where Ms. Hutchinson discussed these explosive claims, apart from your conversation, before testifying to the Select Committee.

In September 2023, Griffin admitted ‘that she acted as a back channel between Hutchinson and the Jan. 6 committee before her third closed-door interview and subsequent bombshell testimony.’

Final Thoughts:  It remains to be seen whether Republicans will actually do anything about this, but at the least, we can be reasonably sure Liz Cheney did great damage not only to herself, but to America.  In her deranged desperation to get Trump, she has surely established herself as one of the most dishonest, anti-American politicians in American history. Democrats/Socialists/Communist’s reputation for honesty and integrity, even in 2022, was beyond repair even as Cheney hitched herself to that virulent wagon.

Stay tuned, gentle readers.